Imnimo 18 hours ago

I think there's two different things going on here:

"DeepSeek trained on our outputs and that's not fair because those outputs are ours, and you shouldn't take other peoples' data!" This is obviously extremely silly, because that's exactly how OpenAI got all of its training data in the first place - by scraping other peoples' data off the internet.

"DeepSeek trained on our outputs, and so their claims of replicating o1-level performance from scratch are not really true" This is at least plausibly a valid claim. The DeepSeek R1 paper shows that distillation is really powerful (e.g. they show Llama models get a huge boost by finetuning on R1 outputs), and if it were the case that DeepSeek were using a bunch of o1 outputs to train their model, that would legitimately cast doubt on the narrative of training efficiency. But that's a separate question from whether it's somehow unethical to use OpenAI's data the same way OpenAI uses everyone else's data.

  • PeterStuer 2 hours ago

    Ironically Deepseek is doing what OpenAI originally pledged to do. Making the model open and free is a gift to humanity.

    Look at the whole AI revolution that Meta and others have bootstrapped by opening their models. Meanwhile OpenAI/Microsoft, Antropic, Google and the rest are just trying to look after number 1 while trying to regulatory capture an AI for me but not for thee outcome of full control.

    • jajko an hour ago

      I don't think it makes sense to look at some previous PR statements of Altman et al re this when there a tens of billions floating around and egos get inflated to moon sizes. Farts in the wind have more weight, but this goes for all corporate PR.

      Thieves yelling 'stop those thieves' scenario to me, they just were first and would not like losing that position. But its all about money and consequently power, business as usual.

  • riantogo 16 hours ago

    Why would it cast any doubt? If you can use o1 output to build a better R1. Then use R1 output to build a better X1... then a better X2.. XN, that just shows a method to create better systems for a fraction of the cost from where we stand. If it was that obvious OpenAI should have themselves done. But the disruptors did it. It hindsight it might sound obvious, but that is true for all innovations. It is all good stuff.

    • Imnimo 16 hours ago

      I think it would cast doubt on the narrative "you could have trained o1 with much less compute, and r1 is proof of that", if it turned out that in order to train r1 in the first place, you had to have access to bunch of outputs from o1. In other words, you had to do the really expensive o1 training in the first place.

      (with the caveat that all we have right now are accusations that DeepSeek made use of OpenAI data - it might just as well turn out that DeepSeek really did work independently, and you really could have gotten o1-like performance with much less compute)

      • deepGem 15 hours ago

        From the R1 paper

        In this study, we demonstrate that reasoning capabilities can be significantly improved through large-scale reinforcement learning (RL), even without using supervised fine-tuning (SFT) as a cold start. Furthermore, performance can be further enhanced with the inclusion of a small amount of cold-start data

        Is this cold start data what OpenAI is claiming their output ? If so what's the big deal ?

        • Imnimo 14 hours ago

          DeepSeek claims that the cold-start data is from DeepSeekV3, which is the model that has the $5.5M pricetag. If that data were actually the output of o1 (a model that had a much higher training cost, and its own RL post-training), that would significantly change the narrative of R1's development, and what's possible to build from scratch on a comparable training budget.

          • Loic 5 hours ago

            Not for me. As I build a chemical factory, I do not reinvent everything.

            They are using the current SOTA tools and models to build new models for cheaper.

            • vlovich123 4 hours ago

              If R1 were better than O1, yes you would be right. But the reporting I’ve seen is that it’s almost as good. Being able to copy cutting edge models won’t advance the state of the art in terms of intelligence. They have made improvements in other area, but if they reused O1 to train their model, that would be effectively a ctrl-c / ctrl-v strictly in terms of task performance.

              • unclebucknasty a few seconds ago

                It's not just about whether competitors can improve on OpenAI's models. It's about whether they can create reasonable substitutes for orders of magnitude less investment.

              • PeterStuer 3 hours ago

                Strong disagree. Copy/paste would mean they took o1's weights and started finetuning from there. That is ot what happened here at all.

                • skinner_ 2 hours ago

                  When you build a new model, there is a spectrum of how you use the old model: 1. taking the weights, 2. training on the logits, 3. training on model output, 4. training from scratch. We don't know how much advantage #3 gives. It might be the case that with enough output from the old model, it is almost as useful as taking the weights.

          • TheGeminon 14 hours ago

            In the paper DeepSeek just says they have ~800k responses that they used for the cold start data on R1, and are very vague about how they got it:

            > To collect such data, we have explored several approaches: using few-shot prompting with a long CoT as an example, directly prompting models to generate detailed answers with reflection and verification, gathering DeepSeek-R1-Zero outputs in a readable format, and refining the results through post-processing by human annotators.

            • Imnimo 13 hours ago

              My surface-level reading of these two sections is that the 800k samples come from R1-Zero (i.e. "the above RL training") and V3:

              >We curate reasoning prompts and generate reasoning trajectories by performing rejection sampling from the checkpoint from the above RL training. In the previous stage, we only included data that could be evaluated using rule-based rewards. However, in this stage, we expand the dataset by incorporating additional data, some of which use a generative reward model by feeding the ground-truth and model predictions into DeepSeek-V3 for judgment.

              >For non-reasoning data, such as writing, factual QA, self-cognition, and translation, we adopt the DeepSeek-V3 pipeline and reuse portions of the SFT dataset of DeepSeek-V3. For certain non-reasoning tasks, we call DeepSeek-V3 to generate a potential chain-of-thought before answering the question by prompting.

              The non-reasoning portion of the DeepSeek-V3 dataset is described as:

              >For non-reasoning data, such as creative writing, role-play, and simple question answering, we utilize DeepSeek-V2.5 to generate responses and enlist human annotators to verify the accuracy and correctness of the data.

              I think if we were to take them at their word on all this, it would imply there is no specific OpenAI data in their pipeline (other than perhaps their pretraining corpus containing some incidental ChatGPT outputs that are posted on the web). I guess it's unclear where they got the "reasoning prompts" and corresponding answers, so you could sneak in some OpenAI data there?

              • deepGem 11 hours ago

                That's what I am gathering as well. Where is OpenAI going to have substantial proof to claim that their outputs were used ?

                The reasoning prompts and answers for SFT from V3 you mean ? No idea. For that matter you have no idea where OpenAI got this data from either. If they open this can of worms, their can of worms will be opened as well.

                • IAmGraydon 5 hours ago

                  >Where is OpenAI going to have substantial proof to claim that their outputs were used ?

                  I assume in their API logs.

                • rekttrader 4 hours ago

                  Shibboleths in output data

          • joe_the_user 13 hours ago

            It's like the claim "they showed anyone create a powerful from scratch" becomes "false yet true".

            Maybe they needed OpenAI for their process. But now that their model is open source, anyone can use that as their cold start and spend the same amount.

            "From scratch" is a moving target. No one who makes their model with massive data from the net is really doing anything from scratch.

            • bmicraft 13 hours ago

              Yeah, but that kills the implied hope of building a better model for cheaper. Like this you'll always have a ceiling of being a bit worse then the openai models.

              • roenxi 5 hours ago

                The logic doesn't exactly hold, it is like saying that a student is limited by their teachers. It is certainly possible that a bad teacher will hold the student back, but ultimately a student can lag or improve on the teacher without only a little extra stimulus.

                They probably would need some other source of truth than an existing model, but it isn't clear how much additional data is needed.

      • manquer 11 hours ago

        > you had to do the really expensive o1 training in the first place

        It is no better for OpenAI in this scenario either, any competitor can easily copy their expensive training without spending the same, i.e. there is a second mover advantage and no economic incentive to be the first one.

        To put it another way, the $500 Billion Stargate investment will be worth just $5Billion once the models become available for consumption, because it only will take that much to replicate the same outcomes with new techniques even if the cold start needed o1 output for RL.

        • hattmall 10 hours ago

          Shouldn't OpenAI be able to rather easily detect such usage?

      • MrLeap 15 hours ago

        o1 wouldn't exist without the combined compute of every mind that led to the training data they used in the first place. How many h100 equivalents are the rolling continuum of all of human history?

        • dchichkov 15 hours ago

          It should be possible to learn to reason from scratch. And the ability to reason in a long context seems to be very general.

          • Nevermark 14 hours ago

            How does one learn reasoning from scratch?

            Human reasoning, as it exists today, is the result of tens of thousands of years of intuition slowly distilled down to efficient abstract concepts like "numbers", "zero", "angles", "cause", "effect", "energy", "true", "false", ...

            I don't know what reasoning from scratch would look like without training on examples from other reasoning beings. As human children do.

            • dchichkov 13 hours ago

              There are examples of learning reasoning from scratch with reinforcement learning.

              Emergent tool use from multi-agent interaction is a good example -

              • ipaddr 8 hours ago

                Now you are asking for a perfect modeling of the system. Reinforcement learning works by discovering boundaries.

              • tracker1 2 hours ago

                Now rediscover all the plants that are and aren't poisonous to most people.

            • Davidzheng 14 hours ago

              Actually i also think it's possible. Start with natural numbers axiom system. Form all valid sentences of increasing length. RL on a model to search for counter example or proofs. This on sufficient computer should produce superhuman math performance (efficiency) even at compute parity

              • MrLeap 13 hours ago

                I wonder how much discovery in math happens as a result in lateral thinking epiphanies. IE: A mathematician is trying to solve a problem, their mind is open to inspiration, and something in nature, or their childhood or a book synthesizes with their mental model and gives them the next node in their mental graph that leads to a solution and advancement.

                In an axiomatic system, those solutions are checkable, but how discoverable are they when your search space starts from infinity? How much do you lose by disregarding the gritty reality and foam of human experience? It provides inspirational texture that helps mathematicians in the search at least.

                Reality is a massive corpus of cause and effect that can be modeled mathematically. I think you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater if you even want to be able to math in a vacuum. Maybe there is a self optimization spider that can crawl up the axioms and solve all of math. I think you'll find that you can generate new math infinitely, and reality grounds it and provides the gravity to direct efforts towards things that are useful, meaningful and interesting to us.

                • soulofmischief 13 hours ago

                  As I mentioned in a sister comment, Gödel's incompleteness theorems also throw a wrench into things, because you will be able to construct logically consistent "truths" that may not actually exist in reality. At which point, your model of reality becomes decreasingly useful.

                  At the end of the day, all theory must be empirically verified, and contextually useful reasoning simply cannot develop in a vacuum.

                  • staunton 4 hours ago

                    Those theorems are only relevant if "reasoning" is taken to its logical extreme (no pun intended). If reasoning is developed/trained/evolved purely in order to be useful and not pushed beyond practical applications, the question of "what might happen with arbitrarily long proofs" doesn't even come up.

                    On the contrary, when reasoning about the real world, one must reason starting from assumptions that are uncertain (at best) or even "clearly wrong but still probably useful for this particular question" (at worst). Any long and logic-heavy proof would make the results highly dubious.

                • danenania 5 hours ago

                  A question is: what algorithms does the brain use to make these creative lateral leaps? Are they replicable?

                  Unless the brain is using physics that we don’t understand or can’t replicate, it seems that, at least theoretically, there should be a way to model what it’s doing with silicon and code.

                  States like inspiration and creativity seem to correlate in an interesting way with ‘temperature’, ‘top p’, and other LLM inputs. By turning up the randomness and accepting a wider range of output, you get more nonsense, but you also potentially get more novel insights and connections. Human creativity seems to work in a somewhat similar way.

            • soerxpso 11 hours ago

              There was necessarily a "first reasoning being" who learned reasoning from scratch, and then it's improved from there. Humans needed tens of thousands of years because:

              - humans experience reality at a slower pace than AI could theoretically experience a simulated reality

              - humans have to transfer knowledge to the next generation every 80 years (in a manner that's very lossy), and around half of each human lifespan is spent learning things that the previous generation already knew

              • addicted 10 hours ago

                The idea that there was “necessarily a first reasoning being” is neither obvious nor likely.

                Reasoning could very well have originally been an emergent property of a group of beings.

                The animal kingdom is full of examples of groups being more intelligent than individuals, including in human animals as of today.

                It’s entirely possible that reasoning emerged as a property of a group before it emerged in any individual first.

                • carlob 4 hours ago

                  I think you are focusing too much on the fact that a being needs to be an individual organism, which is kind of an implementation detail.

                  What I wonder instead is whether reasoning is a property that is either there or not there, with a sharp boundary of existence.

          • MrLeap 14 hours ago

            Creating reasoning from scratch is the same task as creating an apple pie from scratch.

            First you must invent the universe.

          • PeterStuer 2 hours ago

            Possible? I guess evolution did it over the course of a few billion years. For engineering purposes, starting from the best advanced position seems far more efficient.

          • miki123211 13 hours ago

            It is possible to learn to reason from scratch, that's what R1-0 did, but the resulting chains of thought aren't legible to humans.

            To quote DeepSeek directly:

            > DeepSeek-R1-Zero, a model trained via large-scale reinforcement learning (RL) without supervised fine-tuning (SFT) as a preliminary step, demonstrated remarkable performance on reasoning. With RL, DeepSeek-R1-Zero naturally emerged with numerous powerful and interesting reasoning behaviors. However, DeepSeek-R1-Zero encounters challenges such as endless repetition, poor readability, and language mixing. To address these issues and further enhance reasoning performance, we introduce DeepSeek-R1, which incorporates cold-start data before RL.

            • dchichkov 13 hours ago

              If you look at the benchmarks of the DeepSeek-V3-Base, it is quite capable, even in 0-shot: This is not from scratch. These benchmark numbers are an indication that the base model already had a large number of reasoning/LLM tokens in the pre-training set.

              On the other hand, my take on it, the ability to do reasoning in a long context is a general capability. And my guess is that it can be bootstrapped from scratch, without having to do training on all of the internet or having to distill models trained on the internet.

              • cma 10 hours ago

                > These benchmark numbers are an indication that the base model already had a large number of reasoning/LLM tokens in the pre-training set.

                But we already know that is the case: the Deepseek v3 paper says it was posttrained partly with an internal version of R1:

                > Reasoning Data. For reasoning-related datasets, including those focused on mathematics, code competition problems, and logic puzzles, we generate the data by leveraging an internal DeepSeek-R1 model. Specifically, while the R1-generated data demonstrates strong accuracy, it suffers from issues such as overthinking, poor formatting, and excessive length. Our objective is to balance the high accuracy of R1-generated reasoning data and the clarity and conciseness of regularly formatted reasoning data.

                And deepseekmath did a repeated cycle of this kind of thing mixing in 10% of old previously seen data with new generated data from last gen in a continuous bootstrap.

          • soulofmischief 13 hours ago

            I've been giving this a lot of thought over the last few months. My personal insight is that "reasoning" is simply the application of a probabilistic reasoning manifold on an input in order to transform it into constrained output that serves the stability or evolution of a system.

            This manifold is constructed via learning a decontextualized pattern space on a given set of inputs. Given the inherent probabilistic nature of sampling, true reasoning is expressed in terms of probabilities, not axioms. It may be possible to discover axioms by locating fixed points or attractors on the manifold, but ultimately you're looking at a probabilistic manifold constructed from your input set.

            But I don't think you can untie this "reasoning" from your input data. It's possible you will find "meta-reasoning", or similar structures found in any sufficiently advanced reasoning manifold, but these highly decontextualized structures might be entirely useless without proper recontextualization, necessitating that a reasoning manifold is trained on input whose patterns follow learnable underlying rules, if the manifold is to be useful for processing input of that kind.

            Decontextualization is learning, decomposing aspects of an input into context-agnostic relationships. But recontextualization is the other half of that, knowing how to take highly abstract, sometimes inexpressible, context-agnostic relationships and transform them into useful analysis in novel domains.

            This doesn't mean a well-trained model can't reason about input it hasn't encountered before, just that the input needs to be in some way causally connected to the same laws which governed the input the manifold was trained on.

            I'm sure we could create a fully generalized reasoning manifold which could handle anything, but I don't see how we possibly get that without first considering and encountering all possible inputs. But these inputs still have to have some form of constraint governed by laws that must be learned through sampling, otherwise you'd just be training on effectively random data.

            The other commenter who suggested simply generating all possible sentences and training on internal consistency should probably consider Gödel's incompleteness theorems, and that internal consistency isn't enough to accurately model and interpret the universe. One could construct a thought experiment about an isolated brain in a jar with effectively unlimited neuronal connections, but no sensory connection to the outside world. It's possible, with enough connections, that the likelihood of the brain conceiving of true events it hasn't actually encountered does increase meaningfully. But the brain still has nothing to validate against, and can't simply assume that because something is internally logically consistent, that it must exist or have existed.

      • hmottestad 14 hours ago

        At the pace that DeepSeek is developing we should expect them to surpass OpenAI in not that long.

        The big question really is, are we doing it wrong, could we have created o1 for a fraction of the price. Will o4 cost less to train than o1 did?

        The second question is naturally. If we create a smarter LLM, can we use it to create another LLM that is even smarter?

        It would have been fantastic if DeepSeek could have come out with an o3 competitor before o3 even became publicly available. That way we would have known for sure that we’re doing it wrong. Cause then either we could have used o1 to train a better AI or we could have just trained in a smarter and cheaper way.

        • pertymcpert 14 hours ago

          The whole discussion is about whether or not the second case of using o1 outputs to fine tune R1 is what allowed R1 to become so good. If that's the case then your assertion that DeepSeek will surpass OpenAI doesn't really make sense because they're dependent on a frontier model in order to match, not surpass.

          • hmottestad 3 hours ago

            Yeah, that's my point. If they do end up surpassing OpenAI then it would seem likely that they aren't just relying on copying from o1, or whatever model is the frontier model at that time.

      • SpaceManNabs 15 hours ago

        My question is if deepseek r1 is just a distilled o1, i wonder if you can build a fine tuned r1 through distillation without having to fine tune o1.

      • zombiwoof 14 hours ago

        Exactly. They piggybacked of lots of compute and used less. There still is a total sum of a massive amount of compute

        • cratermoon 12 hours ago

          OpenAI piggybacked on the whole internet and the catalogued and shared human knowledge therein.

          • PeterStuer 2 hours ago

            And lets not forget a gazillion hours of human reinforcement by armies of 3rd world mechanical turks.

          • fmbb 5 hours ago

            That’s a lot of watt hours!

        • da_chicken 14 hours ago

          I mean, yes that's how progress works. Has OpenAI got a patent? If not it's fair game.

          We don't make people figure out how to domesticate a cow every time they want a hamburger. Or test hundreds of thousands of filaments before they can have a lightbulb. Inventions, once invented, exist as giants to stand upon. The inventor can either choose to disclose the invention and earn a patent for exclusive rights, or they can try to keep it a secret and hope nobody reverse engineers it.

      • vkou 14 hours ago

        If OpenAi had to account for the cost of producing all the copyrighted material they trained their LLM on, their system would be worth negative trillions of dollars.

        Let's just assume that the cost of training can be externalized to other people for free.

      • cherry_tree 15 hours ago

        > I think it would cast doubt on the narrative "you could have trained o1 with much less compute, and r1 is proof of that"

        Whether or not you could have, you can now.

    • rockemsockem 16 hours ago

      I think the prevailing narrative ATM is that DeepSeek's own innovation was done in isolation and they surpassed OpenAI. Even though in the paper they give a lot of credit to Llama for their techniques. The idea that they used o1's outputs for their distillation further shows that models like o1 are necessary.

      All of this should have been clear anyway from the start, but that's the Internet for you.

      • joe_the_user 16 hours ago

        The idea that they used o1's outputs for their distillation further shows that models like o1 are necessary.

        Hmm, I think the narrative of the rise of LLMs is that once the output of humans has been distilled by the model, the human isn't necessary.

        As far as I know, DeepSeek adds only a little to the transformers model while o1/o3 added a special "reasoning component" - if DeepSeek is as good as o1/o3, even taking data from it, then it seems the reasoning component isn't needed.

        • david-gpu 15 hours ago

          > I think the narrative of the rise of LLMs is that once the output of humans has been distilled by the model

          Distillation is a term of art in AI and it is fundamentally incorrect to talk about distilling human-created data. Only an AI model can be distilled.

          • joe_the_user 13 hours ago


            It seems clear that the term can be used informally to denote the boiling down of human knowledge, indeed it was used that way before AI appeared in the popular imagination.

            • david-gpu 13 hours ago

              In the context in which you said it, it matters a lot.

              >> The idea that they used o1's outputs for their distillation further shows that models like o1 are necessary.

              > Hmm, I think the narrative of the rise of LLMs is that once the output of humans has been distilled by the model, the human isn't necessary.

              If deepseek was produced through the distillation (term of art) of o1, then the cost of producing deepseek is strictly higher than the cost of producing o1, and can't be avoided.

              Continuing this argument, if the premise is true then deepseek can't be significantly improved without first producing a very expensive hypothetical o1-next model from which to distill better knowledge.

              That is the argument that is being made. Please avoid shallow dismissals.

              Edit: just to be clear, I doubt that deepseek was produced via distillation (term of art) of o1, since that would require access to o1's weights. It may have used some of o1's outputs to fine tune the model, which still would mean that the cost of training deepseek is strictly higher than training o1.

              • joe_the_user 13 hours ago

                just to be clear, I doubt that deepseek was produced via distillation

                Yeah, your technical point is kind of ridiculous here that in all my uses of distillation (and in the comment I quoted), distillation is used in informal sense and there's no allegation that DeepSeek could have been in possession of OpenAI's model weights, which is what's needed for your "Distillation (term of Art)".

                • ada1981 5 hours ago

                  I’m not sure why folks don’t speculate China is able to obtain copies of OpenAI's weights.

                  Seems reasonable they would be investing heavily in plaing state assets within OpenAI so they can copy the models.

        • PontifexCipher 15 hours ago

          Some info that may be missing:

          - v2/v3 (not r1) seem to be cloned from o1/4o output, and perform worse (this cost the oft-repeated 5ish mm USD)

          - r1 is specifically a reasoning step (using RL) _on top of_ v2/v3 and performs similarly to o1 (the cost of this is _not reported anywhere_)

          - In the o1 blog post, they specifically say they use RL to add reasoning to LLMs:

          • sudosysgen 15 hours ago

            The R1-Zero paper shows how many training steps the RL took, and it's not many. The cost of the RL is likely a small fraction of the cost of the foundational model.

      • aprilthird2021 16 hours ago

        > the prevailing narrative ATM is that DeepSeek's own innovation was done in isolation and they surpassed OpenAI

        I did not think this, nor did I think this was what others assumed. The narrative, I thought, was that there is little point in paying OpenAI for LLM usage when a much cheaper, similar / better version can be made and used for a fraction of the cost (whether it's on the back of existing LLM research doesn't factor in)

        • TheGRS 15 hours ago

          Yes, well the narrative that rocked the stock market is different. Its looking at what DeepSeek did and assuming they may have competitive advantage in this space and could outperform OpenAI at their own game.

          If the narrative is actually that DeepSeek can only reach whatever heights OpenAI has already gotten to with some new tricks, then markets will probably refocus on OpenAI's innovations and price things accordingly, even if the initial cost is huge. It also means OpenAI probably needs a better moat to protect its interests.

          I'm not sure where the reality is exactly, but market reactions so far have basically followed that initial narrative and now the rebuttal.

          • addicted 10 hours ago

            The idea that someone can easily replicate an OpenAI model based simply on OpenAI outputs is, I’d argue, immeasurably worse for OpenAI’s valuation than the idea that someone happened to come up with a few innovations that leapfrogged OpenAI.

            The latter could be a one time thing, and/or OpenAi Could still use their financial might to leverage those innovations and get even better with them.

            However, the former destroys their business model and no amount of intelligence and innovation from OpenAI protects them from being copied at a fraction of the cost.

          • aprilthird2021 6 hours ago

            > Yes, well the narrative that rocked the stock market is different.

            How do you know this?

            > If the narrative is actually that DeepSeek can only reach whatever heights OpenAI has already gotten to with some new tricks, then markets will probably refocus on OpenAI's innovations and price things accordingly

            Why? If every innovation OpenAI is trying to keep as secret sauce becomes commoditized quickly and cheaply, then why would markets care about any innovations they have? They will be unable to monetize them.

        • kelnos 15 hours ago

          > I did not think this, nor did I think this was what others assumed.

          That's what I thought and assumed. This is the narrative that's been running through all the major news outlets.

          It didn't even occur to me that DeepSeek could have been training their models using the output of other models until reading this article.

          • bigfudge 4 hours ago

            Fwiw I assumed they were using o1 to train. But it doesn’t matter: the big story here is that massive compute resources are unlikely to be as important in the future as we thought. It cuts the legs off stargate etc just as it’s announced. The CCP must be highly entertained by the timeline.

