dsp_person 4 hours ago

Recently I was googling for "stateless windows" and found this article [1] & associated repo [2] for doing a complete reinstall and config of various programs and settings. It would be cool to have a solid way to keep an up to date "clean" windows install this way. But expect the scripts will break often and require many hours of messing with to keep current. If not an open source effort, I could even see paying for curated and maintained windows scripts.

But I haven't been dual booting lately out of uhg from every time I do involves waiting 5 mins for windows update and multiple reboots, taking forever to bake something when why isn't this just extracting some binary packages or write out some new golden image at max SSD speed please!

[1] https://anduin.aiursoft.cn/post/2021/11/4/use-windows-as-a-s...

[2] https://github.com/Anduin2017/Reimage-Windows