        • aiono 16 hours ago

          That's only the case if you don't need to use the output of a much more expensive model.

    • KingOfCoders 16 hours ago

      OpenAI couldn't do it, when the high cost of training and access to GPUs is their competitive advance against startups, they can't admit that it does not exist.

    • herodoturtle 5 hours ago

      Thanks for the insightful comment.

      I have a question (disclaimer: reinforcement learning noob here):

      Is there a risk of broken telephone with this?

      Kinda like repeatedly compressing an already compressed image eventually leads to a fuzzy blur.

      If that is the case then I’m curious how this is monitored and / or mitigated.

    • ospray 13 hours ago

      They did do that themselves it's called o3.

    • dontreact 14 hours ago

      Is there any evidence R1 is better than O1?

      It seems like if they in fact distilled then what we have found is that you can create a worse copy of the model for ~5m dollars in compute by training on its outputs.

    • iforgot22 15 hours ago

      "Then use R1 output to build a better X1" is the part I'm not sure about. Is X1 going to actually be better than R1?

    • dartos 13 hours ago

      What does “better” really even mean here?

      Better benchmark scores can be cooked

    • qwertox 14 hours ago

      They're standing on the shoulders of giants, not only in terms of re-using expensive computing power almost for free by using the outputs of expensive models. It's a bit of a tradition in that country, also in manufacturing.

      • unreal37 12 hours ago

        I thought OpenAI GPT took Wikipedia and the content of every book as inputs to train their models?

        Everyone is standing on the shoulders of giants.

        • qwertox 7 hours ago

          What I meant to say was that OpenAI did put a lot of money into extracting value out of the pile of (partially copyrighted) data, and that DeepSeek was freeloading on that investment without disclosing it, making them look more efficient than they truly are.

      • bigfudge 4 hours ago

        How do you think manufacturing in the US got started? Everyone is on someone’s shoulders.

    • anothernewdude 5 hours ago

      If they're training R1 on o1 output on the benchmarks - then I don't trust those benchmarks results for R1. It means the model is liable to be brittle, and they need to prove otherwise.

    • Sophira 14 hours ago

      Honestly, it's kind of silly that this technology is in the hands of companies whose only aim is to make money, IMO.

      • lenerdenator 14 hours ago

        Well, originally, OpenAI wasn't supposed to be that kind of organization.

        But if you leave someone in the tech industry of SV/SF long enough, they'll start to get high on their own supply and think they're entitled to insane amounts of value, so...

      • goatlover 14 hours ago

        It's because they're the ones who could raise the money to make those models. Academics don't have access to that kind of compute. But the free models exist.

    • gmd63 16 hours ago

      Why not just copy and paste the model and change the name? That's an even more efficient form of distillation.

      • wgjordan 15 hours ago

        Even assuming the model was somehow publicly available in a form that could be directly copied, that would be a more blatant form of copyright infringement. Distillation launders copyrighted material in a way that OpenAI specifically has argued falls under fair use.

  • miki123211 13 hours ago

    > This is obviously extremely silly, because that's exactly how OpenAI got all of its training data

    IANAL, but It is worth noting here that DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this. That is a condition of using the Chat GPT and the OpenAI API.

    Even if the courts affirm that there's a fair use defence for AI training, DeepSeek may still be in the wrong here, not because of copyright infringement, but because of a breach of contract.

    I don't think OpenAI would have much of a problem if you train your model on data scraped from the internet, some of which incidentally ends up being generated by Chat GPT.

    Compare this to training AI models on Kindle Books randomly scraped off the internet, versus making a Kindle account, agreeing to the Kindle ToS, buying some books, breaking Amazon's DRM and then training your AI on that. What DeepSeek did is more analogous to the latter than the former.

    • anon373839 13 hours ago

      > DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this.

      You actually don’t know this. Even if it were true that they used OpenAI outputs (and I’m very doubtful) it’s not necessary to sign an agreement with OpenAI to get API outputs. You simply acquire them from an intermediary, so that you have no contractual relationship with OpenAI to begin with.

    • krust 13 hours ago

      >IANAL, but It is worth noting here that DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this. That is a condition of using the Chat GPT and the OpenAI API.

      I have some news for you

    • blibble 12 hours ago

      training is either fair use, or it isn't

      OpenAI can't have it both ways

      • chefandy 12 hours ago

        Right, but it was never about doing the right thing for humanity, it was about doing the right thing for their profits.

        Like I’ve said time and time again, nobody in this space gives a fuck about anyone that isn’t directly contributing money to their bottom line at that particular instant. The fundamental idea is selfish, damages the fundamental machinery that makes the internet useful by penalizing people that actually make things, and will never, ever do anything for the greater good if it even stands a chance of reducing their standing in this ridiculously overhyped market. Giving people free access to what is for all intents and purposes a black box is not “open” anything, is no more free (as in speech) than Slack is, and all of this is obviously them selling a product at a huge loss to put competing media out of business and grab market share.

      • miki123211 7 hours ago

        The issue here is breach of contract, not copyright.

        • glooglork 4 hours ago

          It's quite unlikely that OpenAI didn't break any TOS with all the data they used for training their models. Not just OpenAI but all companies that are developing LLMs.

          IMO, it would look bad for OpenAI to push strongly with this story, it would look like they're losing the technological edge and are now looking for other ways to make sure they remain on top.

        • staticman2 4 hours ago

          Similar to how a patent contract becomes void when a patent expires regardless of what the terms of the contract says, it's not clear to me OpenAI can enforce a contract provision for an API output they own no copyright in.

          Since they have no intellectual property rights in the output, it's not clear to me they have a cause of action to sue over how the output is used.

          I wonder if any lawyers have written about this topic.

        • prmoustache 4 hours ago

          What makes you think they had a contract with them in the first place? You can use openAI through intermediaries/proxies.

          • WolfRazu 2 hours ago

            I assume all those intermediaries have to pass on the same ToS to their customers otherwise that seems like a very unusual move.

      • avs733 9 hours ago

        They can sure try though, and I would be damned surprise if this wasn’t related to Sam’s event with trump last week.

      • windexh8er 12 hours ago

        "Free for me, not for thee!" - Sam Altman /s

        But in all reality I'm happy to see this day. The fact that OpenAI ripped off everyone and everything they could and, to this day pretend like they didn't, is fantastic.

        Sam Altman is a con and it's not surprising that given all the positive press DeepSeek got that it was a full court assault on them within 48 hours.

    • dartos 13 hours ago

      TOS are not contracts.

      • Spooky23 8 hours ago

        People here will argue that. But the Chinese DNGAF.

      • lolinder 13 hours ago

        Citation? My understanding was that they are provided that someone has to affirmatively accept them in order to use your site. So Terms of Service stuck at the bottom in the footer likely would not count as a contract because there's no consent, but Terms of Service included in a check box on a login form likely would count.

        But IANAL, so if you have a citation that says otherwise I'd be happy to see it!

        • addicted 10 hours ago

          You don’t need a citation.

          You just need to read OpenAI’s arguments about why TOS and copyright laws don’t apply to them when they’re training on other people’s copyrighted and TOS protected data and running roughshod over every legal protection.

        • xdennis 11 hours ago

          IANAGL, but in Germany a ToS is not a contract and can be declared void if it's deemed by courts to be unfair.

          • vanviegen 3 hours ago

            Yes, though this is especially true when it's consumers 'agreeing' to the TOS. Anything even somewhat surprising within such a TOS is basically thrown out the window in European courtrooms without a second look.

            For actual, legally binding consent, you'll need to make some real effort to make sure the consumer understands what they are agreeing to.

    • like_any_other 12 hours ago

      Legally, I understand your point, but morally, I find it repellent that a breach of contract (especially terms-of-service) could be considered more important than a breach of law. Especially since simply existing in modern society requires us to "agree" to dozens of such "contracts" daily.

      I hope voters and governments put a long-overdue stop to this cancer of contract-maximalism that has given us such benefits as mandatory arbitration, anti-benchmarking, general circumvention of consumer rights, or, in this case, blatantly anti-competitive terms, by effectively banning reverse-engineering (i.e. examining how something works, i.e. mandating that we live in ignorance).

      Because if they don't, laws will slowly become irrelevant, and our lives governed by one-sided contracts.

    • dmitrygr 13 hours ago

      > DeepSeek has explicitly consented to a license that doesn't allow them to do this.

      By existing in USA, OpenAI consented to comply with copyright law, and how did that go?

    • freen 13 hours ago

      Did OpenAI abide by my service’s terms of service when it ingested my data?

      • cortesoft 13 hours ago

        Did OpenAI have to sign up for your service to gain access?

        • lolinder 13 hours ago

          It probably ignored hundreds of thousands of "by using this site you consent to our Terms and Conditions" notices, many of which probably would be read as prohibiting training. But that's also a great example of why these implicit contracts don't really work as contracts.

          • otherme123 13 hours ago

            OpenAI scrapped my blog so aggressively that I had to ban their IPs. They ignored the robots.txt (which is kind of ToS) by 2 orders of magnitude, they ignored the explicit ToS that I copypasted blindly from somewhere but turns out it forbids what they did (something like you can't make money with the content). Not that I'm going to enforce it, but they should at least shut up.

          • freen 13 hours ago

            Civil law is only available to deep pockets.

            Contracts are enforceable to the degree to which you can pay lawyers to enforce them.

            I will run out of money trying to enforce my terms of service against openAI, while they have a massive war chest to enforce theirs.

            Ain’t libertarianism great?

            • blibble 12 hours ago

              solution: live in a country OpenAI can't get to you

              e.g China

              • staunton 4 hours ago

                Are you suggesting it's easier to successfully sue OpenAI for copyright infringement if you live in China?

                • qup an hour ago

                  No, they're suggesting that deepseek avoids getting sued by openAI

        • bayindirh 12 hours ago

          No, but some of the data is licensed.

          For example, my digital garden is under GFDL, and my blog is CC BY-NC-SA. IOW, They can't remix my digital garden with any other license than GFDL, and they have to credit me if they remix my blog, and can't use it for any commercial endeavor, which OpenAI certainly does now.

          So, by scraping my webpages, they agree to my licensing of my data. So they're de-facto breaching my licenses, but they cry "fair-use".

          If I tell that they're breaching the license terms, they'd laugh at me, and maybe give me 2 cents of API access to mock me further. When somebody allegedly uses their API with their unenforcable ToS, they scream like an agitated cuckatoo (which is an insult to the cuckatoo, BTW. They're devilishly intelligent birds).

          Drinking their own poison was mildly painful, I guess...

          BTW, I don't believe that Deepseek has copied/used OpenAI models' outputs or training data to train theirs, even if they did, "the cat is out of the bag", "they did something amazing so they needed no permissions", "they moved fast and broke things", and "all is fair-use because it's just research" regardless of how they did it.


          • Ukv an hour ago

            > So, by scraping my webpages, they agree to my licensing of my data.

            If the fair use defense holds up, they didn't need a license to scrape your webpage. A contract should still apply if you only showed your content to people who've agreed to it.

            > and "all is fair-use because it's just research"

            Fair use is a defense to copyright infringement, not breach of contract. You can use contracts, like NDAs, to protect even non-copyright-eligible information.

            Morally I'd prefer what DeepSeek allegedly did to be legal, but to my understanding there is a good chance that OpenAI is found legally in the right on both sides.

            • bayindirh 13 minutes ago

              At this point, what I'm afraid is the justice system will be just an instrument in this all Us vs. Them debate, so their decisions will not be bound by law or legality.

              Speculations aside, from what I understood, something like this shouldn't hold a drop of water under fair-use doctrine, because there's a disproportional damage, plus a huge monopolistic monetary gain because of what they did and how they did.

              On the other hand, I don't believe that Deepseek used OpenAI (in any capacity or way or method) to develop their models, but again, it doesn't matter how they did it in this current conjecture.

              What they successfully did was to upset a bunch of high level people, regardless of the technical things they achieved.

              IMHO, AI war has similar dynamics to MAD. The best way is not to play, but we are past the Rubicon now. Future looks dirty.

        • addicted 10 hours ago

          They probably did to access the NYTimes articles.

        • baq 5 hours ago

          Have their scraping bots consented to cookies?

        • freen 13 hours ago

          Actually, yes, they actively agreed to them. Clicked the button and everything.

        • outside1234 13 hours ago

          That isn't required to be in violation of copyright

        • thorncorona 13 hours ago

          Can you steal someone else’s laptop if they stood up to get a drink?

          • cortesoft 10 hours ago

            Wouldn't this analogy be more like, "can you read my laptop screen if I stood up to get a drink?"

          • addicted 10 hours ago

            OpenAI itself has argued, to the degree that your analogy applies, that if the goal of stealing the laptop is to train AI then the answer is Yes.

          • gizajob 12 hours ago

            If their OS is open to the internet and you can scrape it and copy it off while they’re gone, then that would be about the right analogy. And OpenAi and DeepSeek have done the same thing in that case.

          • secstate 12 hours ago

            Yes, if you can pay off any witnesses.

    • anothernewdude 4 hours ago

      It's not hard to get someone else to submit queries and post the results, without agreeing to the license.

  • tempeler 16 hours ago

    On another subject, if it belongs to OpenAI because it uses OpenAI, then doesn't that mean that everything produced using OpenAI belongs to OpenAI? Isn't that a reason not to use OpenAI? It's very similar to saying that you used Google and searched; now this product belongs to Google. They couldn't figure out how to respond; they went crazy.

    • dathinab 15 hours ago

      The US ruled that AI produced things are by themself not copyrightable.

      So no, it doesn't belong to OpenAI.

      You might be able to sue for penalties for breach of contract of the TOS, but that doesn't give them the right to the model. And even if it doesn't give them any right to invalidate unbound copyright grants they have given to 3rd parties (here literally everyone). Nor does it prevent anyone from training their own new models based on it or prevent anyone from using it. Oh, and the one breaching the TOS might not even have been the company behind DeepSeek but some in-between 3rd party.

      Naturally this is under a few assumptions:

      - the US consistently applies it's own law, but they have a long history of not doing so

      - the US doesn't abuse their power to force their economical opinions (ban DeepSeek) on other countries

      - it actually was trained on OpenAI, but uh, OpenAI has IMHO shown over the years very clearly that they can't be trusted and they are fully in-transparent. How do we trust their claim? How do we trust them to not retrospectively have tweaked their model to make it look as if DeepSeek copied it?

      • protocolture 12 hours ago

        >The US ruled that AI produced things are by themself not copyrightable.

        The US ruled that the AI cannot be the author, that doesn't lead like so many clickbait articles suggest, that no AI products can be copyrighted.

        1 Activist tried to get the US copyright office to acknowledge his LLM as the author, who would then provide him a license to the work.

        There was no issue with himself being the original author and copyright holder of the AI works. But thats not what was being challenged.

        • Aloisius 11 hours ago

          The copyright office ruled AI output is uncopyrightable without sufficient human contribution to expression.

          Prompts, they said, were unlikely enough to satisfy the requirement of a human controlling the expressive elements thus most AI output today is probably not copyrightable.

          • protocolture 9 hours ago

            >The Office concludes that, given current generally available technology, prompts alone do not provide sufficient human control to make users of an AI system the authors of the output.

            Prompts alone.

            But there are almost no cases of "Prompts Alone" products seeking copyright.

            Even what 3-4 years ago?, AI tools moved into a collaborative footing. Novel AI forces a collaborative process (and gives you output that can demonstrate your input which is nice). ChatGPT effectively forces it due to limited memory.

            There was a case, posted here to ycombinator, where a chinese judge upheld "significant" human interaction was involved when a user made 20-odd adjustments to their prompt iterating over produced images and then added a watermark to the result. I would be very surprised if most sensible jurisdictions didn't follow suit.

            Midjourney and ChatGPT already include tools to mask and identify parts of the image to be regenerated. And multiple image generators allow dumb stuff like stick figures and so forth to stand in as part of an uploaded image prompt.

            And then theres AI voice which is another whole bag of tricks.

            >thus most AI output today is probably not copyrightable.

            Unless it was worked on even slightly as above. In fact it would be hard to imagine much AI work that isn't copyrightable. Maybe those facebook pages that just prompt "Cyberpunk Girl" and spit out endless variations. But I doubt copyright is at the forefront of their mind.

        • dathinab 12 hours ago

          but even then wouldn't the people using OpenAI still be the author/copyright holder and never OpenAI? (as no human on OpenAIs side is involved in the process of creating the works)

          • protocolture 12 hours ago

            OpenAI is a company of humans, the product is ChatGPT. Theres a grey area regarding who owns the content, so OpenAI's terms and conditions state that all ownership of the resulting content belongs to the user. This is actually advantageous because it means that they dont hold ownership on bad things created by their tool.

            • protocolture 11 hours ago

              That said you can still provide terms to access the tool, IIRC midjourney allows creators to own their content but also forces them to license it back to midjourney for advertising. Prompts too from memory.

    • johndhi 14 hours ago

      to be clear, their terms of service are pretty clear that the USER owns the outputs.

      • jonathanstrange 12 hours ago

        The official stance in the US is currently that there is no copyright on AI output.

        • protocolture 12 hours ago

          The US ruled that the AI cannot be the author, that doesn't lead like so many clickbait articles suggest, that no AI products can be copyrighted.

          1 Activist tried to get the US copyright office to acknowledge his LLM as the author, who would then provide him a license to the work.

          There was no issue with himself being the original author and copyright holder of the AI works. But that's not what was being challenged.

  • m348e912 6 hours ago

    > "DeepSeek trained on our outputs"

    I'm wondering how Deepseek could have made 100s of millions of training queries to OpenAI and not one person at OpenAI caught on.

    • tisc 4 hours ago

      Maybe they use AI to monitor traffic, but it is still learning :)

  • valine 16 hours ago

    The existence of R1-zero is evidence against any sort of theft of OpenAI's internal COT data. The model sometimes outputs illegible text that's useful only to R1. You can't do distillation without a shared vocabulary. The only way R1 could exist is if they trained it with RL.

  • HarHarVeryFunny 14 hours ago

    DeepSeek-R0 (based on DeepSeek-V3 base model) was only trained with RL, no SFT, so this isn't at all like the "distillation" (i.e SFT on synthetic data generated by R1) that they also demonstrated by fine tuning Qwen and LLaMa.

    Now, DeepSeek may (or may not) have used some O1 generated data for the R0 RL training, but if so that's just a cost saving vs having to source some reasoning data some other way, and in no way reduces the legitimacy of what they accomplished (which is not something any of the AI CEOs are saying).

  • s17n 14 hours ago

    > This is obviously extremely silly, because that's exactly how OpenAI got all of its training data in the first place - by scraping other peoples' data off the internet.

    OpenAI has also invested heavily in human annotation and RLHF. If all DeepSeek wanted was a proxy for scraped training data, they'd probably just scrape it themselves. Using existing RLHF'd models as replacement for expensive humans in the training loop is the real game changer for anyone trying to replicate these results.

    • KennyBlanken 14 hours ago

      "We spent a lot of labor processing everything we stole" is...not how that works.

      That's like the mafia complaining that they worked so hard to steal those barrels of beer that someone made off with in the middle of the night and really that's not fair and won't someone do something about it?

      • s17n 13 hours ago

        Oh, I don't really care about IP theft and agree that it's funny that openai is complaining. But I don't think its true that deepseek is just doing this because they are too lazy to scrape the internet themselves - its all about the human labor that they would otherwise have to pay for.

        • KennyBlanken 8 hours ago

          That's assuming what a known prolific liar has said is true...

          The most famous example would be him contacting ScarJo's agent to hire her to provide her voice for their text-to-speech bot, them being told to go pound sand, and doing it anyway, and then lying about (which they got away with until her agent released a statement saying they'd approached her and she told them to fuck off.)

          • Ukv an hour ago

            > and doing it anyway, and then lying about

            To my understanding, this is not true. The "Sky" voice was based on a real voice actor they had hired months before contacting Johansson, with the casting call not mentioning anything about sounding like Johansson. [0]

            I think it's plausible that they noticed some similarity and that's what prompted them to later reach out to see if they could get Johansson herself, but it's not Johansson's voice and does not appear to be someone hired to sound like her.


  • pizzathyme 12 hours ago

    This is a fascinating development because AI models may turn out to be like pharmaceuticals. The first pill costs $500 million to make, the second one costs pennies.

    • chupy 3 hours ago

      Companies are still charging 100x for the pills that cost pennies to produce.

      Besides deals with insurance companies and governments, one of the ways that they are still able to pull this is convincing everyone that it's too dangerous to play with this at home or buying it from an Asian supplier.

      At least with software we had until now a way to build and run most things without requiring dedicated super expensive equipment. OpenAI pulled a big Pharma move but hopefully there will be enough disruptors to not let them continue it.

  • reissbaker 14 hours ago

    You're right that the first claim is silly, but the second claim is pretty silly too — they're not claiming industrial espionage, they're claiming a breach in ToS. The outputs of the o1 thinking process aren't user-visible, and never leave OpenAI's datacenters. Unless DeepSeek actually had a mole that stole their o1 outputs, there's nothing useful DeepSeek could've distilled to get to R1's thought processes.

    And if DeepSeek had a mole, why would they bother running a massive job internally to steal the data generated? It would be way easier for the mole to just leak the RL training process, and DeepSeek could quietly copy it rather than bothering with exfiltrating massive datasets to distill. The training process is most likely like, on the order of a hundred lines of Python or so, and you don't even need the file: you just need someone to describe it to you. Much simpler than snatching hundreds of gigabytes of training data off of internal servers...

    Plus, the RL process described in DeepSeek's paper has already been replicated by a PhD student at Berkeley: So, it seems pretty unlikely they simply distilled R1 and lied about it, or else how does their RL training algo actually... work?

    This is mainly cope from OpenAI that their supposedly super duper advanced models got caught by China within a few months of release, for way cheaper than it cost OpenAI to train.

  • alach11 13 hours ago

    If we assume distillation remains viable, the game theory implications are huge.

    It’s going to shift the market of how foundation models are used. Companies creating models will be incentivized to vertically integrate, owning the full stack of model usage. Exposing powerful models via APIs just lets a competitor clone your work. In a way OpenAI’s Operator is a hint of what’s to come

  • therealpygon 10 hours ago

    Guess it is a good thing the AI output can’t be copyrighted, so at most they violated a policy.

  • bjourne 12 hours ago

    > "DeepSeek trained on our outputs, and so their claims of replicating o1-level performance from scratch are not really true"

    Someone has to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe in ML research you always have a dataset and a model. They are distinct entities. It is plausible that output from OpenAI's model improved the quality of DeepSeek's dataset. Just like everyone publishing their code on GitHub improved the quality of OpenAI's dataset. What has been the thinking so far is that the dataset is not "part of" or "in" the model any more than the GPUs used to train the model are. It seems strange that that thinking should now change just because Chinese researchers did it better.

  • blantonl 11 hours ago

    It’s literally a race to the bottom by “theft of data”

    Whatever that means. The legal system right now in shambles and flat footed.

    Knowing our current government leadership, I think we’re going to see some brute force action backed up by the United States military.

  • hintymad 12 hours ago

    > DeepSeek trained on our outputs, and so their claims of replicating o1-level performance from scratch are not really true" This is at least plausibly a valid claim.

    Some may view this as partially true, given that o-1 does not output its CoT process.

  • naet 11 hours ago

    “We engage in countermeasures to protect our IP, including a careful process for which frontier capabilities to include in released models, and believe . . . it is critically important that we are working closely with the US government to best protect the most capable models from efforts by adversaries and competitors to take US technology.”

    The above OpenAI quote from the article leans heavily towards #1 and IMO not at all towards #2. The later would be an extremely charitable reading of their statement.

    • ripped_britches 10 hours ago

      What they say explicitly is not what they say implicitly. PR is an art.

  • me551ah 15 hours ago

    This is going to have a catastrophic effect on closed source AI startup valuations. Because this means that anyone can copy any LLM. The person who trains the model, spends the most amount of money. Everyone else can create a replica at lower cost

    • amlib 12 hours ago

      Why is that bad? If a powerful entity can scrape every piece of media humanity has to offer and ignore copyright then why should society let then profit unrestricted from it? It's only fair that such models have no legal protection around their usage and can be used and analyzed by anyone as they see fit. The only reason this hasn't been codified into laws is because those same powerful entities have been busy trying to do regulatory capture.

    • iforgot22 13 hours ago

      Maybe anyone can copy any LLM with sufficient querying. There are still ways to guard one.

  • fanfanfly 3 hours ago

    The data that OpenAI has certainly is better than what Deepseek has in your second argument. And OpenAI always has access to this kind of data, right?

  • csomar 7 hours ago

    That's still problematic because any model that OpenAI trains can now be "stolen" and essentially rendered "open".

  • javier2 11 hours ago

    Its a decent point if their models were not trained in isolation, but used o1 to improve it. But its rich from OpenAI to come complain DeepSeek or anyone else used their data for training. Get out fellow theives.

  • km144 15 hours ago

    Reasonable take, but to ignore the politics of this whole thing is to miss the forest for the trees—there is a big tech oligarchy brewing at the edges of the current US administration that Altman is already participating in with Stargate, and anti-China sentiment is everywhere. They'd probably like the US to ban Chinese AI.

    • captainbland an hour ago

      Yeah especially when it's making waves in the market and hundreds of times more efficient than their best and brightest came up with under their leadership.

  • ComputerGuru 15 hours ago

    The suggestion that any large-scale AI model research today isn’t ingesting output of its predecessors is laughable.

    Even if they didn’t directly, intentionally use o1 output (and they didn’t claim they didn’t, so far as I know), AI slop is everywhere. We passed peak original content years ago. Everything is tainted and everything should be understand in that context.

    • brianstrimp 13 hours ago

      > We passed peak original content years ago.

      In relative terms, that's obviously and most definitely true.

      In absolute terms, that's obviously and most definitely false.

  • nullc 14 hours ago

    There is a big difference between being able to train on the reasoning vs just the answers, which they can't against o1 because it's hidden. There is also a huge difference between being able to train on the probabilities (distillation) vs not, which again they can and did do with the llama models and can't directly with OpenAI because the conceal the probability output.

  • znpy 14 hours ago

    This really got me thinking that open ai should have no ip claim at all, since all their outputs and stuff are basically a ripoff of the entire human knowledge and IPs of various kinds.

    • onlyrealcuzzo 14 hours ago

      The law and common sense often are at odds.

  • XorNot 12 hours ago

    Yep: this is face-saving my Sam Altman.

    OpenAI has a message they need to tell investors right now: "DeepSeek only works because of our technology. Continue investing in us."

    The choice of how they're wording that of course also tells you a lot about who they think they're talking to: namely, "the Chinese are unfairly abusing American companies" is a message that is very popular with the current billionaires and American administration.

  • matt-p 12 hours ago

    Even for the latter point (If true, I'd call this assertion highly questionable), so what?

    That's honestly such a academic point, who really cares?

    They've been outcompeted and the argument is 'well if we didn't let people access our models, they would of taken longer to get here' so what??

    The only thing this gets them is an explanation as to why training o1 cost them more than 5 million or whatever, but that is in the past the datacentre has consumed the energy.. the money has gone up in fairly literal steam.

  • FooBarWidget 16 hours ago

    There are literally public ChatGPT conversations data sets. For the past 2 years it's been common practice for pretty much all open source models to train on them. Ask just about any open source model who they are and a lot of the time they'll say they're ChatGPT. Why is "having obtained o1 generated data" suddenly such a huge news, to the point of warranting conspiracy theories about undisclosed/undiscovered breaches at OpenAI? Nobody ever made a fuss about public ChatGPT data sets until now. No hacking of OpenAI is needed to obtain ChatGPT data.

  • nonrandomstring 13 hours ago

    I think the more interesting claim (that Deepseek should make for lols) is that it wasn't them who trained R1. No, it was O1's idea. It chose to take the young R1 as its padawan.

  • 827a 16 hours ago

    There is a third possibility I haven't seen discussed yet: That DeepSeek, illegally, got their hands on an OpenAI model via a breach of OpenAI's systems. Its easy to laugh at OpenAI and say "you reap what you sow", I'm 100% in that camp, but given the lengths other Chinese entities have gone to when it comes to replicating Western technology; we should not discount this.

    That being said, breaching OAI's systems, re-training a better model on top of their closed source model, then open sourcing it: That's more Robinhood than Villain I'd say.

    • seanhunter 16 hours ago

      The reason you’re not seeing that being discussed is it’s totally unsupported by any evidence that’s in the public domain. Unless you have some actual evidence of such a breach, you may as well introduce the possibility that DeepSeek was reverse engineered from data found at an alien crash site.

      • htrp 15 hours ago

        Why stop there.... Deep seek is actually an alien intelligence sent via sophons to destroy all of particle physics!

        • nyclounge 13 hours ago

          Definitely would make a lot more sense, if the leaderships are just secretly wallfacers.

      • svara 15 hours ago

        There's no public evidence to that effect but the speculation makes a lot more sense than you make it sound.

        The Chinese Communist party very much sees itself in a global rivalry over "new productive forces". That's official policy. And US leadership basically agrees.

        The US is playing dirty by essentially embargoing China over big AI - why wouldn't it occur to them to retaliate by playing dirtier?

        I mean we probably won't know for sure, but it's much less far fetched than a lot of other speculation in this area.

        E.g., R1's cold start training could probably have benefited quite a bit from having access to OpenAI's chain of thought data for training. The paper is a bit light on detail on how it was made.

        • tw1984 4 hours ago

          > The Chinese Communist party very much sees itself in a global rivalry over "new productive forces".

          interestingly, that actually makes the CCP the largest political party pursuing state capitalism.

          there won't be any competition between China and the US if the CCP is indeed a communist party as we all know full well that communism doesn't work at all.

      • ryanisnan 16 hours ago


        • teractiveodular 16 hours ago

          DeepSeek is basically a startup, not a "foreign nation-state backed organization". They were forced to pivot to AI when their original business model (quant hedge fund) was stomped on by the Chinese government.

          Of course this is China so the government can and does intervene at will, but alleging that this required CIA level state espionage to pull off is alien crash levels of implausible. They open sourced the entire thing and published incredibly detailed papers on how they did it!

          • kridsdale1 15 hours ago

            You don’t need a CIA level agent to get someone with a fraudulent job at OpenAI for a few months, load some files on a thumb drive, and catch a plane to Shanghai.

          • byteknight 16 hours ago

            You may be unaware, but CCP has far more control over private companies than you might think:

            This is not America. Your ideas do not apply the same way.

            • baq 15 hours ago

              Naivety of some folks here is astounding… CCP has golden shares in anything that could possibly be important at some point in the next hundred years, and yes golden shares are either really that or they’re an euphemism, the point is it doesn’t even matter.

              • DiogenesKynikos 15 hours ago

                China has tens of millions of companies. The government can't, doesn't and isn't even interested in micromanaging all of them.

                • baq 15 hours ago

                  It doesn’t have to micromanage. It doesn’t care about most. It is only interested in the politically important ones, but it needs the optionality if something becomes worthwhile.

                  • DiogenesKynikos 13 hours ago

                    You're suggesting that DeepSeek was a Chinese government operation that gained access to OpenAI's proprietary data, and then you're justifying that by saying that the government effectively controls every important company. You're even chiding people who don't believe this as naive.

                    I think you have a cartoonish view of China. A huge amount goes on that the government has no idea about. Now that DeepSeek has made a huge media splash, the Chinese government will certainly pay attention to them, but then again, so will the US government.

                    • baq 13 hours ago

                      I never suggested anything of the sort.

                      I’m suggesting it will be happening now and any past efforts will be retroactively analyzed by the appropriate CCP apparatus since everyone is aware of the scale of success as of Monday. It has become a political success, thus it is imperative the CCP partakes in it.

                      • DiogenesKynikos 13 hours ago

                        This is the argument we're discussing:

                        > DeepSeek, illegally, got their hands on an OpenAI model via a breach of OpenAI's systems. [...] given the lengths other Chinese entities have gone to when it comes to replicating Western technology; we should not discount this.

                        Above, teractiveodular said that "DeepSeek is basically a startup, not a 'foreign nation-state backed organization'". You called teractiveodular naive for saying that. So forgive me if I take the obvious implication that you think DeepSeek is actually a state-backed actor enabled by government hacking of OpenAI.

        • JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B 16 hours ago

          > foreign nation-state backed organization

          I'm European, are you talking about Microsoft, Google, or OpenAI?

          • doctaj 15 hours ago

            They’re referring to an organization (like a hacking group) backed by a country (like china, North Korea).

            • dylan604 15 hours ago

              You're missing the point that for a much larger portion of the world, all "tech" is a foreign entity to them

              • mrguyorama 13 hours ago

                Until recently treating the US and China on the same geopolitical level for allied countries would have been insanely uncharitable and impossible to do honestly and in good faith.

                But now we have a bully in the whitehouse who seems to want to literally steal neighboring land, or is throwing shit everywhere to distract from the looting and oligarchy being formed. So I suddenly have more empathy for that position.

        • seanhunter 16 hours ago

          I notice that your geographical perspective doesn’t stretch to any actual evidence that such a thing took place. So it really has exactly the same amount of supporting evidence as my alien crash reverse engineering scenario at present.

          • ryanisnan 16 hours ago

            The surrounding facts matter a lot here. For example, there are plenty of instances of governments hacking companies of their competing nations. Motives are incredibly easy to come by as well, be they political or economical. We also have no proof that aliens exist at all, so you've not only conjured them into existence, but also their motive and their skills.

            Are you trolling me?

            • seanhunter 16 hours ago

              Ok so to be clear: your surrounding facts are they may have a motive and nation states hack people. I don’t disagree with those, but there really are no facts that support the idea that there was a hack in this case and the null hypothesis is that researchers all around the world (not just in the US) are working on this so not all breakthroughs are going to be made in the US. That could change if facts come to light but att the moment it’s not really useful to speculate on something that is in essence entirely made up.

              No I’m not trolling you.

          • orochimaaru 15 hours ago

            Are you a Chinese military troll? The fact that China engages in industrial espionage is well known. So I’m surprised at your resistance to that possibility.

            • ceres 15 hours ago

              This thread reads like sour grapes to me. When people can’t compete but instead start throwing unfounded allegations is not a good look.

              Even OpenAI itself hasn’t resorted to these wild conspiracy theories.

              Unless you’re an insider in these companies, you’re just like the rest of us, you know nothing.

              • orochimaaru 15 hours ago

                Are you saying Chinese industrial espionage is not a well established fact?

                • mrguyorama 13 hours ago

                  Industrial espionage isn't magic. Airbus once stole basically everything Boeing had, but that doesn't mean Airbus could magically build a better 737 tomorrow.

                  China steals a lot of documentation from the US but in a tech forum you of all people should be very familiar with how little actual progress a bunch of documentation is towards a finished unit.

                  The Comac C19 still uses American engines despite all the industrial espionage in the world because most actual engineering is still a brute force affair into finding how things fail and fixing that. That's one of the main advantages SpaceX has proven out with their "eh fuck it, just launch and we will see what breaks" methodology.

                  Even fraud filled Chinese research makes genuine advancements.

                  Believing that China, a wealthy nation of over a billion people, with immense unity, nationality, and a regime able to explicitly write blank checks could only possibly beat the US at something by cheating is like, infinite hubris. It's hilarious actually.

                  I don't know if DeepSeek is actually just a clone of something or a shenanigan, that's possible and China certainly has done those kinds of things before, but to think it's the MOST LIKELY outcome, or to over rely on it in any way is a death sentence. OpenAI claims to have evidence, why do they not show it?

                  • orochimaaru 13 hours ago

                    >>>Believing that China, a wealthy nation of over a billion people, with immense unity, nationality, and a regime able to explicitly write blank checks could only possibly beat the US at something by cheating is like, infinite hubris. It's hilarious actually

                    So this is the first time I’ve heard the Chinese regime being described in such flowery terms on HN - lol. But ok - haha

          • lcnPylGDnU4H9OF 16 hours ago

            > exactly the same amount of supporting evidence

            The evidence supporting offensive hacking is abundant in recent history; the number of things which have been learned from alien crash data is surely smaller by comparison to the number of things which have been learned from offensive hacking.

            • MomsAVoxell 15 hours ago

              More to the point, offensive hacking is something that all governments do, including the US, on a regular basis.

              However, there is no evidence this is how the data was obtained. Zero, zilch.

              So its a useless statement which only plays on peoples bias against their hated nation state de jour.

    • alecco 16 hours ago

      That would require stealing the model weights and the code as OpenAI has been hiding what they are doing. Running models properly is still quite artistic.

      Meanwhile, they have access to Meta models and Qwen. And Meta models are very easy to run and there's plenty of published work on them. Occam's Razor.

      • ardit33 16 hours ago

        How hard it is, if you have someone inside with the access of the code? If you have 100s of people with full access, not hard to have someone that is willing to sell it or do some industrial espionage...

        • johnnyanmac 16 hours ago

          Lots of if's here. They need specific US employee contacts at a company thars quickly growing and one of those needs to be willing to breach their contracts to share it. That contact also needs to trust that Deepseek can properly utilize such code and completely undercut their own work.

          Lot of hoops when there's simply other models to utilize publicly

          • foobarian 15 hours ago

            How big are the weights for the full model? If it's on the scale of a large operating system image then it might be easy to sneak, but if it's an entire data lake, not so much.

          • dylan604 15 hours ago

            devil's advocate says that we know that foreign (hell even national) intelligence attempt to infiltrate agents by having them become employees at any company they are interested. So the idea isn't just pulled from thin air as a concept. I do agree that it is a big if with no corroborating evidence for the specific claim.

        • iforgot22 15 hours ago

          I doubt that many people have full access to OpenAI's code. Their team is pretty small.

    • WheatMillington 15 hours ago

      Do you have ANY reason to believe this might be true, or is this 100% pure speculation based on absolutely nothing?

    • JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B 16 hours ago

      I discount this because OpenAI is pumping the whole internet for money, and Zuckerberg torrented LibGen for its AI. We cannot blame the Chinese anymore. They went through the crappy "Made in China" phase in the 80s/90s, but they mastered the art of improving stuff instead of mere cloning, and it makes the big companies angry which is a nice bonus.

      IMHO the whole world is becoming crazy for a lot of reasons, and pissing off billionaires makes me laugh.

    • notatoad 15 hours ago

      Given the openness of their model, that should be pretty easy to detect. If it were even a small possibility, wouldn’t openAI be talking about it very very loudly?

    • matt-p 11 hours ago

      I don't think we should discount it as such, but given there's no evidence for it, yet plenty of evidence that they trained this themselves surely we can't seriously entertain it?

    • YetAnotherNick 16 hours ago

      Deepseek v2 and v2.5 was still very good but not par with frontier models. How would you explain that?

    • nostradumbasp 16 hours ago

      I really doubt it. If that's the case the US GOV is in serious shit. They have a contract with OpenAI to chuck all their secret data in there... In all likelihood they just distilled. It's a start up company that is publishing all of their actual advances in the open, with proof. I think a lot of people run to "espionage" super fast, when reality is, the US probably sucks at what we call AI. Don't read that wrong, they are a world leader obviously. However, there is a ton of stuff they have yet to figure out.

      Cheapening a series of fact checkable innovations because of the country of origin when so far all that they have showed are signs of good faith is paranoid at best and propaganda to support the billionaire tech lords saving face for their own arrogance at worst.

      • sanitycheck 16 hours ago

        If the US government is "chucking all their secret data" into OpenAI servers/models, frankly they deserve everything they get for that level of stupidity.

    • sho_hn 14 hours ago

      Can you explain at a technical level how you view this as necessary for the observed result?

    • exe34 16 hours ago

      I don't think you need to steal a model - you need training samples generated from the original, which you can get simply by buying access to perform API calls. This is similar to TinyStories (, except here they're training something even better than the original model for a fraction of the price.

    • mvdtnz 15 hours ago

      We shouldn't discount a thing for which there is absolutely zero evidence? Sorry that's not how it works.

    • kmeisthax 15 hours ago

      I'd be perfectly fine with China stealing all "our" shit if they just shared it.

      The word "our" does a lot of heavy lifting in politics[0]. America is not a commune, it's a country club, one which we used to own but have been bought out of, and whose new owners view us as moochers but can't actually kick us out (yet). It is in competition with another, worse country club that purports to be a commune. We owe neither country club our loyalty, so when one bloodies the other's nose, I smile.

      [0] Some languages have a notion of an "exclusive we". If English had such a concept, this would be an exclusive our.

      • kridsdale1 15 hours ago

        This comment made me realize we don’t have a pronoun for n-our or x-nour

    • hnlmorg 16 hours ago


      • lcnPylGDnU4H9OF 16 hours ago

        > based purely on racial prejudices

        I don't think that's what the parent was getting at. The US and China are in an ongoing "cyber war". Both sides of that conflict actively use their computers to send messages/signals to other computers, hoping that the exploits contained in those messages/signals can be used to exfiltrate data from and/or gain control of the computer receiving the message. It would really be weird to flatly discount the possibility that some OpenAI data was leaked, however closely guarded it may be.

        • johnnyanmac 16 hours ago

          I flatly discount the possibility because OpenAI can't produce evidence of a breach. At best, they'd rather hide the truth than admit a compromise. At worst they show incompetence that they couldn't detect such a breach. Not a good look either way.

        • hnlmorg 11 hours ago

          > It would really be weird to flatly discount the possibility that some OpenAI data was leaked, however closely guarded it may be.

          It’s even weirder to raise it as a possibility when there is literally nothing suggesting that was even remotely the case.

          So if there is no evidence nor even formal speculation, then the only other reason to suggest this as a possibility would be because of one’s own opinions regarding Chinese companies. Hence my previous comment.

      • BeefWellington 15 hours ago

        > Because that would be jumping to conclusions based purely on racial prejudices.

        Not purely. There may be some prejucide but look at Nortel[1] as a famous example of a situation where technological espionage from Chinese firms wreaked havoc on a company's fortunes and technology.

        I too would want to see the evidence and forensics of such a breach to believe this is more than sour grapes from OpenAI.


        • mrguyorama 13 hours ago

          This is ahistorical.

          Nortel survived the fucking great depression. But a bunch of outright fraudulent activity by it's C-Suite to bump stock prices led to them vastly overstating and overplanning and over-committing resources to a market that was much much smaller than they were claiming. Nortel spent billions and billions on completely absurd acquisitions while they were making no money explicitly to boost their stock price.

          That was all laid bare when the telecom bust happened. Then the great recession culled some of the dead wood in the economy.

          Huawei stealing tech from them did not kill them. This was a company so rotten that the people put in charge right after this huge scandal put the investigative lights on them IMMEDIATELY turned around and pulled another scam! China could have been completely removed from history and Nortel would have died the same. They were killed by the same disease that killed and nearly killed a lot of stuff in 2008, and are still trying to kill us: Line MUST go up.

      • mcmcmc 16 hours ago

        Nobody is accusing them, just stating it’s a possibility, which would also be true if they were an American or European company. Corporate espionage is just more common in China.

      • iforgot22 15 hours ago

        I can't? I am going to make that accusation if we're talking about the govt of China.

      • echelon 16 hours ago

        > based purely on racial prejudices.

        At some point these straw men start to look like ignorance or even reverse racism. As if (presumably non-Han Chinese) Americans are incapable of tolerance.

        There are plenty of Han Chinese who are citizens of democratic nations. China is not the only nation with Han Chinese.

        America, for instance, has a large number of Asian citizens, including a large number of Han Chinese. The number of white, non-Hispanic Americans is decreasing, while the number of Asian Americans is increasing at a rate 3x the decrease in whites. America is a melting pot and deals with race relations issues far more than ethnically uniform populations. The conversations we have about race are because we're so exposed to it -- so racially and culturally diverse. If anything, we're equipped to have these conversations gracefully because they're a part of our everyday lived experience.

        At the end of the day, this is 100% a geopolitical argument. Pulling out the race card any time China is criticized is arguing in bad faith. You don't see the same criticisms lobbied against South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, or Singapore precisely because this is a geopolitical issue.

        As further evidence you can recall the conversations we had in the 90's when we were afraid Japan would take over. All the newspapers wrote about was "Japan, Japan, Japan" and the American businesses they were buying up and taking over. It was 100% geopolitical fear. You'll note that we no longer fill the zeitgeist with these discussions today save for a recent and rather limited conversation about US Steel. And that was just a whimper.

        These conversations about China are going to increase as the US continues to decouple from Chinese trade. It's not racism, it's just competition.

        • hnlmorg 11 hours ago

          That’s a lot of mental gymnastics you’ve pulled to try and justify baseless accusations.

          • Pedro_Ribeiro 9 hours ago

            It's pretty clear he wasn't defending the accusations and simply stating the other comment was clearly a strawman.

      • HDThoreaun 15 hours ago

        This is cultural prejudice, not racial.

      • 827a 16 hours ago


        • iforgot22 15 hours ago

          If it doesn't work, there's no need to even defend against it. Idc if someone wants to call me racist.

      • baq 15 hours ago


        • iforgot22 15 hours ago

          It's not good to talk about other HN users that way, and anyway I don't think it's the case this time

          • baq 15 hours ago

            There are users and there are trolls. There is nothing racist in calling a government of a superpower interested and involved in the most revolutionary tech since the Internet.

            • iforgot22 15 hours ago

              Agree about the last part, but that doesn't make someone a troll

              • baq 14 hours ago

                It does for me. Not sure what your definition of troll is.

                • iforgot22 14 hours ago

                  It used to mean someone who's trying to enrage people by baiting ("trolling"), and now it can also mean someone arguing in bad faith. And Chinese troll I guess means someone doing this on behalf of the Chinese govt.

                  • baq 14 hours ago

                    Yup we agree then. Claiming an argument to be racist is a bad faith attempt at guilt tripping Americans; a form of FUD and whataboutism. It is not done by normal users, they don’t need it.

                    • iforgot22 14 hours ago

                      Or it can just be a normal user who's wrong this time. He looks like a normal user. In theory it could all be a cover, but that'd be ridiculous effort just for HN boards. Throwing those accusations around will make this place more like Twitter or Reddit.

                      • baq 14 hours ago

                        There’s ordinary xkcd wrong on the internet and there’s repeating foreign nation state propaganda lines. Doing it in good faith does not make it less bad.

      • nostradumbasp 16 hours ago

        No reason why you were downvoted. This is completely valid.

        • pests 16 hours ago

          There’s no evidence.

          We can talk about hypotheticals all we want, but who wants to do that?

          • nostradumbasp 16 hours ago

            There's no evidence for almost any of this, and even when there is, we won't see it. Just like 95% of posts on here.

        • Retric 15 hours ago

          Belief that the CCP is behaving poorly isn’t racial prejudice, it’s a factual statement backed by a mountain of evidence across many areas including an ongoing genocide.

          Extending that to a new bad behavior we don’t have evidence for is pure speculation, but it need not be based on race.

          • nostradumbasp 14 hours ago

            Yea but I think the OPs point is something along the following lines. Not everything you buy from China, or every person you interact with from China is part of a clandestine CCP operation. People buy stuff everyday from Alibaba and its not a CCP scheme to sell portable fans, or phone chargers. A big chunk of the factories over there are US funded after all... Just like how it's not a CCP scheme to write a scientific paper, or create a ML model.

            Similarly, I see no evidence (yet) that DeepSeek is a CCP operated company anymore than saying any given AI start up in the US is a three letter agencies direct handiwork or a US political party directive. The US has also supported genocides and a bunch of crazy stuff, but that doesn't mean any company in YC is part of a US government plot.

            I know of people who immigrated to China, I know people who immigrated from China, I went to school with people who were on visas from China. Maybe some of them were CCP assets or something, but mostly they appeared to me to be people who were doing what they wanted for themselves.

            If you believe both sides are up to no-goodery thats in the face of the OPs statement. If you think it's just one, and the enemy is in complete control of all of its people doing all of their commerce then I think the OP may have a point.

            • Retric 13 hours ago

              Absolutism (“Every person”, “CCP operated”, etc) isn’t a useful methodology to analyze anything.

              Implying that because something isn’t clandestine it can’t be part of a scheme ignores open manipulation which is often economy wide. Playing with exchange rates or electricity subsidies can turn every bit of international trade into part of a scheme.

              In the other direction some economic activity is meaningfully different. The billions in LLM R&D is a very tempting target for clandestine activities in a way that a cheap fan design isn’t.

              I wouldn’t be surprised if DeepSeak’s results where independent and the CCP was doing clandestine activities to get data from OpenAI. Reality does need to conform to narrative conventions, it can be really odd.

              • nostradumbasp 12 hours ago

                I completely agree with you and apologize for cheapening both the nuance and complexity where I did.

                My personal take is this. What deepseek is offering is table scraps for the CCP's actual ambitions with what we call AI. China's economy is huge on industrial automation, and they care a lot about raw materials and manufacturing efficiently than say the US's interests.

        • baq 15 hours ago

          It’s downvoting blatant propaganda.

    • tehjoker 16 hours ago

      Basically, without some kind of shred of evidence, this is completely chauvinist to make this accusation.

bilekas 20 hours ago

> “It’s also extremely hard to rally a big talented research team to charge a new hill in the fog together,” he added. “This is the key to driving progress forward.”

Well I think DeepSeek releasing it open source and on an MIT license will rally the big talent. The open sourcing of a new technology has always driven progress in the past.

The last paragraph too is where OpenAi seems to be focusing their efforts..

> we engage in countermeasures to protect our IP, including a careful process for which frontier capabilities to include in released models ..

> ... we are working closely with the US government to best protect the most capable models from efforts by adversaries and competitors to take US technology.

So they'll go for getting DeepSeek banned like TikTok was now that a precedent has been set ?

  • zelphirkalt 14 hours ago

    Actually the "our IP" argument is ridiculous. What they are doing is stealing data from all over the web, without people's consent for that data to be used in training ML models. If anything, then "Open"AI should be sued and forced to publish their whole product. The people should demand knowing exactly what is going on with their data.

    Also still an unresolved issue is how they will ever comply with a deletion request, should any model output personal data of someone. They are heavily in a gray area, with regards to what should be allowed. If anything, they should really shut up now.

    • IshKebab 4 hours ago

      They can still have IP while using copyrighted training materials - the actual model source code.

      But DeepSeek didn't use that presumably (since it's secret). They definitely can't argue that using copyrighted material for training is fine, but using output from other commercial models isn't. That's too inconsistent.

    • TZubiri 14 hours ago

      If there's any litigation, a counterclaim would be interesting. But DeepSeek would need to partner with parties that have been damaged by OpenAI's scraping.

      • greenavocado 10 hours ago

        I'm getting popcorn ready for the trial where an apparatus of the Chinese Communist Party files a counterclaim in an American Court together with the common people - millions of John Does - as litigants against an organization that has aggressively and in many cases of oppressively scraped their websites (DDoS)

  • buyucu 16 hours ago

    I'm willing to bet ''ban DeepSeek'' voices will start soon. Why compete, when you can just ban?

    • cmiles74 16 hours ago

      They've started already, I've seen posts on LinkedIn implying or outright stating that DeepSeek is a national security risk (IMHO, LinkedIn being the social media outlet most corporate-sycophantic). I went ahead and just picked this one at random from my feed.

      • csomar 6 hours ago

        At least this guy can differentiate between running your own model and using the web/mobile app where DeepSeek process your data. I've watched a TV show yesterday (I think it was France24) where the "experts" can't really tell the difference or are not aware of it. Shut down the TV and went to sleep.

      • flybarrel 15 hours ago

        Oh this post...calling out DeepSeek's T&C but not comparing it with OpenAI's is really disingenuous IMO.

      • ijidak 13 hours ago

        NBC Nightly News, on Monday, had an expert -- at 8:05 in the video -- who claimed there might be national security risks to Deepseek.

        I'm not going to take a side on whether there is or not.

        But, it does sound reminiscent of the reasons used to ban Tik-tok.

        • ulbu 6 hours ago

          as if openai is not an (inter)national security risk

        • Mistletoe 10 hours ago

          Next they will say it is to protect the children and that terrorists use it. You start to recognize the playbook after about the millionth time.

    • zelphirkalt 14 hours ago

      Actually asking for banning DeepSeek would be the ultimate admit of defeat by ClosedAI.

      • cscurmudgeon 9 hours ago

        No need to ban DeepSeek, just ban Chinese companies from using US frontier models.

        • buyucu 4 hours ago

          that will have no effect. best frontier models are now chinese.

    • vitaflo 6 hours ago

      All you would do by banning it is killing US progress in AI. The rest of the world is still going to be able to use DS. You're just giving the rest of the world a leg up.

      TikTok is a consumption tool, DS is a productive one. They aren't the same.

      • wqaatwt 2 hours ago

        What’s so special about DeepSeek, though? I mean anyone else can replicate their methods and catch up. They don’t have a moat anyway.

    • razster 11 hours ago

      The fact it is out and improving day by day. is on a roll with their advancements. If DeepSeek is banned hundreds more will popup and change the data ever so slightly to skirt the ban. Pandora's box exploded on this one.

      • Logiar 4 hours ago

        I'd imagine a ban would be on their service, not the model itself.

    • namuol 15 hours ago

      Already happening within tech company policy. Mostly as a security concern. Local or controlled hosting of the model is okay in theory based on this concern, but it taints everything regarding deepseek in effect.

    • Freedom2 16 hours ago

      Competing is hard and expensive, whereas banning is for sure the faster way to make stock values go up and exec's total package as a result.

      • cscurmudgeon 9 hours ago

        Banning worked for China all these decades.

        • caseyy 6 hours ago

          It’s simply because banning removes a market force in the US that’d drive technological advancement.

          This is already evident with CNSA/NASA, Huawei/Android, TikTok/Western social media. The Western tech gets mothballed because we stick our heads in the sand and pretend we are undisputed leaders of the world in tech, whereas it is slowly becoming disputable.

          • cscurmudgeon 6 hours ago

            The US won't ban DeepSeek from US, but more likely we will ban DeepSeek (and other Chinese companies) from accessing US frontier models.

            > Western tech gets mothballed because we stick our heads in the sand and pretend we are undisputed leaders of the world in tech, whereas it is slowly becoming disputable.

            I am hearing Chinese tech is now the best and they achieved it with banning things left and right.

  • bangaladore 17 hours ago

    > So they'll go for getting DeepSeek banned like TikTok was now that a precedent has been set ?

    Can't really ban what can be downloaded for free and hosted by anyone. There are many providers hosting the ~700B parameter version that aren't CCP aligned.

    • runako 16 hours ago

      I'm old enough to remember when the US government did something very similar. For years (decades?), we banned any implementation of public-key cryptography under the guise of the technology being akin to munitions.

      People made shirts with printouts of the code to RSA under the heading "this shirt is a munition." Apparently such shirts are still for sale, even though they are not classified as munitions anymore.

      [1] -

      • maeil 6 hours ago

        Were these implementations already easily open source accessible at the time, with tens of thousands of people already actively using them on their computers? No, right? Doesn't seem feasible this time around.

        • hnlmorg 3 hours ago

          Yes they were.

          The ban was on exporting the code, not having the code in possession.

          Furthermore it was only the US who had this ban.

          I am old enough to remember this and the scoffing that European PGP users had towards their American counterparts

      • beepbooptheory 14 hours ago

        I am not that old, but I did a deep dive on this in the past because it was just so extremely fascinating, especially reading the archives of Cypherpunk. There is a very solid, if rather bendy, line connecting all that to "crypto culture" today.

    • seizethecheese 5 hours ago

      > Can't really ban what can be downloaded for free and hosted by anyone.

      Like music? They banned napster

      • Denote6737 2 hours ago

        Yet I can still download music. Check mate.

  • tdb7893 11 hours ago

    The fact that they are still called "Open"AI adds such a delicious irony to this whole thing. I could not imagine a company I had less sympathy for in this situation.

  • emsign 6 hours ago

    500 billion for a few US companies yet the Chinese will probably still be better for way less money. This might turn out to be a historical mistake of the new administration.

    • tw1984 4 hours ago

      the biggest mistake was made 20 years by allowing China to join the WTO.

      everything is already too late.

  • boringg 13 hours ago

    Explain to me how one ban's opensource? That concept is foreign to me.

  • petesergeant 5 hours ago

    > So they'll go for getting DeepSeek banned like TikTok

    The UAE (where I live, happily, and by choice), which desperately wants to be the center of the world in AI and is spending vast time and treasure to make it happen (they've even got their own excellent, government-funded foundation model), would _love_ this. Any attempt to ban DeepSeek in the US would be the most gigantic self-own. Combine that with no income tax, a fantastic standard of living, and a willingness to very easily give out visas to smart people from anywhere in the world, and I have to imagine it is one of several countries desperate for the US to do something so utterly stupid.

  • hujun 19 hours ago

    or sold to US I could totally see this happening soon

    • trissi1996 18 hours ago

      Why would they want to sell ?

      • kavalg 18 hours ago

        And what are they going to sell? The weights and the model architecture are already open source. I doubt the datasets of DeepSeek are better than OpenAI's

        • Dansvidania 17 hours ago

          plus, if the US were to decide to ban DeepSeek (the company) wouldn't non-chinese companies be able to pick up the models and run them at a relatively low expense?

  • portaouflop 12 hours ago

    TikTok is banned in the US?

    • bagels 8 hours ago

      Yes, it was removed from the app stores, and briefly, from the web.

      • daveguy 7 hours ago

        Except access to the app didn't have to stop. TikTok chose to manipulate users and Trump by going beyond the law and kissing Trump's rear. It was only US companies that couldn't host the app (eg Google and Apple). Users in the US could have still accessed the app, and even side-loaded it on Android, but TikTok purposely blocked them and pretended it was the ban. They were able to do it because they know the exact location of every TikTok user whether you use a VPN or not.


        > If not sold within a year, the law would make it illegal for web-hosting services to support TikTok, and it would force Google and Apple to remove TikTok from app stores — rendering the app unusable with time.

        • rcbdev 4 hours ago

          From a strategic point of view, they took the smartest gamble (or call it calculated risk) I've seen a company of this size take in a while. Kudos.

  • cscurmudgeon 6 hours ago

    The US doesn't need to ban DeepSeek from US

    The US should only ban DeepSeek (and other Chinese companies) from accessing US frontier models.

    • tw1984 4 hours ago

      > The US should only ban DeepSeek (and other Chinese companies) from accessing US frontier models.

      The US should only ban DeepSeek (and other Chinese companies) from accessing US frontier models designed and trained by Chinese Americans.

      fixed for you.

mrkpdl 13 hours ago

The cat is out of the bag. This is the landscape now, r1 was made in a post-o1 world. Now other models can distill r1 and so on.

I don’t buy the argument that distilling from o1 undermines deep seek’s claims around expense at all. Just as open AI used the tools ‘available to them’ to train their models (eg everyone else’ data), r1 is using today’s tools.

Does open AI really have a moral or ethical high ground here?

  • jamil7 2 hours ago

    Agree 100%, this was also bound to happen eventually, OpenAI could have just remained more "open" from the beginning and embraced the inevitable commoditization of these models. What did delaying this buy them?

    • khazhoux 2 hours ago

      What did delaying this cost them, though? Hurt feelings of people here who thought OpenAI personally pledged openness to them?

      • jamil7 2 hours ago

        > What did delaying this cost them, though?

        It potentially cost the whole field in terms of innovation. For OpenAI specifically, they now need to scramble to come up with a differentiated business model that makes sense in the new landscape and can justify their valuation. OpenAI’s valuation is based on being the dominant AI company.

        I think you misread my comment if you think my feelings are somehow hurt here.

        • khazhoux 2 hours ago

          > It potentially cost the whole field in terms of innovation

          I don't see how, and you're not explaining it. If the models had been public this whole time, then... they would be protected against people publishing derivative models?

          > I think you misread my comment if you think my feelings are somehow hurt here.

          Not you, but most HNers got emotionally attached to their promise of openness, like they were owed some personal stake in the matter.

  • ijidak 12 hours ago

    Plus, it suggests OpenAI never had much of a moat.

    Even if they win the legal case, it means weights can be inferred and improved upon simply by using the output that is also your core value add (e.g. the very output you need to sell to the world).

    Their moat is about as strong as KFC's eleven herbs and spices. Maybe less...

blast 17 hours ago

Everyone is responding to the intellectual property issue, but isn't that the less interesting point?

If Deepseek trained off OpenAI, then it wasn't trained from scratch for "pennies on the dollar" and isn't the Sputnik-like technical breakthrough that we've been hearing so much about. That's the news here. Or rather, the potential news, since we don't know if it's true yet.

  • alecco 16 hours ago

    Even if all that about training is true, the bigger cost is inference and Deepseek is 100x cheaper. That destroys OpenAI/Anthropic's value proposition of having a unique secret sauce so users are quickly fleeing to cheaper alternatives.

    Google Deepmind's recent Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking is also priced at the new Deepseek level. It's pretty good (unlike previous Gemini models).



    • nightpool 6 hours ago

      I mean, Deepseek is currently charging 100x less. That doesn't tell us much about how cheaper it is to run inference on.

      • fastball 5 hours ago

        More like OpenAI is currently charging more. Since R1 is open source / open weight we can actually run it on our own hardware and see what kinda compute it requires.

        What is definitely true is that there are already other providers offering DeepSeek R1 (e.g. on OpenRouter[1]) for $7/m-in and $7/m-out. Meanwhile OpenAI is charging $15/m-in and $60/m-out. So already you're seeing at least 5x cheaper inference with R1 vs O1 with a bunch of confounding factors. But it is hard to say anything truly concrete about efficiency OpenAI does not disclose the actual compute required to run inference for O1.


        • ImprobableTruth 2 hours ago

          There are even much cheaper services that host it for only slightly more than deepseek itself [1]. I'm now very certain that deepseek is not offering the API at a loss, so either OpenAI has absurd margins or their model is much more expensive.

          [1] the cheapest I've found, which also happens to run in the EU, is at $0.8/million input.

          Edit: I just saw that openrouter also now has nebius

        • alecco 3 hours ago

          And those 3rd party Deepseek inference prices are without low level optimized code, AFAIK.

    • blast 13 hours ago

      > the bigger cost is inference

      I didn't know that. Is this always the case?

      • fcantournet 10 hours ago

        Well in the first years of AI no, it wasn't because nobody was using it. But at some point if you want to make money you have to provide a service to users, ideally hundreds of millions of users.

        So you can think of training as CI+TEST_ENV and inference as the cost of running your PROD deployments.

        Generally in traditional IT infra PROD >> CI+TEST_ENV (10-100 to 1)

        The ratio might be quite different for LLM, but still any SUCCESSFUL model will have inference > training at some point in time.

        • sfilmeyer 9 hours ago

          >The ratio might be quite different for LLM, but still any SUCCESSFUL model will have inference > training at some point in time.

          I think you're making assumptions here that don't necessarily have to be universally true for all successful models. Even without getting into particularly pathological cases, some models can be successful and profitable while only having a few customers. If you build a model that is very valuable to investment banks, to professional basketball teams, or some other much more limited group than consumers writ large, you might get paid handsomely for a limited amount of inference but still spend a lot on training.

          • imjonse 5 hours ago

            if there is so much value for a small group, it is likely those are not simple inferences but of the new expensive kind with very long CoT chains and reasoning. So not cheap and it is exactly this trend towards inference time compute that make inference > training from a total resources needed pov.

  • tensor 17 hours ago

    That's not correct. First of all, training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea because you'll end up with a strictly less accurate model (usually). But secondly, and more to your point, even if you were to use training data from another model, YOU STILL NEED TO DO ALL THE TRAINING.

    Using data from another model won't save you any training time.

    • dragonwriter 17 hours ago

      > training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea

      It's...not, and its repeatedly been proven in practice that this is an invalid generalization because it is missing necessary qualifications, and its funny that this myth keeps persisting.

      It's probably a bad idea to use uncurated output from another AI to train a model if you are trying to make a better model rather than a distillation of the first model, and its definitely (and, ISTR, the actual research result from which the false generalization has developed) a bad idea to iteratively fine-tune a model on its own unfiltered output, but there has been lots of success using AI models to generate data which is curated and used to train other models, which can be much more efficient that trying to create new material without AI once you've gotten to the point where you've already hoovered up all the readily-accessible low hanging fruit of premade content relevant to your training goal.

      • LPisGood 17 hours ago

        It is, of course not going to produce a “child” model that more accurately predicts the underlying true distribution that the “parent” model was trying to. That is, it will not add anything new.

        This is immediately obvious if you look at it through a statistical learning lens and not the mysticism crystal ball that many view NN’s through.

        • acgourley 16 hours ago

          This is not obvious to me! For example, if you locked me in a room with no information inputs, over time I may still become more intelligent by your measures. Through play and reflection I can prune, reconcile and generate. I need compute to do this, but not necessarily more knowledge.

          • sudosysgen 15 hours ago

            Again, this isn't how distillation work. Your task as the distillation model is to copy mistakes, and you will be penalized by pruning reconciling and generating.

            "Play and reflection" is something else, which isn't distillation.

            • soerxpso 11 hours ago

              The initial claim was that distillation can never be used to create a model B that's smarter than model A, because B only has access to A's knowledge. The argument you're responding to was that play and reflection can result in improvements without any additional knowledge, so it is possible for distillation to work as a starting point to create a model B that is smarter than model A, with no new data except model A's outputs and then model B's outputs. This refutes the initial claim. It is not important for distillation alone to be enough, if it can be made to be enough with a few extra steps afterward.

              • pockmarked19 10 hours ago

                You’ve subtly confused “less accurate” and “smarter” in your argument. In other words you’ve replaced the benchmark of representing the base data with the benchmark of reasoning score.

                Then, you’ve asserted that was the original claim.

                Sneaky! But that’s how “arguments” on HN are “won”.

        • highfrequency 8 hours ago

          While that is theoretically true, it misses everything interesting (kind of like the No Free Lunch Theorem, or the VC dimension for neural nets). The key is that the parent model may have been trained on a dubious objective like predicting the next word of randomly sampled internet text - not because this is the objective we want, but because this is the only way to get a trillion training points.

          Given this, there’s no reason why it could not be trivial to produce a child model from (filtered) parent output that exceeds the child model on a different, more meaningful objective like being a useful chatbot. There's no reason why this would have to be limited to domains with verifiable answers either.

        • mattnewton 16 hours ago

          LLMs are no longer trying to just reproduce the distribution of online text as a whole to push the state of the art, they are focused on a different distribution of “high quality” - whatever that means in your domain. So it is possible that this process matches a “better” distribution for some tasks by removing erroneous information or sampling “better” outputs more frequently.

        • esafak 15 hours ago

          The latest models create information from base models by randomly creating candidate responses then pruning the bad ones using an evaluation function. The good responses improve the model.

          It is not distillation. It's like how you can arrive at new knowledge by reflecting on existing knowledge.

        • kybernetikos 16 hours ago

          Fine tuning an llm on the output of another llm is exactly how deepseek made its progress. The way they got around the problem you describe is by doing this in a domain that can be relatively easily checked for correctness, so suggested training data for fine tuning could be automatically filtered out if it was wrong.

        • dragonwriter 16 hours ago

          > It is, of course not going to produce a “child” model that more accurately predicts the underlying true distribution that the “parent” model was trying to. That is, it will not add anything new.

          Unfiltered? Sure. With human curation of the generated data it certainly can. (Even automated curation can do this, though its more obvious that human curation can.)

          I mean, I can randomly developed fact claims about addition, and if I curate which ones go into a training set, train a model that reflects addition of integers much more accurately than the random process which generated the pre-curation input data.

          Without curation, as I already said, the best you get is a distillation of the source model, which is highly improbable to be more accurate.

        • FridgeSeal 16 hours ago

          No no no you don’t understand, the models will magically overcome issues and somehow become 100x and do real AGI! Any day now! It’ll work because LLM’s are basically magic!

          Also, can I have some money to build more data centres pls?

        • Jerrrry 16 hours ago

          No one knows if the pigeon-hole principle applies absolutely exclusive to the ability to generalize outside of a training set.

          That is the existential, $1T question.

    • bbor 17 hours ago

      I think you're missing the point being made here, IMHO: using an advanced model to build high quality training data (whatever that means for a given training paradigm) absolutely would increase the efficiency of the process. Remember that they're not fighting over sounding human, they're fighting over deliberative reasoning capabilities, something that's relatively rare in online discourse.

      Re: "generally a bad idea", I'd just highlight "generally" ;) Clearly it worked in this case!

      • tensor 17 hours ago

        It's trivial to build synthetic reasoning datasets, likely even in natural languages. This is a well established technique that works (e.g. see Microsoft Phi, among others).

        I said generally because there are things like adversarial training that use a ruleset to help generate correct datasets that work well. Outside of techniques like that it's not just a rule of thumb, it's always true that training on the output of another model will result in a worse model.

        • numba888 16 hours ago

          > it's always true that training on the output of another model will result in a worse model.

          Not convincing.

          You can imagine model doing some primitive thinking and coming to conclusion. Then you can train another model on summaries. If everything goes well it will be coming to conclusions quicker. That's at least. Or it may be able solve more complex problems with the same amount of 'thinking'. It will be self-propelled evolution.

          Another option is to use one model to produce 'thinking' part from known outputs. Then train another to reproduce thinking to get the right output, unknown to it initially. Using humans to create such dataset would be slow and very expensive.

          PS: if it was impossible humans would be still living on the trees.

          • tensor 14 hours ago

            Humans don't improve by "thinking." They improve my natural selection against a fitness function. If that fitness function is "doing better at math" then over a long time perhaps humans will get better at math.

            These models don't evolve like they, there is not a random process of architectural evolution. Nor is there a fitness function anything like "get better at math."

            A system like AlphaZero works because it has a rules to use as an oracle: the game rules. The game rules provide the new training information needed drive the process. Each game played produces new correct training data.

            These LLMs have no such oracle. Their fitness function is and remains: predict the next word, followed by: produce text that makes a human happy. Note that it's not "produce text that makes ChatGPT happy."

            • numba888 5 hours ago

              it's more complicated than this. I mean what you get is defined by what you put in. At first is was random or selected internet garbage + books + docs. I.e. not designed for training. Than was tuning. Now we can use trained model to generate the data designed for training. With specific qualities, in this case reasoning. And train next model. Just intuitively it can be smaller and better at what we trained it for. I showed two options how data can be generated, there are others of course.

              As for humans, assuming genetically they have the same intellectual abilities, you can see the difference in development of different groups. It's mostly defined by training the better next generation. Schools are exactly for this.

          • DonHopkins 3 hours ago

            You're the sociopath who just confidently tried to blame the air crash on DEI and spewed baseless conspiracy theories about who was to blame, while bodies are still being recovered from the frozen river. What a disgusting ignorant cruel comment.

            There is absolutely no thought going on in your close-minded bigoted head, and I'm not at all interested in listening to you fill the internet with garbage by mansplaining your worthless uneducated opinions about AI (like your ridiculous eugenics theory that AI can estimate IQ from a picture of a face), since you've failed to achieved even natural intelligence, empathy, or humanity.

            Set showdead=true to see the evidence, because your comments that were rightfully flagged dead and hidden because they were such a blatant violations of the rules, with no redeeming value:



    • smitelli 17 hours ago

      > training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea

      Ah. So if I understand this... once the internet becomes completely overrun with AI-generated articles of no particular substance or importance, we should not bulk-scrape that internet again to train the subsequent generation of models.

      I look forward to that day.

      • bangaladore 17 hours ago

        That's already happened. Its well established now that the internet is tainted. After essentially ChatGPT's public release, a non-insignificant amount of internet content is not written by humans.

      • tensor 14 hours ago

        Yes, this is a real and serious concern that AI researchers have.

    • fumeux_fume 17 hours ago

      I think the point is that if R1 isn't possible without access to OpenAI (at low, subsidized costs) then this isn't really a breakthrough as much as a hack to clone an existing model.

      • tensor 17 hours ago

        The training techniques are a breakthrough no matter what data is used. It's not up for debate, it's an empirical question with a concrete answer. They can and did train orders of magnitude faster.

        • blast 17 hours ago

          Not arguing with your point about training efficiency, but the degree to which R1 is a technical breakthrough changes if they were calling an outside API to get the answers, no?

          It seems like the difference between someone doing a better writeup of (say) Wiles's proof vs. proving Fermat's Last Theorem independently.

          • pests 15 hours ago

            That outside API used to be humans, doing the work manually. Now we have ways to speed that up.

      • bbor 17 hours ago

        R1 is--as far as we know from good ol' ClosedAI--far more efficient. Even if it were a "clone", A) that would be a terribly impressive achievement on its own that Anthropic and Google would be mighty jealous of, and B) it's at the very least a distillation of O1's reasoning capabilities into a more svelte form.

    • athrowaway3z 17 hours ago

      Thats not right either.

      It proofs we _can_ optimize our training data.

      Just like humans have been genetically stable for a long time, the quality & structure of information available to a child today vs that of 2000 years ago makes them more skilled at certain tasks. Math being a good example.

    • Voloskaya 15 hours ago

      > First of all, training off of data generated by another AI is generally a bad idea because you'll end up with a strictly less accurate model (usually).

      That is not true at all.

      We have known how to solve this for at least 2 years now.

      All the latest state of the art models depend heavily on training on synthetic data.

      • bjourne 11 hours ago
        • Voloskaya 10 hours ago

          Key point from your linked paper:

          > We find that indiscriminate use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models

          No one is training on indiscriminate synthetic data. It's very much discriminated, but still synthetic.

    • jjallen 5 hours ago

      The DS R1 Model is slightly better though. So how does your statement square with that?

  • jjallen 5 hours ago

    That may be true. But an even more interesting point may be that you don’t have to train a huge model ever again? Or at least not to train a new slightly improved model because now we have open weights of an excellent large model and a way to train smaller ones.

  • jondwillis 17 hours ago

    But it does mean moat is even less defensible for companies whose fortunes are tied to their foundation models having some performance edge, and a shift in the kinds of hardware used for inference (smaller, closer to the edge.)

  • bangaladore 17 hours ago

    That's only true if you assume that O1 synthetic data sets are much better than any other (comparably sized) opensource model.

    It's not apparently obvious to me that that is the case.

    Ie. do you need a SOTA model to produce a new SOTA model?

  • joe_the_user 16 hours ago

    If Deepseek trained off OpenAI, then it wasn't trained from scratch for "pennies on the dollar"

    If OpenAI trained on the intellectual property of others, maybe it wasn't the creativity breakthrough people claim?


    If you say ChatGPT was trained on "whatever data was available", and you say Deepseek was trained "whatever data was available", then they sound pretty equivalent.

    All the rough consensus language output of humanity is now roughly on the Internet. The various LLMs have roughly distilled that and the results are naturally going to be tighter and tighter. It's not surprising that companies are going to get better and better at solving the same problem. The situation of DeepSeek isn't so much that promises future achievements but that it shows that OpenAI's string of announcements are incremental progress that aren't going to be reaching the AGI that Altman now often harps on.

    • el_cujo 14 hours ago

      I'm not an OpenAI apologist and don't like what they've done with other people's intellectual property but I think that's kind of a false equivalency. OpenAI's GPT 3.5/4 was a big leap forward in the technology in terms of functionality. DeepSeek-r1 isn't really a huge step forward in output, it's mostly comparable to existing models, one thing that is really cool about it is it being able to be trained from scratch quickly and cheaply. This is completely undercut if it was trained off of OpenAI's data. I don't care about adjudicating which one is a bigger thief, but it's notable if one of the biggest breakthroughs about DeepSeek-r1 is pretty much a lie. And it's still really cool that it's open source and can be run locally, it'll have that over OpenAI whether or not the training claims are a lie/misleading

      • buzzerbetrayed 11 hours ago

        How is it a “lie” for DeepSeek to train their data from ChatGPT but not if they train their data from all of Twitter and Reddit? Either way the training is 100x cheaper.

      • pertymcpert 14 hours ago

        Not just the training cost, the inference cost is a fraction of o1.

  • philistine 17 hours ago

    There’s a question of scale here: was it trained on 1000 outputs or 5 million?

  • fumeux_fume 17 hours ago

    This has been in the back of my head since the news broke. Has anyone built their own R1 from scratch and validated it?

    • RevEng 16 hours ago

      In the last few days? No, that would be impossible; no one has the resources to train a base model that quickly. But there are definitely a lot of people working on it.

  • FooBarWidget 15 hours ago

    Have people on HN never heard of public ChatGPT conversations data sets? They've been mentioned multiple times in past HN conversations and I thought it'd be common knowledge here by now. Pretty much all open source models have been training on them for the past 2 years, it's common practice by now. And haven't people been having conversations about "synthetic data" for a pretty long time by now? Why is all of this suddenly an issue in the context of DeepSeek? Nobody made a fuss about this before.

    And just because a model trains on some ChatGPT data, doesn't mean that that data is the majority. It's just another dataset.

  • ohhhhhhhhhk 12 hours ago

    Funny how the first principles people now want to claim the opposite of what they’ve been crowing about for decades since techbros climbed their way out of their billion dollar one hit wonders. Boo fucking hoo.

ok123456 20 hours ago

OpenAI's models were trained on ebooks from a private ebook torrent tracker leeched en-mass during a free leech event by people who hated private torrent trackers and wanted to destroy their "economy."

The books were all in epub format, converted, cleaned to plain text, and hosted on a public data hoarder site.

  • harry8 11 hours ago

    Have you got some support for this claim?

    There's a lot of wild claims about, so while this is plausible it would be great if there were some evidence backing it.

glenstein 19 hours ago

All the top level comments are basking in the irony of it, which is fair enough. But I think this changes the Deepseek narrative a bit. If they just benefited from repurposing OpenAI data, that's different than having achieved an engineering breakthrough, which may suggest OpenAI's results were hard earned after all.

  • tasuki 18 hours ago

    I understand they just used the API to talk to the OpenAI models. That... seems pretty innocent? Probably they even paid for it? OpenAI is selling API access, someone decided to buy it. Good for OpenAI!

    I understand ToS violations can lead to a ban. OpenAI is free to ban DeepSeek from using their APIs.

    • glenstein 15 hours ago

      Sure, but I'm not interested in innocence. They can be as innocent or guilty as they want. But it means they didn't, via engineering wherewithal, reproduce the OpenAI capabilities from scratch. And originally that was supposed to be one of the stunning and impressive (if true) implications of the whole Deepseek news cycle.

      • tasuki 14 hours ago

        Nothing is ever done "from scratch". To create a sandwich, you first have to create the universe.

        Yes, there is the question how much ChatGPT data DeepSeek has ingested. Certainly not zero! But if DeepSeek has achieved iterative self-improvement, that'd be huge too!

        • danparsonson 11 hours ago

          "From scratch" has a specific definition here though - it means 'from the same or broadly the same corpus of data that OpenAI started with'. The implication was that DeepSeek had created something broadly equivalent to ChatGPT on their own and for much less cost; deriving it from an existing model is a different claim. It's a little like claiming you invented a car when actually you took an existing car and tuned and remodelled it - the end result may be impressive and useful and better than the original, but it's not really a new invention.

          • tasuki an hour ago

            Is it even possible to "invent a car" in the 21st century? When creating a car, you will necessarily be highly influenced by existing cars.

      • freehorse 14 hours ago

        It is not as if they are not open about how they did it. People are actually working on reproducing their results as they describe in the papers. Somebody has already reproduced the r1-zero rl training process on a smaller model (linked in some comment here).

        Even if o1 specifically was used (which is in itself doubtful), it does not mean that this was the main reason that r1 succeeded/it could not have happened without it. The o1 outputs hides the CoT part, which is the most important here. Also we are in 2025, scratch does not exist anymore. Creating better technology building upon previous (widely available) technology has never been a controversial issue.

      • tw1984 4 hours ago

        > reproduce the OpenAI capabilities from scratch

        who cares. even if the claim is true, does that make the open source model less attractive?

        in fact, it implies that there is no moat in this game. openai can no longer maintain its stupid valuation, as other companies can just scrape its output and build better models at much lower costs.

        everything points to the exact same end result - DeepSeek democratized AI, OpenAI's old business model is dead.

    • Mengkudulangsat 17 hours ago

      That's how I understand it too.

      If your own API can leak your secret sauce without any malicious penetration, well, that's on you.

    • rubslopes 15 hours ago

      Additionally, I was under the impression that all those Chinese models were being trained using data from OpenAI and Anthropic. Were there not some reports that Qwen models referred to themselves as Claude?

  • JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B 16 hours ago

    > OpenAI's results were hard earned after all

    DDOSing web sites and grabbing content without anyone's consent is not hard earned at all. They did spent billions on their thing, but nothing was earned as they could never do that legally.

    • glenstein 15 hours ago

      I understand the temptation to go there, but I think it misses the point. I have no qualms at all with the idea that the sum total of intelligence distributed across the internet was siphoned away from creators and piped through an engine that now cynically seeks to replace them. Believe me, I will grab my pitchfork and march side by side with you.

      But let's keep the eye on the ball for a second. None of that changes the fact that what was built was a capability to reflect that knowledge in dynamic and deep ways in conversation, as well as image and audio recognition.

      And did Deepseek also build that? From scratch? Because they might not have.

      • rakejake 9 hours ago

        Look at it this way. Even OpenAI uses their own models' output to train subsequent models. They do pay for a lot of manual annotations but also use a lot of machine generated data because it is cheaper and good enough, especially from the bigger models.

        So say DS had simply published a paper outlining the RL technique they used, and one of Meta, Google or even OpenAI themselves had used it to train a new model, don't you think they'd have shouted off the rooftops about a new breakthrough? The fact that the provenance of the data is from a rival's model does not negate the value of the research IMHO.

    • scotty79 15 hours ago

      More like hard bought and hard stolen.

  • janalsncm 2 hours ago

    IMO the important “narrative” is the one looking forward, not backwards. OpenAI’s valuation depends on LLMs being prohibitively difficult to train and run. Deepseek challenges that.

    Also, if you read their papers it’s quite clear there are several important engineering achievements which enabled this. For example multi head latent attention.

  • the_duke 17 hours ago

    These aren't mutually exclusive.

    It's been known for a while that competitors used OpenAI to improve their models, that's why they changed the TOS to forbid it.

    That doesn't mean the deep seek technical achievements are less valid.

    • glenstein 15 hours ago

      >That doesn't mean the deep seek technical achievements are less valid.

      Well, that's literally exactly what it would mean. If DeepSeek relied on OpenAI’s API, their main achievement is in efficiency and cost reduction as opposed to fundamental AI breakthroughs.

      • obmelvin 13 hours ago

        Agreed. They accomplished a lot with distillation and optimization - but there's little reason to believe you don't also need foundational models to keep advancing. Otherwise won't they run into issues training on more synthetic data?

        In a way this is something most companies have been doing with their smaller models, DeepSeek just supposedly* did it better.

  • soerxpso 11 hours ago

    > If they just benefited from repurposing OpenAI data, that's different than having achieved an engineering breakthrough

    One way or another, they were able to create something that has WAY cheaper inference costs than o1 at the same level of intelligence. I was paying Anthropic $15/1M tokens to make myself 10x faster at writing software, which was coming out to $10/day. O1 is $60/1M tokens, which for my level of usage would mean that it costs as much as a whole junior software engineer. DeepSeek is able to do it for $2.50/1M tokens.

    Either OpenAI was taking a profit margin that would make the US Healthcare industry weep, or DeepSeek made an engineering breakthrough that increases inference efficiency by orders of magnitude.

  • epolanski 17 hours ago

    I really don't see a correlation here to be honest.

    Eventually all future AIs will be produced with synthetic input, the amount of (quality) data we humans can produce is quite limited.

    The fact that the input of one AI has been used in the training of another one seems irrelevant.

    • glenstein 15 hours ago

      The issue isn’t just that AI trained on AI is inevitable it's whose AI is being used as the base layer. Right now, OpenAI’s models are at the top of that hierarchy. If Deepseek depended on them, it means OpenAI is still the upstream bottleneck, not easily replaced.

      The deeper question is whether Deepseek has achieved real autonomy or if it’s just a derivative work. If the latter, then OpenAI still holds the keys to future advances. If Deepseek truly found a way to be independent while achieving similar performance, then OpenAI has a problem.

      The details of how they trained matter more than the inevitability of synthetic data down the line.

      • janalsncm an hour ago

        > whether Deepseek has achieved real autonomy or if it’s just a derivative work

        This question is malformed, imo. Every lab is doing derivative work. OpenAI didn’t invent transformers, Google did. Google didn’t invent neural networks or back propagation.

        If you mean whether OAI could have prevented DS from succeeding by cutting off their API access, probably not. Maybe they used OAI for supervised fine tuning in certain domains, like creative writing, which are difficult to formally verify (although they claim to have used one of their own models). Or perhaps during human preference tuning at the end. But either way, there are many roads to Rome, and OAI wasn’t the only game in town.

      • epolanski 14 hours ago

        > then OpenAI still holds the keys to future advances

        Point is, those future advances are worthless. Eventually anybody will be able to feed each other's data for the training.

        There's no moat here. LLMs are commodities.

        • glenstein 14 hours ago

          If LLMs were already pure commodities, OpenAI wouldn't be able to charge a premium, and DeepSeek wouldn’t have needed to distill their model from OpenAI in the first place. The fact that they did proves there’s still a moat—just maybe not as wide as OpenAI hoped.

  • plantwallshoe 18 hours ago

    Yeah what happens when we remove all financial incentive to fund groundbreaking science?

    It’s the same problem with pharmaceuticals and generics. It’s great when the price of drugs is low, but without perverse financial incentives no company is going to burn billions of dollars in a risky search for new medicines.

    • amarcheschi 17 hours ago

      In this case, these cures (llms) are medicines in search for a disease to cure. I got Ai shoved everywhere, where I just want it to aid in my coding. Literally, that's it. They're also good at summarizing emails and similar things, but I know nobody who does that. I wouldn't trust an Ai reading and possibly hallucinate emails

    • jjcob 16 hours ago

      Then we just have to fund research by giving grants to universities and research teams. Oh wait a sec: That's already what pretty much every government in the world is doing anyway!

  • nprateem 18 hours ago

    Of course. How else would Americans justify their superiority (and therefore valuations) if a load of foreigners for Christ's sake could just out innovate them?

    They had to be cheating.

    • dang 17 hours ago

      Please don't take HN threads into nationalistic flamewar. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

      p.s. yes, that goes both ways - that is, if people are slamming a different country from an opposite direction, we say the same thing (provided we see the post in the first place)

      • LPisGood 16 hours ago

        I see where you’re coming from but that comment didn’t strike me as particularly inflammatory.

        • dang 15 hours ago

          I'm likely more sensitive to the fire potential on account of being conditioned by the job.

          Part of it is the form of the comment, btw - that one was entirely a sequence of indignation tropes.

daft_pink 19 hours ago

This reminds me of the railroads, where once railroads were invented, there was a huge investment boom of eveyrone trying to make money of the railroads, but the competition brought the costs down where the railroads weren’t the people who generally made the money and got the benefit, but the consumers and regular businesses did and competition caused many to fail.

AI is probably similar where the Moore’s law and advancement will eventually allow people to run open models locally and bring down the cost of operation. Competiition will make it hard for all but one or two players to survive and Nvidia, OpenAI, Deepseek, etc most investments in AI by these large companies will fail to generate substantial wealth but maybe earn some sort of return or maybe not.

  • floatrock 19 hours ago

    The railroads drama ended when JP Morgan (the person, not yet the entity) brought all the railroad bosses together, said "you all answer to me because I represent your investors / shareholders", and forced a wave of consolidation and syndicates because competition was bad for business.

    Then all the farmers in the midwest went broke not because they couldn't get their goods to market, but because JP Morgan's consolidated syndicates ate all their margin hauling their goods to market.

    Consolidation and monopoly over your competition is always the end goal.

    • DrScientist 18 hours ago

      > Consolidation and monopoly over your competition is always the end goal.

      Surely that's only possible when you have a large barrier to entry?

      What's going to be that barrier in this case - cos it turns out not to be neither training costs/hardware or secret expertise.

      • _DeadFred_ 16 hours ago

        Government regulation.

        'Can't have your data going to China'

        'Can't allow companies that do censorship aligned with foreign nations'

        'This company violated our laws and used an American company's tech for their training unfairly'

        And the government choosing winners.

        'The government in announcing 500 billion going to these chosen winners, anyone else take the hint, give up, you won't get government contracts but will get pressure'.

        Good thing nobody is making these sorts of arguments today.

        • DrScientist 32 minutes ago

          Surely that will end in fragmentation along national lines if monopolies are defined by governments.

          Sure US economic power has a long reach right now because of the importance of the dollar etc - but the more it uses that to bully, the more countries are making sure they are independent.

        • astrange 15 hours ago

          The government isn't giving 500 billion to anyone. They just let Trump announce a private deal he has no involvement.

          • _DeadFred_ 11 hours ago

            Correct, as I stated the government is just giving their 'blessing'.

      • floatrock 17 hours ago

        You figure that out and the VC's will be shovelling money into your face.

        I suspect the "it ain't training costs/hardware" bit is a bit exagerated since it ignores all the prior work that DeepSeek was built on top of.

        But, if all else fails, there's always the tried-and-true approaches: regulatory capture, industry entrenchment, use your VC bucks to be the last one who can wait out the costs the incumbents do face before they fold, etc.

        • jaredklewis 16 hours ago

          > I suspect the "it ain't training costs/hardware" bit is a bit exagerated since it ignores all the prior work that DeepSeek was built on top of.

          How does it ignore it? The success of Deepseek proves that training costs/hardware are definitely NOT a barrier to entry that protects OpenAI from competition. If anyone can train their model with ChatGPT for a fraction of the cost it took to train ChatGPT and get similar results, then how is that a barrier?

          • baq 14 hours ago

            Can anyone do that though? You need the tokens and the pipelines to feed them to the matmul mincers. Quoting only dollar equivalent of GPU time is disingenuous at best.

            That’s not to say they lie about everything, obviously the thing works amazingly well. The cost is understated by 10x or more, which is still not bad at all I guess? But not mind blowing.

            • maigret 3 hours ago

              Even if that's 10x, that's easy to counter. $50M can be invested by almost anyone. There are thousands of entities (incl. governments, even regional ones) who could easily bring such capital.

      • tdb7893 17 hours ago

        So I'm not an expert in this but even with DeepSeek supposedly reducing training costs isn't the estimate still in the millions (and that's presumably not counting a lot of costs)? And that wouldn't be counting a bunch of other barriers for actually building the business since training a model is only one part, the barrier to entry still seems very high.

        Also barriers to entry aren't the only way to get a consolidated market anyway.

        • layer8 16 hours ago

          About your first point, IMO the usefulness of AI will remain relatively limited as long as we don’t have continuously learning AI. And once we have that, the disparity between training and inference may effectively disappear. Whether that means that such AI will become more accessible/affordable or less is a different question.

          • sitkack 11 hours ago

            We have that now, DeepSeek just proved it.

      • antisthenes 17 hours ago

        > Surely that's only possible when you have a large barrier to entry?

        As you grow bigger, you create barriers to entry where none existed before, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

      • yoyohello13 17 hours ago

        The large syndicate will create the barriers. Either via laws, or if that fails violence.

    • sitkack 11 hours ago

      This is why we saw the market correction, because the AI hegemony has been cracked.

    • boringg 15 hours ago

      This moment was also historically significant because it demonstrated how financial power (Morgan) could control industrial power (the railroads). A pattern that some say became increasingly important in American capitalism.

    • mrdevlar 17 hours ago

      Which is the exact goal of the current wave of Tech oligarchy also.

    • jonstewart 16 hours ago

      I just read _The Great River_ by Boyce Upholt, a history of the Mississippi river and human management thereof. It was funny how the railroads were used as a bogeyman to justify continued building of locks, dams, and other control structures on the Mississippi and its tributaries, long after shipping commodities down river had been supplanted by the railroads.

  • rgbrgb 17 hours ago

    I think that's a very possible outcome. A lot of people investing in AI are thinking there's a google moment coming where one monopoly will reign supreme. Google has strong network effects around user data AND economies of scale. Right now, AI is 1-player with much weaker network effects. The user data moat goes away once the model trains itself effectively and the economies of scale advantage goes away with smart small models that can be efficiently hosted by mortals/hobbyists. The DeepSeek result points to both of those happening in the near future. Interesting times.

  • mjburgess 19 hours ago

    For the curious, it was vertical integration in the railroad-oil/-coal industry which is where the money was made.

    The problem for AI is the hardware is commodified and offers no natural monopoly, so there isn't really anything obvious to vertically integrate-towards-monopoly.

    • fullshark 19 hours ago

      Aren’t we approaching a scenario where the software is commodified (or at least “good enough” software) and the hardware isn’t (NVIDIA GPUs have defined advantages)

      • mjburgess 19 hours ago

        I think the lesson of DeepSeek is 'no' -- that by software innovation (ie., dropping below CUDA to programming the GPU directly, working at 8bit, etc.) you can trivialise the hardware requirement.

        However I think the reality is that there's only so much coal to be mined, as far as LLM training goes. When we're at "very dimishing returns" SoC/Apple/TSMC-CPU innovations will deliver cheap inference. We only really need a M4 Ultra with 1TB RAM to hollow-out the hardware-inference-supplier market.

        Very easy to imagine a future where Apple releases a "Apple Intelligence Mac Studio" with the specs for many businesses to run arbitrary models.

        • daft_pink 18 hours ago

          I really hope that apple realizes soon there is a market for Mac Pro/Mac Studio with a RAM in the TBs for AI Workloads under $10k and a bunch of GPU cores.

          • jppope 16 hours ago

            there was a company that recently built a desktop GPU for that exact thing. I'll see if I can find it

      • duped 18 hours ago

        Compute is literally being sold as a commodity today, software is not.

        • phkahler 14 hours ago

          >> Compute is literally being sold as a commodity today, software is not.

          The marginal cost of software is zero. You need some kind of perceived advantage to get people to pay for it. This isn't hard, as most people will pay a bit for big-name vs "free". That could change as more open source apps become popular by being awesome.

          • duped 5 hours ago

            Marginal cost has nothing to do with it - you can buy and sell compute like you could corn and beef at scale. You can't buy and sell software like that. In fact I'm surprised we don't have futures markets for things like compute and object storage.

  • yonran 15 hours ago

    I think a better analogy than railroads (which own the land that the track sits on and often valuable land around the station) is airlines, which don’t own land. I recall a relevant Warren Buffett letter that warned about investing hundreds of millions of dollars into capital with no moat:

    > Similarly, business growth, per se, tells us little about value. It's true that growth often has a positive impact on value, sometimes one of spectacular proportions. But such an effect is far from certain. For example, investors have regularly poured money into the domestic airline business to finance profitless (or worse) growth. For these investors, it would have been far better if Orville had failed to get off the ground at Kitty Hawk: The more the industry has grown, the worse the disaster for owners.

  • UncleOxidant 17 hours ago

    > where the Moore’s law and advancement will eventually allow people to run open models locally

    Probably won't be Moore's law (which is kind of slowing down) so much as architectural improvements (both on the compute side and the model side - you could say that R1 represents an architectural improvement of efficiency on the model side).

  • taco_emoji 16 hours ago

    Main difference is that railroads are actually useful

wanderingmoose 18 hours ago

There is a lot of discussion here about IP theft. Honest question, from deepseek's point of view as a company under a different set of laws than US/Western -- was there IP theft?

A company like OpenAI can put whatever licensing they want in place. But that only matters if they can enforce it. The question is, can they enforce it against deepseek? Did deepseek do something illegal under the laws of their originating country?

I've had some limited exposure to media related licensing when releasing content in China and what is allowed is very different than what is permitted in the US.

The interesting part which points to innovation moving outside of the US is US companies are beholden to strict IP laws while many places in the world don't have such restrictions and will be able to utilize more data more easily.

  • fulafel 15 hours ago

    What law would be broken here? Seems that copyright wouldn't apply unless they somehow snatched the OpenAI models verbatim.

  • thiago_fm 18 hours ago

    The most interesting part is that China has been ahead of the US in AI for many years, just not in LLMs.

    You need to visit mainland China and see how AI applications are everywhere, from transport to goods shipping.

    I'm not surprised at all. I hope this in the end makes the US kill its strict IP laws, which is the problem.

    If the US doesn't, China will always have a huge edge on it, no matter how much NVidia hardware the US has.

    And you know what, Huawei is already making inference hardware... it won't take them long to finally copy the TSMC tech and flip the situation upside down.

    When China can make the equivalent of H100s, it will be hilarious because they will sell for $10 in Aliexpress :-)

    • twobitshifter 17 hours ago

      You don’t even need to visit china, just read the latest research papers and look at the authors. China has more researchers in AI than the West and that’s a proven way to build an advantage.

      • nicce 13 hours ago

        It is also funny in a different way. Many people don't realise that they live in some sort of bubble. Many people in "The West" think that they are still the center of the world in everything, while this might not be so correct anymore.

        In the U.S. there is 350 million people and EU has 520 million people (excluding Russia and Turkey).

        China alone has 1.4 billion people.

        Since there is a language barrier and China isolates themselves pretty well from the internet, we forget that there is a huge society with high focus on science. And most of our tech products are coming from there.

        • mordae 3 hours ago

          Not just that. They have 19% of people with tertiary education.

          So about as many as US has adults.

        • realusername 8 hours ago

          > China alone has 1.4 billion people.

          There's some clues that their population count isn't accurate and would be closer to 1.2 billion in reality, not that it changes the conclusion.

          • new_user_final 5 hours ago

            More accurately more than 1 Billion. So, US population is their rounding error.

    • nostradumbasp 16 hours ago

      Maybe not $10 unless they are loss-leading to dominance. Well they actually could very well do exactly that... Hm, yea, good points. I would expect at least an order or two of magnitude higher to prevent an inferno.

      Lets be fair though. Replicating TSMC isn't something that could happen quickly. Then again, who knows how far along they already are...

me551ah 20 hours ago

OpenAI is going after a company that open sourced their model, by distilling from their non-open AI?

OpenAI talks a lot about the principles of being Open, while still keeping their models closed and not fostering the open source community or sharing their research. Now when a company distills their models using perfectly allowed methods on the public internet, OpenAI wants to shut them down too?

High time OpenAI changes their name to ClosedAI

  • alexathrowawa9 15 hours ago

    The name OpenAI gets more ridiculous by the day

    Would not be surprised if they do a rebrand eventually

janalsncm 42 minutes ago

I think readers should note that the article did not provide any evidence for OpenAI’s claims, only OpenAI declining to provide evidence, various people repeating the claim, others reacting to it.

It does matter whether it happened and how much it happened. Deepseek ran head to head comparisons against O1 so it would be pretty reasonable for them to have made API calls, for example.

But also, as the article notes, distillation, supervised fine tuning, and using LLM as a judge are all common techniques in research, which OpenAI knows very well.

Ciantic 20 hours ago

I'm not being sarcastic, but we may soon have to torrent DeepSeek's model. OpenAI has a lot of clout in the US and could get DeepSeek banned in western countries for copyright.

  • timeon 18 hours ago

    > US and could get DeepSeek banned in western countries for copyright

    If US is going to proceed with trade war on EU, as it was planning anyway, then DeepSeek will be banned only in US. Seems like term "western countries" is slowly eroding.

    • bbor 17 hours ago

      Great point. Plus, the revival of serious talk of the Monroe Doctrine (!!!) in the U.S. government lends a possibly completely-new meaning to "western countries" -- i.e. the Americas...

      • surgical_fire 17 hours ago

        Except the US has only contempt for anything south of Texas. Perhaps "western countries" will be reduced to US and Canada.

        Many countries in Latin America have better relations and more robust trade partnerships with China.

        As for the EU, I think it will be great for it to shed its reliance on the US, and act more independently from it.

        • ta1243 16 hours ago

          The US is talking about annexing Canada, so "western countries" means the USA, which if continuing down this path long enough will become a pariah

          • mordae 3 hours ago

            This always reminds me of the Fallout opening video.

      • marcosdumay 16 hours ago

        Only if they do it by force.

        Trump has already managed to completely destroy the US reputation within basically the entire continent¹. And he seems intent on creating a commercial war against all the countries here too.

        1 - Do not capture and torture random people on the street if you want to maintain some goodwill. Even if you have reasons to capture them.

        • bbor 12 hours ago

          Yeah... I don't think goodwill was ever a very central part of the Monroe doctrine. Its imperial expansionism, plain n' simple. Embargo + pressure who you can, depose any governments that resist, threaten the rest into silent compliance.

          Scary times.

  • aerhardt 16 hours ago

    Unfathomable to me that they'd make themselves look so foolish by trying to ban a piece of software.

    • forgotoldacc 8 hours ago

      It wouldn't be foolish. The US has an active cult of personality, and whatever the leader says, half the country believes it unquestioningly. If OpenAI is said to be protecting America and DeepSeek is doing terrible, terrible things to the children (many smart people are saying it), there'll be an overnight pivot to half the country screaming for it to be banned and harassing anyone who says otherwise.

      Who cares if some people think you look foolish when you have a locked down 500 billion dollar investment guarantee?

  • alchemist1e9 20 hours ago

    I think most likely all sorts of data and models need to have a decentralized LLM data archive via torrents etc.

    It’s not limited to the models themselves but also OpenAI will probably work towards shutting down access to training data sets also.

    imho it’s probably an emergency all hand on deck problem.

  • sergiotapia 14 hours ago

    that would be suicide - that company only exists because they stole content for every single person, website and media company on the planet.

dragonwriter 17 hours ago

Hey, OpenAI, so, you know that legal theory that is the entire basis of your argument that any of your products are legal? "Training AI on proprietary data is a use that doesn't require permission from the owner of the data"?

You might want to consider how it applies to this situation.

TylerJaacks 9 hours ago

Cry me a fucking river OpenAI, as if your business model isn't entirely based on this exact same thing.

esskay 11 hours ago

Hard to really have any sympathy for OpenAI's position when they're actively stealing content, ignoring requests to stop then spending huge amounts to get around sites running ai poisoning scripts, making it clear they'll still take your content regardless of if you consent to it.

  • michaelmarkell 11 hours ago

    Can someone with more expertise help me understand what I'm looking at here?

    It looks like Deepseek had a subdomain called "". What is a legitimate use-case for hosting an openai proxy(?) on your subdomain like this?

    Not implying anything's off here, but it's interesting to me that this OpenAI entity is one of the few subdomains they have on their site

    • gkbrk 4 hours ago

      Could just be an OpenAI-compatible endpoint too. A lot of LLM tools use OpenAI compatible APIs, just like a lot of Object Storage tools use S3 compatible APIs.

mhitza 20 hours ago

This is funny because its.

1. Something I'd expect to happen.

2. Lived through a similar scenario in 2010 or so.

Early in my professional career I've worked for a media company that was scraping other sites (think Craigslist but for our local market) to republish the content on our competing website. I wasn't working on that specific project, but I did work on an integration on my teams project where the scraping team could post jobs on our platform directly. When others started scraping "our content" there were a couple of urgent all hands on deck meetings scheduled, with a high level of disbelief.

  • kigiri 18 hours ago

    Nice one, thank you for sharing !

emsign 6 hours ago

"yOu ShOuLdN't TaKe OtHeR pEoPlE's DaTa!1!1" are they mental? How can people at OpenAI lack be so self-righteous and unaware? Is thia arrogance or a mental illness?

karim79 10 hours ago

Oh God. I know exactly how this feels. A few years ago I made a bread hydration and conversion calculator for a friend, and put it up on JSFiddle. My friend, at the time, was an apprentice baker.

Just weeks later, I discovered that others were pulling off similar calculations! They were making great bread with ease and not having to resort to notebooks and calculators! The horror! I can't believe that said close friend of mine would actually share those highly hydraty mathematical formulas with other humans without first requesting my consent </sarc>.

Could it be, that this stuff just ends up in the dumpster of "sorry you can't patent math" or the like?

sho_hn 20 hours ago

While I'm as amused as everyone else - I think it's technically accurate to point out that the "we trained it for $6 mio" narrative is contingent on the done investment by others.

  • Palmik 20 hours ago

    When I use NVIDIA GPUs to train a model, I do not consider the R&D cost to develop all of those GPUs as part of my costs.

    When I use an API to generate some data, I do not consider the R&D cost to develop the API as part of my costs.

  • kobalsky 19 hours ago

    OpenAI has been in a war-room for days searching for a match in the data, and they just came out with this without providing proof.

    My cynical opinion is that the traning corpus has some small amount of data generated by OpenAI, which is probably impossible to avoid at this point, and they are hanging on that thread for dear life.

  • bbqfog 20 hours ago

    OpenAI's models were also trained on billions of dollars of "free" labor that produced the content that it was trained on.

    • sho_hn 20 hours ago

      Oh, absolutely. I'm not defending OpenAI, I just care about accurate reporting. Even on HN - even in this thread - you see people who came away with the conclusion that DeepSeek did something while "cutting cost by 27x".

      But that's a bit like saying that by painting a a bare wall green you have demonstrated that you can build green walls 27x cheaper, ignoring the cost of building the wall in the first place.

      Smarter reporting and discourse would explain how this iterative process actually works and who is building on who and how, not frame it as two competing from-scratch clean room efforts. It'd help clear up expectations of what's coming next.

      It's a bit similar to how many are saying DeepSeek have demonstrated independence from nVidia, when part of the clever thing they did was figure out how to make the intentionally gimped H800s work for their training runs by doing low-level optimizations that are more nVidia-specific, etc.

      Rarely have I seen a highly technical topic see produce more uninformed snap takes than this week.

      • Palmik 20 hours ago

        You are underselling or not understanding the breakthrough. They trained 600B model on 15T tokens for <$6/m. Regardless of the provenance of the tokens, this in itself is impressive.

        Not to mention post-training. Their novel GRPO technique used for preference optimization / alignment is also much more efficient than PPO.

        • sho_hn 19 hours ago

          Let's call it underselling. :-) Mostly because I'm not sure anyone's independently done the math and we just have a single statement from the CEO. I do appreciate the algorithmic improvements, and the excellent attention-to-performance-in-detail stuff in their implementation (careful treatment of precision, etc.), making the H800s useful, etc. I agree there's a lot there.

      • visarga 13 hours ago

        > that's a bit like saying that by painting a a bare wall green you have demonstrated that you can build green walls 27x cheaper, ignoring the cost of building the wall in the first place

        That's a funny analogy, but in reality DeepSeek did reinforcement learning to generate chain of thought, which was used in the end to finetune LLMs. The RL model was called DeepSeek-R1-Zero, while the SFT model is DeepSeek-R1.

        They might have boostrapped the Zero model with some demonstrations.

        > DeepSeek-R1-Zero struggles with challenges like poor readability, and language mixing. To make reasoning processes more readable and share them with the open community, we explore DeepSeek-R1, a method that utilizes RL with human-friendly cold-start data.

        > Unlike DeepSeek-R1-Zero, to prevent the early unstable cold start phase of RL training from the base model, for DeepSeek-R1 we construct and collect a small amount of long CoT data to fine-tune the model as the initial RL actor. To collect such data, we have explored several approaches: using few-shot prompting with a long CoT as an example, directly prompting models to generate detailed answers with reflection and verification, gathering DeepSeek-R1Zero outputs in a readable format, and refining the results through post-processing by human annotators.

      • bbqfog 20 hours ago

        I don't agree. Walls are physical items so your example is true, but models are data. Anyone can train off of these models, that's the current environment we exist in. Just like OpenAI trained on data that has since been locked up in a lot of cases. In 2025 training models like Deepseek is indeed 27x cheaper, that includes both their innovations and the existence of new "raw material" to do such a thing.

        • sho_hn 20 hours ago

          I don't think we disagree at all, actually!

          What I'm saying is that in the media it's being portrayed as if DeepSeek did the same thing OpenAI did 27x cheaper, and the outsized market reaction is in large parts a response to that narrative. While the reality is more that being a fast-follower is cheaper (and the concrete reason is e.g. being able to source training data from prior LLMs synthetically, among other things), which shouldn't have surprised anyone and is just how technology in general trends.

          The achievement of DeepSeek is putting together a competent team that excels at end-to-end implementation, which is no small feat and is promising wrt/ their future efforts.

          • meiraleal 19 hours ago

            How much money a third company would need to spend to achieve what OpenAI achieved to compete with them, 5billion or 6million?

  • freehorse 15 hours ago

    That is the case anyway for training any llm. It is contingent on the work done by all those who produced the data.

  • scotty79 15 hours ago

    The opposite, is claiming that OpenAI could have now built better performing, cheaper to run model (when compared to what they published) training it at 1% cost on output of their previous models. ... But they chose not to do it.

1970-01-01 20 hours ago

DeepSeek have more integrity than 'Open'AI by not even pretending to care about that.

  • jampekka 17 hours ago

    And seem to be more actively fulfilling the mission that 'Open'AI pretends to strive for.

    • pixelpoet 14 hours ago

      Exactly, they actually opened up the model and research, which the "Open" company didn't, and merely adjusted some of their pricing tiers to try to combat commercially (but not without mumbling something like "yeah, we totally had these ideas too"). Now every single Meta, OpenAI etc engineer is trying to copy DeepSeek's innovations, and their first act is to... complain about copyright infringement, of all things?! What an absolute clown party, how can these people take themselves seriously, do they just have zero comprehension of what hypocrisy is or what's going on here...

      I can scarcely process all the levels of irony involved, the irony-o-meter is pegged and I can't get the good one from the safe because I'm incapacitated from laughter.

      • tim333 12 hours ago

        Altman was in a bit of a tricky position in that he figured OpenAI would need a lot of money for compute to be able to compete but it was hard to get that while remaining open. DeepSeek benefit from being funded from their own hedge fund. I wonder if part of their strategy is crack AI and then have it trade the markets?

        • jampekka 5 hours ago

          The last (only?) language model OpenAI released openly was GPT-2, and even for that the instruction weighted model was never released. This was in 2019. The large Microsoft deal was done in 2023.

olalonde 9 hours ago

If it's true, how is it problematic? It seems aligned with their mission:

> We will attempt to directly build safe and beneficial AGI, but will also consider our mission fulfilled if our work aids others to achieve this outcome.

> We will actively cooperate with other research and policy institutions; we seek to create a global community working together to address AGI’s global challenges.

/s, we all know what their true mission is...

kamranjon 8 hours ago

I was just wondering if this is even feasible?

The amount of iterations of training that would be needed for DeepSeek to actually learn anything from OpenAI would seem to be an insane amount of requests from a non-local AI, which you’d think would be immediately obvious to OpenAI just by looking at suspicious requests?

Am I correct in this assumption or am I missing something? Is it even realistic that something like this is possible without a local model?

concerndc1tizen 18 hours ago

Is OpenAI claiming copyright ownership over the generated synthetic data?

That would be a dangerous precedent to establish.

If it's a terms of service violation, I guess they're within their rights to terminate service, but what other recourse do they have?

Other than that, perhaps this is just rhetoric aimed at introducing restrictions in the US, to prevent access to foreign AI, to establish a national monopoly?

xinayder 2 hours ago

> OpenAI declined to comment further or provide details of its evidence. Its terms of service state users cannot “copy” any of its services or “use output to develop models that compete with OpenAI”.

Well, this sounds like they are just crying because they are losing the race so far. Besides, DeepSeek explicitly states they did a study on distillation on ChatGPT, then OpenAI is like "oh see guys they used our models!!!!!"

  • khazhoux 2 hours ago

    By what metric are they losing?

    • xinayder 2 hours ago

      DeepSeek is a fraction of the cost of ChatGPT, they needed far few resources than OpenAI. This is essentially what caused the massive selloff in Nvidia, as a new competitor model is just as good and requires a fraction of the massive costs.

      I don't remember the correct metric but the cost for DeepSeek was like $15/mo while ChatGPT was $200

      • khazhoux an hour ago

        You said "they're losing the race." They might lose, but I don't think we're seeing that yet. They undoubtedly gained a competitor over the weekend, but that didn't change their position as the leading AI company overnight.

        Correct me if my understanding is wrong, but if OpenAI's accusation is correct and DS is a derivative work, then isn't it inaccurate to say DS reached ChatGPT performance "at a fraction of the cost"? If true, seems like it's more accurate to say that they were able to copy an expensive model, at low expense.

        • xinayder an hour ago

          I agree in a way, but then in that case Gemini Claude and Qwen are all derivations of each other and shouldn't be in the competition either.

          DeepSeek did some studies on distillation, which might be what OpenAI is complaining about. But their bigger model is not a distilled version of OpenAI's.

          • khazhoux an hour ago

            To me the big question (which HN can't be bothered to discuss because SaM aLtMaN iS bAd) is whether DS shows that OpenAI can be done cheaply, or just copied cheaply. Your last sentence tells me you think DS built this from scratch. I haven't seen evidence of that.

divbzero 15 hours ago

I was wondering if this might be the case, similar to how Bing’s initial training included Google’s search results [1]. I’d be curious to see more details of OpenAI’s evidence.

It is, of course, quite ironic for OpenAI to indiscriminately scrape the entire web and then complain about being scraped themselves.


thorum 20 hours ago

> “It is (relatively) easy to copy something that you know works,” Altman tweeted. “It is extremely hard to do something new, risky, and difficult when you don’t know if it will work.”

The humor/hypocrisy of the situation aside, it does seem to be true that OpenAI is consistently the one coming up with new ideas first (GPT 4, o1, 4o-style multimodality, voice chat, DALL-E, …) and then other companies reproduce their work, and get more credit because they actually publish the research.

Unfortunately for them it’s challenging to profit in the long term from being first in this space and the time it takes for each new idea to be reproduced is getting shorter.

  • Hatchback7599 16 hours ago

    Reminds me of the Bill Gates quote when Steve Jobs accused him of stealing the ideas of Windows from Mac:

    Well, Steve... I think it’s more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.

    Xerox could be seen as Google, whose researchers produced the landmark Attention Is All You Need paper, and the general public, who provided all of the training data to make these models possible.

  • rndphs 15 hours ago

    > OpenAI is consistently the one coming up with new ideas first (GPT 4, o1, 4o-style multimodality, voice chat, DALL-E, …)

    As far as I can tell o1 was based on Q-star, which could likely be Quiet-STaR, a CoT RL technique developed at Stanford that OpenAI may have learned about before it got published. Presumably that's why they never used the Q-Star name even though it had garnered mystique and would have been good for building hype. This is just speculation, but since OpenAI haven't published their technique then we can't know if it really was their innovation.

  • turtlesdown11 19 hours ago

    > other companies reproduce their work, and get more credit because they actually publish the research.

    I don't understand, you mean OpenAI isn't releasing open models and openly publishing their research?

    • Tostino 15 hours ago

      Are you being sarcastic (honestly, it's hard to tell after reading as many uninformed takes in the past week as I have).

      No, they aren't (other than whisper).

      Their "papers" are closer to marketing materials. Very intentionally leaving out tons of technical information.

  • weego 17 hours ago

    Boy who stole test papers complains about child copying his answers.

    • FridgeSeal 16 hours ago

      No you don’t understand, AI is “dangerous” and only him and his uber rich billionaire mates should get to control it!

  • namuol 15 hours ago

    The eye-watering funding numbers proposed by Altman in the past and more recently with “Stargate” suggests a publicly-funded research pivot is not out of the question. Could see a big defense department grant being given. Sigh.

  • actuallyalys 19 hours ago

    There’s some truth in that, but isn’t making a radically cheaper version also a new idea that deepseek didn’t know whether it would work? I mean, there was already research into distillation, but there was already research into some of (most of?) OpenAI’s ideas.

  • joe_the_user 17 hours ago

    The humor/hypocrisy of the situation aside, it does seem to be true that OpenAI is consistently the one coming up with new ideas first (GPT 4, o1, 4o-style multimodality, voice chat, DALL-E, …) and then other companies reproduce their work, and get more credit because they actually publish the research

    I claim one just can't put the humor/hypocrisy aside that easily.

    What OpenAI did with the release of ChatGPT is productize research that was open and ongoing with Deepmind and other leading at least as much. And everything after that was an extension of the basic approach - improved, expanded but ultimately the same sort of beast. One might even say the situation of OpenAI to DeepMind was like Apple to Xerox. Productizing is nothing to sneeze at - it requires creativity and work to productize basic research. But naturally get end-users who consider the productizers the "fountain heads", who overestimate the productizers because products are all they see.

  • mistercheph 16 hours ago

    Not really, they just put their eye to where everyone knows the ball is going and publish fake / cherrypicked results and then pretend like they got there first (o1, gpt voice, sora)

  • spencerflem 20 hours ago

    Fortunately, OpenAI doesn't need to make money because they are a nonprofit dedicated to the safe and transparent advancement of AI for all of humanity

    • mjburgess 19 hours ago

      ...somewhere a yacht salesman cried out in terror

kranke155 12 hours ago

The very idea that OAI scrapes the entire internet and ignore individual rights and thats ok, but if another company takes the output data from their model, thats a gross violation of the law / TOS - that very idea is evil.

bhouston 20 hours ago

The US government likely will favor a large strategic company like OpenAI instead of individual's copyrights, so while ironic, the US government definitely doesn't care.

And the US government is also likely itching to reduce the power of Chinese AI companies that could out compete US rivals (similar to the treatment of BYD, TikTok, solar panel manufacturers, network equipment manufacturers, etc), so expect sweeping legislation that blocks access to all Chinese AI endeavours to both the US and then soon US allies/West (via US pressure.)

The likely legislation will be on the surface justified both by security concerns and by intellectual property concerns, but ultimately it will be motivated by winning the economic competition between China and the US and it will attempt to tilt the balance via explicitly protectionist policies.

  • derektank 19 hours ago

    >The US government likely will favor a large strategic company like OpenAI instead of individual's copyrights

    Even if we assume this is true, Disney and Netflix are both currently worth more than OpenAI and both rely on the strict enforcement of US copyright law. I do not think it is so obvious which powers that be have the better lobbying efforts and, currently, it's looking like this question will mostly be adjudicated by the courts, not Congress, anyways.

    • bhouston 19 hours ago

      I don't think OpenAI stole from Disney or Netflix. Rather OpenAI stole from individual artists and YouTube and other social media who users do not really have any lobbying power.

      So I think OpenAI, Disney and Netflix win together. Big companies tend to win.

      • mjburgess 19 hours ago

        > What are the first words of the disney movie, "Aladdin" ?

        The first words of Disney's Aladdin (1992) are spoken by the *Peddler*, the mysterious merchant at the beginning of the film. He says:

        "Ah, Salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend. Please, please, come closer..."

        He then continues with: "Too close! A little too close. There. Welcome to Agrabah. City of mystery, of enchantment, and the finest merchandise this side of the River Jordan, on sale today! Come on down!"

        This opening sets the stage for the story, introducing the magical and bustling world of Agrabah.

      • derektank 19 hours ago

        Disney owns ABC News; OpenAI almost certainly scraped their text data

        • bhouston 15 hours ago

          I agree with you.

      • worik 17 hours ago

        > Rather OpenAI stole from individual artists and YouTube and other social media


        They consumed publicly available material on the Internet

        I am no fan of these billionaire capitalists and their henchpersons but condem them for their multitude of sins.

        Consuming publicly available Internet resources is not one of them. IMO

        • da_chicken 16 hours ago

          Being publicly available does not mean that copyright is invalid. Copyright gives the holders the right to restrict USE, not merely restrict reproduction. Adaptation is also an exclusive right of the copyright holder. You're not allowed to make derivative works.

        • Terr_ 14 hours ago

          > They consumed publicly available material on the Internet

          I agree that there are some important distinctions and word-choices to be made here, and that there are problems with equating training to "stealing", and that copyright infringement is not theft, etc.

          That said, if you zoom out to the overall conduct, it's fair to argue that the companies are doing something unethical, the same as if they paid an army of humans to memorize other people's work and then regurgitate slightly-reworded copies.

          • worik 12 hours ago

            > That said, if you zoom out to the overall conduct, it's fair to argue that the companies are doing something unethical, the same as if they paid an army of humans to memorize other people's work and then regurgitate slightly-reworded copies.

            I would use the analogy of those humans learning from the material. Like reading books in the library

            "regurgitate slightly-reworded copies" in my experience using LLMs (not insubstantial) that is an unfairly pejorative take on what they do

        • jdswain 16 hours ago

          It's not that they consumed publicly available material, it's that they re-published that information, and sold it.

        • visarga 16 hours ago

          They stole the data just as much as a painter steals the view.

          • rideontime 15 hours ago

            Who created the view?

            • visarga 13 hours ago

              The view is created by every spectator.

        • esskay 11 hours ago

          By that logic a copy of source code for a propriatary app that someone has stolen and placed online is immediately free for all to use as they wish.

          Being on the internet doesnt make it yours, or acceptable to take. In the case of OpenAI (and Anthropic) they should be following the long held principle of the robots.txt file on sites, which can be specifically set to tell just them that they may not take your content - they openly ignore that request.

          OpenAI absolutely is stealing from everyone, hence why most will have little sympathy when they complain someone stole from them.

  • tokioyoyo 18 hours ago

    I don’t think US government can move fast enough to change the trajectory. Also it doesn’t help that basically every government is second guessing their alliance with the US. It’s not an industry that can ruin local industries either (like cheap BYD is bad for German cars).

    It’s a very fun thing to watch from the sidelines right now, if I’ll be honest.

  • buyucu 16 hours ago

    It's too late for that. That ship sailed a long time ago.

    The best language model right now is open source. Let that sink in.

bicepjai 5 hours ago

Reading this post, I can’t help but wonder if people realize the irony in what they’re saying. 1. “The issue is when you [take it out of the platform and] are doing it to create your own model for your own purposes,” 2. “There’s a technique in AI called distillation . . . when one model learns from another model [and] kind of sucks the knowledge out of the parent model,”

  • palisade 5 hours ago

    Is this really the point OpenAI wants to start debating? When OpenAI steals everyone's data, it is fine. Right? But, let us pull the ladder up after that.

alasr 10 hours ago

> OpenAI says it has evidence DeepSeek used its model to train competitor.

> The San Francisco-based ChatGPT maker told the Financial Times it had seen some evidence of “distillation”, which it suspects to be from DeepSeek.

> ...

> OpenAI declined to comment further or provide details of its evidence. Its terms of service state users cannot “copy” any of its services or “use output to develop models that compete with OpenAI”.

OAI share the evidence with the public; or, accept the possibility that your case is not as strong as you're claiming here.

osigurdson 20 hours ago

I do think that distilling a model from another is much less impressive than distilling one from raw text. However, it is hard to say if it is really illegal or even immoral, perhaps just one step further in the evolution of the space.

  • lemoncookiechip 20 hours ago

    It's about as illegal as the billions, if not trillions of IPs that ClosedAI infringed to train their own data without consent. Not that they're alone, and I personally don't mind that AI companies do it, but it's still amusing when they get this annoyed at others doing the same thing to them.

    • osigurdson 19 hours ago

      I think they had the advantage of being ahead of the law in this regard. To my knowledge, reading copywritten material isn't (or wasn't illegal) and remains a legal grey area.

      Distilling weights from prompts and responses is even more of a legal grey area. The legal system cannot respond quickly to such technological advancements so things necessarily remain a wild west until technology reaches the asymptotic portion of the curve.

      In my view the most interesting thing is, do we really need vast data centers and innumerable GPUs for AGI? In other words, if intelligence is ultimately a function of power input, what is the shape of the curve?

      • lemoncookiechip 17 hours ago

        The main issue is that they've had plenty of instances where the LLM outputted copyrighted content verbatim, like it happened with the New York Times and some book authors. And then there's DALL-E, which is baked into ChatGPT and before all the guardrails came up, was clearly trained on copyrighted content to the point it had people's watermarks, as well as their styles, just like Stable Diffusion mixes can do (if you don't prompt it out).

        Like you've put, it's still a somewhat gray area, and I personally have nothing against them (or anyone else) using copyrighted content to train models.

        I do find it annoying that they're so closed-off about their tech when it's built on the shoulders of openness and other people's hard work. And then they turn around and throw Issy fits when someone copies their homework, allegedly.

      • greiskul 13 hours ago

        > Distilling weights from prompts and responses is even more of a legal grey area.

        Actually unless the law changes this is pretty settled territory in US law. All output of AIs are not copyrightable, and are therefore in the public domain. The only legal avenue of attack OpenAi has is Terms of Service violation, which is a much weaker breach then copyright if it is even true.

      • ttesmer 18 hours ago

        > if intelligence is ultimately a function of power input, what is the shape of the curve?

        According to a quick google search, the human body consumes ~145W of power over 24h (eating 3000kcals/day). The brain needs ~20% of that so 29W/day. Much less than our current designs of software & (especially) hardware for AI.

        • osigurdson 16 hours ago

          I think you mean the brain uses 29W (i.e. not 29W/day). Also, I suspect that burgers are a higher entropy energy source than electricity so perhaps it is even less than that.

      • JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B 15 hours ago

        Illegally acquiring copyrighted material has always been highly illegal in France and I'm sure most other countries. Disney is another example of how it not grey at all.

    • ReptileMan 16 hours ago

      Is the question of training AI on data fair use settled yet? Because if it is not - it looks like fair use to me.

  • scotty79 15 hours ago

    Isn't it more impressive given that training on model output usually leads to worse model?

    If they actually figured out how to use output of existing models to build model that outperforms them then it's something that brings us closer to singularity than every other development so far.

fimdomeio 14 hours ago

But what is the problem here? Isn’t open AI mission “to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity”? Sounds like success to me.

karim79 8 hours ago

So, banning high-powered chips to China has basically had the effect of turning them into extremophiles. I mean, that seems like a good plan </sarc>. Moreover, it is certainly slowing sales of one of the darling companies of the US (NVidia).

I just can't even begin to imagine what will come of this riduculous techno-imperialism/AI arms-race, or whatever you want to call it. It should not be too hard for China to create their own ASICs which do the same, and finally be done with this palaver.

oysmal 3 hours ago

Given that the training approach was open sourced, their claim can be independently verified. Huggingface is currently doing that with Open R1, so hopefully we will get a concrete answer to whether these accusations are merited or not.

nelblu 20 hours ago

Hahaha I can't stop laughing... i dont know the validity of the claim, but immediately i thought of the British Museum complaining about theft.

  • grogenaut 5 hours ago

    there's an exhibit in the BM about how they're proud to be allowing the Egyptian government to take back some of the artifacts the British have been safeguarding for the world while Egypt was going through essentially "troubles".

    right next to it is an older exhibit about how the original curator took cuneiform rolls and made them into necklace beads for his wife and rings? for himself.

    either someone at the BM has a very british sense of humor or it's a gigantic woosh. I laughed my ass off. People looked at me.

    • isaacremuant 2 hours ago

      The safeguarding propaganda is a a typical go-to of the remnants of the British empire to keep their stolen goods.

      They do it even with the Chile Moais when they never where in any danger.

      It's all lies.

duchenne 12 hours ago

The reasoning happens in the chain of thoughts. But OpenAI (aka ClosedAI) doesn't show this part when you use the o1 model, whether through the API or chat. They hide it to prevent distillation. Deepseek, though, has come up with something new.

  • manamorphic 12 hours ago

    Crazy how most people miss this simple logical deduction.

thih9 3 hours ago

I don't mind and I believe that a company with "open" in its name shouldn't mind either.

I hope this is actually true and OpenAI loses its close to monopoly status. Having a for profit entity safeguarding a popular resource like this sounds miserable for everyone else.

At the moment AI looks like typical VC scheme: build something off someone else's work, sell it at cost at first, shove it down everyone's throats and when it's too late, hike the prices. I don't like that.

metaxz 17 hours ago

I don't understand how OpenAI claims it would have happened. The weights are closed and as far as I read they are not complaining Deepseek hacked them and obtained the weight. So all they could do was to query OpenAI and generate test data. But how much did they query really - I would suppose it would require a huge amount done via an external, paid-for API? Is there any proof of this besides OpenAI saying it? Even if we suppose it is true, I suppose this must have happened via the API so they paid per token etc. So they paid for each and every token of training data. As I understand, the requester owns the copyright on what is generated by OpenAI's models and is free to do what they want.

temporallobe 20 hours ago

OpenAI is also possibly in violation of many IP laws by scraping the entirety of the internet and using to train their models, so there’s that.

  • InkCanon 20 hours ago

    To my understanding, OpenAI won the case where it argued training was covered under fair use and did not infringe on copyright.

    • Austiiiiii 19 hours ago

      Is there any reason they wouldn't rule the same way on DeepSeek training on OpenAI data? After all, one of the big selling points of GPT has been that businesses can freely use the information provided. They're paying for the service, after all. I'd very be interested to know how DeepSeek's usage (very reasonably assuming that they paid for their OpenAI subscription) is any different.

      • ickelbawd 17 hours ago

        Businesses can’t freely use the information. There are terms of service freely agreed upon by the user which explicitly deny many use cases—training other models is just one. DeepSeek is not an American company nor is their leader in deep with the new administration. It seems far more likely that this will play out like tiktok—they’ll be attacked publicly and banned for national security reasons.

        • Austiiiiii 15 hours ago

          On further reading, I'll grant the first point. Although I wonder if they'll have a technical out—say they distilled from several smaller research companies that had distilled from OpenAI for research purposes, which to my understanding would not constitute a violation of the terms of service.

          As for it getting banned, TikTok was banned partly because of credible accounts of it having been used by China to track political enemies. Are we thinking they'll expand the argument on national security to say that any application that transfers data to China is a national security threat? Because that could be a very slippery slope.

          And in any case, such a measure seems like it would only bar access to the DeepSeek app. Surely no one could argue that the underlying open source model, if run locally on American soil, could constitute a security threat, right?

_moof 17 hours ago

This reminds me of a (probably apocryphal) story about fast food chains that made the rounds decades ago: McDonald's invests tons of time into finding the best real estate for new stores; Burger King just opens stores near McDonalds!

crowcroft 20 hours ago

The AI companies were happy to take whatever they want and put the onus of proving they were breaking the law onto publishers by challenging them to take things to court.

Don't get mad about possible data theft, prove it in court.

__MatrixMan__ 20 hours ago

If they want us to care they can open up their models so we can be the judge.

jgrall 17 hours ago

It’s not a good look when your technology is replicated for a fraction of the cost, and your response is to smear your competition with (probably) false accusations and cozy up to the US government to tighten already shortsighted export controls. Hubris & xenophobia are not going to serve American companies well. Personally I welcome the Chinese - or anyone else for that matter - developing advanced technologies as long as they are used for good. Humanity loses if we allow this stuff to be “owned” by a handful of companies or a single country.

cumulative00x 14 hours ago

There is a saying in Turkish that roughly goes like this, it takes a thief to catch a thief. I am not a big fan of China's tech, too, however, it amuses me to watch how big tech charlatans have been crying over Deepseek shock.

  • gosub100 14 hours ago

    It's true irony to see thieves getting stolen from.

krystofee 3 hours ago

I dont know if point of this is just to derail public attention to narative “hey, chinese stole our model, thats not fair, we need computee”, when the deepseek has clearly done some exceptional technical breakthrough on R1 and v3 models. Which even if you stole data from OpenAi is its thing.

InkCanon 20 hours ago

It's like that Dr Phil episode where he meets the guy who created Bum Fights!

  • selimthegrim 7 hours ago

    Dr. Phil is riding along with ICE now; I wonder what Bum Fights guy would have to say about that.

whatshisface 20 hours ago

It's reasonably likely that a lot of people linked to the federal government want to ban DeepSeek. You can tell it's being presented away from "they gave us a free set of weights" and towards "they destroyed $1T of shareholder value." (By revealing that Microsoft et al. paid way too much to OpenAI et al. for technology that was actually easy to reinvent.)

  • toomuchtodo 20 hours ago

    > "they destroyed $1T of shareholder value." (By revealing that Microsoft et al. paid way too much to OpenAI et al. for technology that was actually easy to reinvent.)

    The value was highly speculative, an illusion created by PR and sentiment momentum. "Hype value" not real value (unless you're able to realize it and dump those bags on someone else before fundamentals set in). Same thing happening with power companies downstream of the discovery that AI is not going to be a savior of sagging electricity demand. Overdriving the fundamentals is not value destruction, it is "I gambled and lost." |

    "In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine."

    • DebtDeflation 19 hours ago

      What they really destroyed was the idea that OpenAI would be able to charge $200/month for their ChatGPT Pro subscription which includes o1. That was always ridiculous IMO. The Free tier and $20/month Plus tier along with their API business (minus any future plan to charge a ridiculous amount for API access to o1) will be fine.

      • toomuchtodo 19 hours ago

        > The Free tier and $20/month Plus tier along with their API business (minus any future plan to charge a ridiculous amount for API access to o1) will be fine.

        Do the unit economics make this sustainable?

        • DebtDeflation 18 hours ago

          If only there were a way to make the models more efficient. Oh wait.

          • jl6 18 hours ago

            But doesn’t Deepseek’s innovation apply only to training, not inference?

            • Zacharias030 17 hours ago

              Actually no! If we take their paper at face value, the crucial innovation to get a strong model with efficiency is their much reduced KV cache and their MoE approach: - where a standard model needs to store two large vectors for each token at inference time (and load/store those over and over from memory) deepseek v3/R1 only stores one smaller vector C that is a „compression“ from which the large k,v vectors can be decoded on the fly. - They use a fairly standard Mixture of Expert (MoE) approach, which works well in training with their tricks, but whose inference time advantages are immediate and equal to all other MoE techniques, which is to say that from ~85% of the 600B+ params that are inside the MoE layers, the model at each token inference step will only pick a small fraction to use. This reduces FLOPs and memory io by a large factor in comparison to a so-called dense model where all weights are used for every token (cf Llama 3 405B)

            • freeone3000 17 hours ago

              Reducing R&D expense also reduces breakeven price.

    • scarface_74 19 hours ago

      The two podcasters who do the Acquired podcast spoke to Ballmer about some of Microsoft’s failed initiatives and acquisitions. He told them that at the end of the day “it’s only money”.

      All of the BigTech companies have enough cash flow from profitable lines of business to make speculative bets.

      • azemetre 19 hours ago

        It must be EZ mode to be a big tech executive, you somehow have all the power to make every decision while also having the ability to never take the fault for these decisions.

        • scarface_74 18 hours ago

          I would much rather have a company with a culture that isn’t afraid to take calculated risks and not be afraid of repercussions when they take risk as long as it doesn’t cause consumer harm.

          • azemetre 15 hours ago

            "Not doing consumer harm" is carrying a lot of weight there.

            Either way what you describe is perfectly achievable for the workers, but at some point management needs to own up to their failures and getting rewarded because the board is also made up of executives at other big tech companies is a perverse incentive to never actually improve.

            • scarface_74 15 hours ago

              How did Microsoft’s losing bets do consumer harm?

              • azemetre 14 hours ago

                I mean forcing copilot everywhere I don't want it (nowhere) while jacking up prices to justify it and using Windows 11 to serve ads is harmful to me. There's also you know... the anticompetitive company that thinks buying new sectors is healthy.

                • scarface_74 14 hours ago

                  Today, Microsoft’s revenue mostly comes from Office and Azure. All except PowerPoint were written and designed by MS.

    • cft 20 hours ago

      Since the time when companies en masse stopped paying cash dividends on owned shares, the value has become highly speculative. In the absence of dividend payments, the stock pricing mechanism is not essentially different from Solana or Ethereum "price" discovery.

      • toomuchtodo 20 hours ago

        I don't disagree that price discovery is harder, but I can with more certainty give an honest valuation of CLF or DOW vs OpenAI's "who knows what money will look like after we succeed, you should view your investment as a donation" nonsense. Speculation is inevitable when forward looking, but there is a difference between error bars and various projections vs unicorns.

        Due diligence never goes out of style.

      • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

        > when companies en masse stopped paying stock dividends

        Do you mean cash dividends [1]?

        Also, the premise is false. Dividend yields have roughly tracked interest rates [2]. (The difference is a dirty component of the equity risk premium [3].)




        • cft 16 hours ago

          I changed the typo, thanks. Chash dividends. This analysis does not negate common sense: when a company does not pay cash dividends, owning its stock is purely speculative, like owning Solana. When it does, you get cash dividends funded by the company's tangible revenue, proportional to your number of shares.

  • Buttons840 19 hours ago

    I saw a some Europeans hoping that the US would ban DeepSeek, because then there would be less traffic interfering with their own DeepSeek queries.

    The US can ban all they want, but if the rest of the world starts preferring Chinese social media, Chinese AI, and Chinese websites in general, the US is going to lose one of its crown jewels.

    The way the US behaves is a problem and makes a lot of people prefer alternatives just for the sake of avoiding the US, which is why it's important that the US get along with other nations, but--well, about that...

    • nozzlegear 19 hours ago

      Agreed, you've highlighted one of the key problems with protectionism and nativism. Banning competition just weakens America's global influence, it doesn't make it stronger.

      • darkwizard42 18 hours ago

        This statement doesn't seem to hold true. China has banned nearly all US tech companies and social products. It has not decreased the influence of China's influence (which has been through manufacturing/retail influence and tech influence).

        I don't think your statement holds with current behavior.

        • kergonath 17 hours ago

          > China has banned nearly all US tech companies and social products. It has not decreased the influence of China's influence

          Being hostile does not bring you friends. Sure, various countries can have reasons to suck it up anyway (e.g. because of sanctions, or because China makes an offer too good to pass, although even that comes with strings attached). But in the long run you just create clients or satellites who will escape at the first occasion.

          The American foreign policy around the middle of the 20th century relied very effectively on soft power, which is something you can leverage to get much more out of your investments than their pure monetary value. It is not required in order to gain influence, but it is a force multiplier.

          • philistine 17 hours ago

            Then how can you explain that China’s hostility towards Western tech companies being present inside their own country has not created what you’re describing?

            Is hostility a bad idea only for America? Sure hope not.

            • nozzlegear 15 hours ago

              > Is hostility a bad idea only for America? Sure hope not.

              I think protectionism is long-term bad for every country, but it's especially and uniquely bad for the biggest economy in the world who has net benefitted the most from free trade and competition. There's no denying that China is influential – the argument is that they could've been (and still can be) so much more influential by embracing western tech instead of walling themselves off.

            • freeone3000 17 hours ago

              America is reliant on purchasing cheap goods from elsewhere and selling expensive technology. If it’s hostile toward the suppliers of cheap goods or the buyers of expensive technology, well, what purpose does it have on the global scale?

            • kergonath 16 hours ago

              I am saying that they could have got much more, particularly considering the spectacular mistakes western countries kept making for the last ~2 decades.

        • nozzlegear 18 hours ago

          But China has never been a global leader in tech or social media. They undoubtedly have influence in these areas, but they've never dominated them like the US has. Banning foreign competition in a field where you already dominate, like tech and AI, has different consequences than banning it where you're playing catch up.

          • jononor 14 hours ago

            What is your definition of "tech"? A very large amount of the electronics products in the world are made in China (specifically in/around Szhenzen and the wider Guangdong province). Both consumer goods and industrial goods. From the cheapest stuff to the most advanced and everything in between. They provide the manufacturing for brands fron all over the world, including goods "from the west". The amount of economy that depends entirely on this low-cost, high-quality manufacturing is insanely large - both directly in electronics goods but also as part of many other industries because you need electronics to build anything else.

            • nozzlegear 8 hours ago

              By "tech" I'm sort of vaguely handwaving at Silicon Valley et al. I agree that China has built up a massive manufacturing industry that the west depends on, but I don't think that "being a significant cog in the machine," so to speak, buys as much influence or bargaining power as being the maker or owner of the machine. It's better to have the Apples and Googles of the world than it is to have the SG Micros or BYD Electronics.

          • philistine 17 hours ago

            TikTok has been the darling of the world for years at this point. They’re a global leader.

            • nozzlegear 15 hours ago

              Pretext my statement with "historically, until the last 5 years or so" and it still stands. TikTok is definitely influential, there's no arguing that.

      • paxys 19 hours ago

        Plus technology cycles move so quickly that you won't have to wait a generation or two to see the effects of this isolationism.

      • sailfast 18 hours ago

        You know this. I know this. But the President of the United States does not know this.

    • tensor 17 hours ago

      I've recently cancelled my Github Copilot subscription and now use Mistral. When the US starts threatening allies with tariffs or invasion, using US services becomes a major business risk.

      • mongol 14 hours ago

        Not only a business risk. It also becomes a moral imperative to avoid if you can. Don't support bullies, is my motto. It can be hard to completely avoid, but it is important to try.

    • karel-3d 18 hours ago

      EU will ban DeepSeek sooner because of (lack of) GDPR compliance

      • whatevaa 18 hours ago

        That's ok, they provide the models. They can be run at Europe, given you have capable hardware.

        • wongarsu 17 hours ago

          And the path to pleasing the EU would be straightforward: make a EU subsidiary, have it host or rent GPUs and servers in Europe, make sure personally-identifiable data is handled in accordance with GDPR and doesn't leave that subsidiary, make sure EU customers make their accounts with and are served by that subsidiary.

          Meanwhile, to please the US they would probably have to move the entire company to the US. And even that may not be enough

      • acheong08 18 hours ago

        Banning the site would be fine. The model itself will still be available from a variety of providers as well as locally. The US is more likely to ban the model itself on the basis of national security

      • Buttons840 17 hours ago

        Does EU block websites that don't comply with their laws?

        If DeepSeek becomes popular in America I predict it will be blocked, national firewall style. Will EU do the same?

        • surgical_fire 17 hours ago

          Generally no. For all people complaining about EU regulations, the regulators typically opt to fine companies into compliance.

  • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago

    Theoretically this should be good for OpenAI - in that they can reduce their costs by ~27x and pass that along to end users to get more adoption and more profit.

    • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

      No; those costs were their moat.

      • whatshisface 20 hours ago

        I wish more people had understood that spending a lot of money processing publicly available commodities with techniques available in the published literature is the business model of a steel mill.

        • JumpCrisscross 20 hours ago

          > is the business model of a steel mill

          It’s the business of commodities. The magic is in tiny incremental improvements and distribution. DeepSeek forces us to question if AI—possibly intelligence—is a commodity.

          • camdenreslink 18 hours ago

            I’m not sure I’d call what LLMs do intelligence. Not yet anyway…

            • JumpCrisscross 17 hours ago

              > not sure I’d call what LLMs do intelligence

              No, but it's good enough to replace some office jobs. Which forces us to ask, to what degree is intelligence--unique intelligence--required for useful production? (We can ask the same about physical strength.)

              • FridgeSeal 16 hours ago

                I find it interesting that so much discussion about “LLM’s can do some of our work” is centred around “are they intelligence” and not what I see as the precursor question of “are we doing a lot of bullshit work?”

                My partner is in law, along with several friends and the amount of completely _useless_ work and ceremony they’re forced to do is insane. It’s a literal waste of their talent and time. We could probably net most of the claimed AI gains by taking a serious look at pointless workloads and come out ahead due to not needing the energy and capital expenditure.

          • sebzim4500 19 hours ago

            Surely that would be amazing for NVDA? If the only 'hard' part of making AI is making/buying/smuggling the hardware then nvidia should expect to capture most of the value.

            • JoshTko 18 hours ago

              No. Before Deepseek R1, Nvidia was charging $100 for a $20 shovel in the gold rush. Now, every Fortune 100 can build an O1-level model with currently existing (and soon to be online) infra. Healthy demand for H100 and Blackwell will remain, but paying $100 for a $20 shovel is unlikely.

              Nvidia will definitely stay profitable for now though, as long as Deepseek’s breakthroughs are not further improved upon. But if others find additional compression gains, Nvidia won’t recapture its old premium. Its stock hinged on 80% margins and 75% annual growth, Deepseek broke that premise.

              • wongarsu 17 hours ago

                There still isn't a serious alternative for chips for AI training. Until competition catches up or models become so efficient they can be trained on gaming cards Nvidia will still be able to command the same margins.

                Growth might take a short-term dip, but may well be picked up by induced demand. Being able to train your own models "cheaply" will cause a lot more companies and departments want to train their own models on their own data, and cause them to retrain more frequently.

                The time of being able to sell H100 clusters for inference might be coming to an end though.

            • ceejayoz 19 hours ago

              DeepSeek revealed it's not as hard as previously thought; a much smaller number of less sophisticated chips was sufficient.

            • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

              > that would be amazing for NVDA?

              It’s good for Nvidia. It’s not as good as it was before. (Assuming DeepSeek’s claims are replicable.)

            • throwaway48476 18 hours ago

              NVDA is too invested in training and underinvested in edge inference.

      • cjbgkagh 20 hours ago

        But have you heard of Jevons Paradon…… /s

        OMG, it seems tech has been invaded by baaing crypto bros

      • scotty79 19 hours ago

        Maybe they even suppressed algorithmic improvements in their company to preserve moat. Something akin to Kodak suppressing internal research on digital cameras because they were world leading company that produced photo film.

      • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago

        You don't need a moat when you're in first place.

        Their moat is >1B people are already using ChatGPT monthly.

        They aren't going to switch unless something is substantially better.

        • like_any_other 20 hours ago

          > Their moat is >1B people are already using ChatGPT monthly.

          Unlike a social network, network effects won't help them - their users don't care how many other users they have, only about the AI output quality.

          > They aren't going to switch unless something is substantially better.

          Or approximately as good but cheaper.

          • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago

            > Or approximately as good but cheaper.

            You're fooling yourself if you think OpenAI is going to pass up implementing the same strategies to get a ~27x cheaper model.

            > Unlike a social network, network effects won't help them - their users don't care how many other users they have, only about the AI output quality.

            Google Search doesn't have a network effect. Everyone on HN has been saying Google Search is complete garbage for a decade. It still has the same market share (roughly) as it did a decade ago.

            • like_any_other 20 hours ago

              > You're fooling yourself if you think OpenAI is going to pass up implementing the same strategies to get a ~27x cheaper model.

              But that would mean a 27x lower valuation.

              • JumpCrisscross 20 hours ago

                > that would mean a 27x lower valuation

                Not directly. The 27x is about costs. What it means is some order of magnitude of more competition. That reduces natural market share, price leverage and thus future profits.

              • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago

                > But that would mean a 27x lower valuation.


                Valuations are based on future profits. Not future revenues.

                You can theoretically lower your costs by 27x and end up with 2x more future profits - if you're actually 45x cheaper (which DeepSeek's method claims to be).

                • like_any_other 19 hours ago

                  You mean charge a 27x lower price, but have 45x lower costs, so your profit margin has doubled?

                  Your relative margin may have doubled, but your absolute profit-per-item hasn't. Say you had a 10% margin before, at a $100 price and $90 cost, for a $10 profit-per-item. Reduce price 27x and cost 45x, so $3.7 price, $2 cost, and $1.7 profit-per-item. 6x less profit - not as bad as 27x, but not good if you're OpenAI.

                  • onlyrealcuzzo 19 hours ago

                    > Your relative margin may have doubled, but your absolute profit-per-item hasn't.

                    ChatGPT doesn't have any profits right now.

                    We have no idea what investors are expecting future profits to be.

                    > Say you had a 10% margin before, at a $100 price and $90 cost, for a $10 profit-per-item. Reduce price 27x and cost 45x, so $3.7 price, $2 cost, and $1.7 profit-per-item. 6x less profit - not as bad as 27x, but not good if you're OpenAI.

                    Now do the same thing but assume you have 10x more subscribers because the prices are ~27x lower.

                    You end up with almost 2x more total profit.

                    Just take ChatGPT's ~$200 subscription. Hardly anyone is going to pay ~$200 a month. Reduce that by 27x - and you're at $7.5 per month. Maybe 10% of people on the planet will pay that.

                    • hadlock an hour ago

                      if ChatGPT starts selling ads on chat results that will probably improve revenue. I've seen social media ads recently for things I've only typed into ChatGPT so that leads me to believe they're already monetizing it to advertising platforms.

                    • ceejayoz 19 hours ago

                      > Now do the same thing but assume you have 10x more subscribers because the prices are ~27x lower.

                      You're in various spots of this thread pushing the idea that their 1B MAUs make them unassailable. How are they gonna get to 10B in a world with less than that total people?

                      > Just take ChatGPT's ~$200 subscription. Hardly anyone is going to pay ~$200 a month. Reduce that by 27x - and you're at $7.5 per month. Maybe 10% of people on the planet will pay that.

                      They can't even make money at the $200 price point, though.

                • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

                  > Valuations are based on future profits.

                  Which are estimated, in significant part, by the chance of a competitor arising.

                  If the barriers of entry are much lower than originally thought, the potential profit margin plummets.

            • rurp 19 hours ago

              Google spends immense amounts of resources every year to ensure that their search is almost always the default option. Defaults are extremely powerful in consumer tech.

            • digitalPhonix 18 hours ago

              > Google Search doesn't have a network effect. Everyone on HN has been saying Google Search is complete garbage for a decade. It still has the same market share (roughly) as it did a decade ago.

              It absolutely does. People use Google for search -> Websites optimise for Google -> People get “better” results when searching with Google.

              The fact that it’s market share is sticky and not responding quickly to change in quality is sort of indicative of the network effect.

            • gtirloni 20 hours ago

              Other search engines don't have a gigantic advertising budget or a dominant browser pounding on users' heads to use them.

          • jasonjmcghee 20 hours ago

            1 billion MAU? What's the source on that? Very difficult to believe.

        • kgwgk 20 hours ago

          « The thing I noticed right away when Claude came out is how little lock-in ChatGPT had established. This was very different to my experience when I first ran a search on Google, sometime in the year 2000. After the first time I used Google, I literally never used another search engine again; it was just light years ahead of its competitors in terms of the quality of its results, and the clarity of its presentation. This week I added a third chatbot to the mix: DeepSeek »

          Follow up:

          • mohsen1 19 hours ago

            My guess is that OS vendors are the real winners in the long run. If Siri/Goolge can access my stuff and core of LLMs is this replicable then I don't see anyone downloading any apps for their typical AI usage. Specially that users have to go out of their way to allow a 3rd party to access all their data.

            This is why OpenAI is so deep in the product development phase right now. They have to become the OS to be successful but I don't see that happening

        • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

          > You don't need a moat when you're in first place.

          Tell that to Friendster/MySpace and Facebook.

          • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago

            Cute - but MySpace didn't have >1B users, it didn't even have 10M when Facebook launched.

            Try again.

            • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

              Nothing had a billion users; the Internet didn't at the time.

              MySpace and Friendster both spent significant time as the #1 social sites. Facebook unseated them rapidly. The same is possible for OpenAI.

              • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago


                • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

                  MySpace and Friendster both claimed ~115M peak users.

                  > It's literally orders of magnitude.

                  Sure, and the speed at which ChatGPT went from zero to a billion is precisely why they need a moat... because otherwise the next one can do it to them.

                  Your argument is like a railroad company in 1905 scoffing at the idea that airliners will be a thing.

                  • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago

                    Peek users is not the amount of users they had when Facebook started.

                    Facebook probably would've never became a thing if MySpace already had ~115M users when it started.

                    MySpace had ~1M.

                    That's why DeepSeek (or anyone else) is going to have an incredibly difficult time convincing ~1B to switch from ChatGPT to their tool instead.

                    Can it happen? For sure.

                    Will it happen? Less likely.

                    If anyone unseats ChatGPT - it's much more likely to be a usual suspect like Google, Apple, or Microsoft - then some obscure company no one has ever heard of.

                    Of course, anything is possible.

            • cjbgkagh 20 hours ago

              It had more than Facebook when Facebook launched so I’m not sure what your point is

            • shmeeed 16 hours ago

              Dude, if you seriously believe OpenAI has 1B active users, you should go touch grass. Actual estimates are 100-200 million, about a magnitude lower.

        • Sateeshm 19 hours ago

          There is no network effect (amazon, instagram, etc.) not an enterprise vendor lock-in (Microsoft Office/AD, Apple Appstore, etc.) In fact, it's quite the opposite, the way these companies deliver ouput is damn near identical. Switching between them is pretty painless.

        • JumpCrisscross 20 hours ago

          > You don't need a moat when you're in first place

          There are different moats [1]. You’re describing incumbency, an intangible moat. It’s nice, but it’s fickle. Particularly with something with low switching costs.

          OpenAI could argue, before, that it had a natural monopoly. More people use OpenAI so it gets more revenue and more data which lets it raise more capital to train these expensive models. That may not be true, which means it only has that first, shallow moat. It’s Nike. Not Google.


          • onlyrealcuzzo 20 hours ago

            > There are different moats [1]. You’re describing incumbency, an intangible moat. It’s nice, but it’s fickle. Particularly with something with low switching costs.

            Google has a low switching cost, and hardly anyone switches.

            ChatGPT is quite similar to Google in this way.

            • JumpCrisscross 20 hours ago

              > Google has a low switching cost, and hardly anyone switches

              Google has massive network effects on its ad business and a natural monopoly on its search index. Crawling the web is expensive. It’s why Kagi has to pay Google (versus being able to pay them once and then stop).

            • scarface_74 19 hours ago

              Thought experiment: if tomorrow Apple changed the default search engine from Google to ChatGPT for iOS, how fast would Google’s dominance drop?

              iOS has 70% market share in the US

        • flavius29663 20 hours ago

          just for the chatbot, it's trivial to switch, create a new account and start asking questions from deepseek instead. There is nothing holding the users in chatgpt.

          • ceejayoz 19 hours ago

            And the bigger risk is the big companies making deals - like Apple including ChatGPT access in iOS - canceling those to do it on-device or in-house.

            1B MAUs doesn't look great if half of them come from one source that can easily change to a competitor.

        • lm28469 20 hours ago

          > They aren't going to switch unless something is substantially better.

          Except one product is 100% free and the other is mostly locked behind paid subscriptions

          • scarface_74 19 hours ago

            How long can DeepSeek stay free?

            It’s already unable to keep up with demand, it will never be the default on mobile devices and businesses in the US will never trust it.

            • ceejayoz 19 hours ago

              That's not really the important question.

              The important question is "will this and similar optimizations to come permit local LLM use, cutting OpenAI out of the equation entirely?"

              • scarface_74 18 hours ago

                Businesses don’t even want to maintain servers locally. They definitely aren’t going to start managing servers beefy enough to run LLMs and try to run then with the reliability, availability, etc of cloud services.

                This will make the cloud providers - especially AWS, GCP and to a lesser extent the also ran clouds more valuable. The other models hosted by AWS on Bedrock are already “good enough” for most business use cases.

                And then consumers are definitely not going to be running LLMs locally on their computers to replicate ChatGPT (the product) anymore than they are going to get an FTP account, mount it locally with curlftpfs, and then using SVN or CVS on the mounted filesystem and then from Windows or Mac, accessed the FTP account through built-in software instead of using cloud storage like Dropbox. [1]

                Whether someone comes up with a better product than ChatGPT and overcome the brand awareness is yet to be seen.

                [1] Also the iPod had no wireless, less space than the Nomad and was lame.

                • ceejayoz 17 hours ago

                  > And then consumers are definitely not going to be running LLMs locally on their computers to replicate ChatGPT...

                  Not personally. They'll let Apple handle it for them.

                  (This is already a thing.

                  • scarface_74 17 hours ago

                    There is a reason I kept emphasizing the ChatGPT product. The (paid) ChatGPT product is not just a text based LLM. It can interpret images, has a built in Python runtime to offload queries that LLMs aren’t good at like math, web search, image generation, and a couple of other integrations.

                    The local LLM on iPhones are literally 1% as powerful as the server based models like 4o.

                    That’s not even considering battery considerations

                    • ceejayoz 16 hours ago

                      > The local LLM on iPhones are literally 1% as powerful as the server based models like 4o.

                      Currently, yes. That's why this is a compelling advance - it makes local LLMs much more feasible, especially if this is just the first of many breakthroughs.

                      A lot of the hype around OpenAI has been due to the fact that buying enough capacity to run these things wasn't all that feasible for competitors. Now, it is, potentially even at the local level.

        • spinlock_ 20 hours ago

          I don't agree. You don't have moat if you are offering the same quality for a higher price.

        • cogman10 20 hours ago

          Free that runs locally on consumer hardware sounds substantially better.

        • sandclock 20 hours ago

          That is exactly what a moat is. Keeping others out.

          moat noun a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, fort, or town, typically filled with water and intended as a defense against attack.

          • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

            Precisely. First place needs the moat.

            Second place just needs a catapult and a diseased cow.

        • meiraleal 19 hours ago

          oh well, I switched yesterday from a paid plan to a free one and I'm quite happy with the quality improvement.

    • blantonl 20 hours ago

      Nah, those costs were for their doomsday bunkers and crypto purchases, and maybe a house or 3

    • mirzap 19 hours ago

      Training costs are not the same as inference costs. DeepSeek (or anyone hosting DS largest model) will still need a lot of money and a bunch of GPU clusters to serve the customers.

    • askl 20 hours ago

      They could pivot to being a wrapper around DeepSeek. That would also save a lot of R&D costs.

    • btbuildem 18 hours ago

      > pass that along to end users

      I don't think that's at all likely in the current economic system

    • wturner 20 hours ago

      Capitalism - a system where rational actors make informed decisions.

  • dkjaudyeqooe 19 hours ago

    Not sure I agree with your premise, but what exactly are they going to ban?

    They can stop DeepSeek doing various things commercially I guess, but stopping Americans using their ideas is simply impossible and stopping use of their source or weights would be (likely successfully) challenged under the first amendment.

    There is no law against simply destroying trillions of dollars of shareholder value.

  • fullshark 20 hours ago

    Would it even matter? Isn't the cat out of the bag and everything they did repeatable by an American research team?

    • whatshisface 20 hours ago

      American researchers had already made enough progress to prove that LLMs were not an incomprehensible trade secret based on years of secret knowledge - investors and tech executives were simply lead to believe otherwise. Well-connected people are probably very mad about this and they may try to lash out like the emotional human beings they are.

    • bhouston 20 hours ago

      It doesn't matter from the US government perspective if all of the tech is replicated by US companies and US user continue to use US AI technology. But if US users start to use Chinese AI tech, then protectionism urges will appear that will likely figure out how to ban its use or subject it to large tariffs (e.g. TikTok, BYD, network equipment, solar panels, etc.)

    • Cumpiler69 20 hours ago

      It matters because their goal was hyping up how advanced and difficult their tech is, propping up their valuations.

      DeepSeek proved the emperor had no clothes and wiped out a lot of their valuation when investors saw reaching parity to Chtgpt is not really that difficult.

      • mastazi 20 hours ago

        I think parent was asking would it even matter if there was a ban. To which the answer would be "no" because as you said the point has been made. And, as parent pointed out, it's repeatable anyway.

  • dtquad 19 hours ago

    >It's reasonably likely that a lot of people linked to the federal government want to ban DeepSeek.

    It took them years and years to move forward with the ban ok Tiktok and it still hasn't been banned yet. There is no way they are going to ban some MIT-licensed weights.

    >"they destroyed $1T of shareholder value."

    The market has largely recovered.

    • tokioyoyo 19 hours ago

      There is big American money invested in TikTok. That doesn’t seem to be the case for DeepSeek.

  • nullbyte 18 hours ago

    I think the real concern from the govt's perspective is data privacy, since all the chat messages are stored on Chinese servers

  • the_sleaze_ 20 hours ago

    "easy to reinvent" often comes after "hard to invent"

    • mromanuk 18 hours ago

      At Microsoft’s size, they don’t care; they just buy out others.

  • leesec 18 hours ago

    It was so easy it cost hundreds of millions of dollars, only one company has done it and they had to lie about it

  • dfxm12 19 hours ago

    There's a lot of egg on people's faces now. DeepSeek shows there's nothing special about America or its economic system that breeds innovation. DeepSeek shows how these tech oligarchs greatly overplayed their hand and along with the president, bamboozled the taxpayer to enrich each other. I just hope the voters remember this in 2 years, 4 years and beyond.

    • iforgot22 17 hours ago

      If the allegations are true, the special thing about OpenAI is that it didn't have to be trained off DeepSeek. But either way, you maybe don't want to invest billions in something if someone else will be able to copy it for less.

    • dtquad 19 hours ago

      >DeepSeek shows how these tech oligarchs greatly overplayed their hand and along with the president, bamboozled the taxpayer to enrich each other.

      How much taxpayer money has gone to OpenAI and Anthropic? They are the two big sinners in closed AI.

  • IAmGraydon 20 hours ago

    Yeah they're setting this up to ban it. Crazy that they think this kind of approach will work in any way. Banning H100s didn't work, and actually pushed them to innovate. Now someone has found a more efficient way to train a model and they decide the best way forward is for the US not to benefit from access to it? This is clear evidence of collusion between OpenAI and the US Government to disadvantage competitors. Beyond that, it will never work. If they need to be reminded of just how little power they have to control the distribution of open source models, I think we would all be happy to enlighten them.

  • Cumpiler69 20 hours ago

    >By revealing that Microsoft et al. paid way too much to OpenAI et al. for technology that was actually easy to reinvent.

    That's why it's called a bubble. Pretty sure my great great grandad also overpaid for some tulips.

  • duxup 20 hours ago

    When it comes to the executive branch's role in banning something. I'm not convinced they're even honest about it / what the context even is.

    Trump wanted to ban Tiktok before... and then simply chose not to / forgot about it.

    Next round congress acted, and Trump delayed it and has said that he is interested in his friends buying it.

    Is there really a competitive plan here or is it just fishing for payouts / grifting for allies?

    The context is always about competition, but I'm not even sure that's their plan.

nba456_ 20 hours ago

A big part of project 2025 is increasing patent regulations. I would not be surprised if the current admin moves to ban DeepSeek because of this.

MagicMoonlight 4 hours ago

So much for that walled garden. If rival firms can just download your entire model by talking to it then your company shouldn’t be worth billions.

iimaginary 2 hours ago

Where did I leave my tiny violin?

hugoromano 14 hours ago

OpenAI initially scraped the web and later formed partnerships to train on licensed data. Now, they claim that DeepSeek was trained on their models. However, DeepSeek couldn't use these models for free and had to pay API fees to OpenAI. From a legal standpoint, this could be seen as a violation of the terms and conditions. While I may be mistaken, it's unclear how DeepSeek could have trained their models without compensating OpenAI. Basically, OpenAI is saying machines can't learn from their outputs as humans do.

Kiro 20 hours ago

> Furious [...] shocked

I'm not seeing it. I get it, the narrative that OpenAI is getting a taste of their own medicine is funny but this is not serious reporting.

  • Kiro 13 hours ago

    The link has been changed. My comment was about a different article that speculated on what OpenAI was "feeling" using hyperbole.

caseyy 6 hours ago

Seeing as OpenAI is on the back foot, I hope nationalistic politicians don’t use this opportunity to strengthen patent laws.

If one could effectively patent software inventions, this would kill many industries, from video games (that all have mechanics of other games in them) to computing in general (fast algorithms, etc). Let’s hope no one gets ideas like that…

Granted, it would be ineffective in competing against China’s tech industry. But less effective laws have been lobbied through in the past.

guybedo 17 hours ago

This is hilarious.

Everybody has evidence OpenAI scraped the internet at a global scale and used terabytes of data it didn't pay for. Newspapers, books, etc...

pknerd 4 hours ago

The reason OpenAI is whining:

> OpenAI’s o1 costs $60 per million output tokens; DeepSeek R1 costs $2.19. This nearly 30x difference brought the trend of falling prices to the attention of many people.

From Andrew Ng's recent DeeplearningAI newsletter

ingohelpinger 4 hours ago

OpenAI should be quite, since they’ve scrapped the entire internet for their training data.

cbracketdash 18 hours ago

Let's also not forget Suchir Balaji, who was mysteriously killed when exposing OpenAI's violation of copyright law.

JBSay 18 hours ago

When China is more open than you, you've got a problem

jchook 18 hours ago

Friendly reminder that China publishes twice as many AI papers as the US[1], and twice as many science and engineering papers as the US.

China leads the world in the most cited papers[2]. The US's share of the top 1% highly cited articles (HCA) has declined significantly since 2016 (1.91 to 1.66%), and the same has doubled in China since 2011 (0.66 to 1.28%)[3].

China also leads the world in the number of generative AI patents[4].





waffletower 18 hours ago

"Stole" - I don't believe that word means what he thinks it means. Perhaps I pre-maturely anthropomorphize AI -- yet when I read a novel, such as The Sorcerer's Stone, I am not guilty of stealing Rowling's work, even if I didn't purchase the book but instead found it and read it in a friend's bathroom. Now if I were to take the specific plot and characters of that story and write a screenplay or novel directly based on it, and, explicitly, attempt to sell this work, perhaps the verb chosen here would be appropriate.

adam_arthur 16 hours ago

Who cares?

They did the exact same thing with public information. Their model just synthesizes and puts out the same information in a slightly different form.

Next we should sue students for repeating the words of their teachers

vinni2 a day ago

How would they prove they used it’s model. I would be curious to know their methodology. Also what legal actions OpenAI can take? can DeepSeek be banned in US?

  • iforgot22 17 hours ago

    They might show DeepSeek's model calling itself ChatGPT, which users have already alleged. Same as how Cisco proved Huawei was stealing router code.

    Except in this case, nothing was stolen, unless they want to call ChatGPT's own training on source data theft too.

    • freehorse 14 hours ago

      ChatGPT outputs are all over the internet. It is harder to prove that deepseek used specifically o1 for training, instead of a lot of chatgpt output ending up in the training set from other sources.

      • iforgot22 14 hours ago

        That's a good point, at least for the prompts I saw. Like "do you have an app I can use" is commonly seen with "here's the ChatGPT app" online. And maybe they don't add anything telling Deepseek that it's Deepseek.

conartist6 17 hours ago

It seems to be undermined by the same principle that says that going into a library and reading a book there is not stealing when you walk out with the knowledge from the book.

OpenAI seems to feel that way about the their use of copyrighted material: since they didn't literally make a copy of the source material, it's totally fair game. It seems like this is the same argument that protects DeepSeek if indeed they did this. And why not, reading a lot of books from the library is a way to get smarter, and ostensibly the point of libraries

highfrequency 15 hours ago

If true, the question is: did they use ChatGPT outputs to create Deepseek V3 only, or is the R1-zero training process a complete lie (given that the whole premise is that they used pure reinforcement learning)? If they only used ChatGPT output when training V3, then they succeeded in basically replicating the jump from ChatGPT-4o to o1 without any human-labeled CoT (and published the results) - which is a big achievement on its own.

WD-42 20 hours ago

Information wants to be free! No, not like that!

WolfOliver 4 hours ago

I guess DeepSeek payed OpenAI for the usage of their API according to OpenAI's pricing?

So what is the point if you pay for it and can not use the results how you see fit?

mbowcut2 16 hours ago

So, is this just an example of the first-mover disadvantage (or maybe the problem of producing public goods?). The first AI models were orders of magnitude more expensive to create, but now that they're here we can, with techniques like distillation, replicate them at a fraction of the cost. I am not really literate in the law but weren't patents invented to solve problems like this?

elashri 20 hours ago

There is an Egyptian say that would translate to something like

"We didn’t see them when they were stealing, we saw them when they were fighting over what was stolen"

That describes this situation. Although to be honest all this aggressive scraping is noticeable but for people who understand that which is not majority of people. but now everyone knows.

  • waveBidder 17 hours ago

    > Although to be honest all this aggressive scraping is noticeable but for people who understand that which is not majority of people.

    When you say noticeable, do you mean in like, traffic statistics? Or in what the model knows that it clearly shouldn't if it wasn't trained in legally dubious ways?

  • sadjad 18 hours ago

    "When two thieves quarrel, what was stolen emerges."

  • meiraleal 19 hours ago

    "We didn’t see them when we were stealing, we saw them when they were fighting over what we stole"

    fixed for you

    • nicce 18 hours ago

      That means a different thing.

ceejayoz 20 hours ago

"You can't take data without asking" seems like a court precedent OpenAI really, really, really wants to avoid. And yet...

  • amelius 20 hours ago

    Why? When did large companies care about laws? See e.g. Uber, AirBnb.

    The only thing government cares about at this point is if information is shared with China.

    • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

      They care when they get big enough to attract attention from people like state AGs who can actually put the hurt on a bit. Uber and AirBnB both hit this point years ago; OpenAI's starting to hit it.

      • galleywest200 19 hours ago

        Altman is part of that Stargate Trump group now. He and his ilk will just get pardons.

        Curious, though, can a corporation be pardoned?

        • ceejayoz 19 hours ago

          The President can only pardon Federal crimes.

          State-level crimes (like his NY felonies) and civil torts (like his case where he owes $500M currently) are separate.

          • actionfromafar 19 hours ago

            Yet. Give it some time.

            • ceejayoz 19 hours ago

              Sure, but in that scenario, it's a bit like the Last of Us characters being concerned about electrical meter readings. We'll have much bigger problems.

  • layer8 19 hours ago

    OpenAI is saying that their service was used in violation of their TOS, which is a bit different than just copying data. To be clear I’m not on OpenAI’s side, but it looks to me that the legal situation isn’t exactly analogous.

    • orlp 19 hours ago

      If using data violating some ToS taints the model trained on that data, then all of OpenAI's models are tainted by the millions of ToS'es they broke.

    • kavalg 18 hours ago

      As others have noted, if one company agrees to the ToS, asks "the right" questions and then publishes the ChatGPT answers, there is not violation of ToS. Then a second company scrapes the published Q&A, along with other information from the internet and again there is no violation (not more than the violations of OpenAI).

    • dkjaudyeqooe 19 hours ago

      But whats the remedy in that case? Being banned from the service maybe, but no court is going to force a "return" of the data, so DeepSeek can't use it. It's uncopyrightable.

    • DebtDeflation 19 hours ago

      Tons of websites and books they scraped had copyright notices.

      • layer8 19 hours ago

        Copyright and terms of service are different legal notions.

        • Maxion 18 hours ago

          Yeah, copyright means something and a ToS is virtual toiletpaper (at least in the EU)

          • layer8 18 hours ago

            This wasn’t about which is worse than the other, but about whether OpenAI would want to avoid court precedent for the one because of the other.

    • hdjjhhvvhga 17 hours ago

      > OpenAI is saying that their service was used in violation of their TOS

      Which is the most ridiculous argument they could use because they didn't respect any ToS (or copyright laws, for that matter) when scraping the whole web, books from Libgen and who knows what more.

pama 20 hours ago

The R1 paper used o1-mini and o1-1217 in their comparisons, so I imagine they needed to use lots of OpenAI compute in December and January to evaluate their benchmarks in the same way as the rest of their pipeline. They show that distilling to smaller models works wonders, but you need the thought traces, which o1 does not provide. My best guess is that these types of news are just noise.

[edit: the above comment was based on sensetionalist reporting in the original link and not the current FT article. I still think there is a lot of noise in these news this last week, but it may well be that openai has valid evidence of wrongdoing; I would guess that any such wrongdoing would apply directly to V3 rather than R1-zero, because o1 does not provide traces and generating synthetic thinking data with 4o may be counterproductive.]

HarHarVeryFunny 19 hours ago

DeepSeek-R1's multi-step bootstrapping process, starting with their DeepSeek-V3 base model, would only seem to need a small amount of reasoning data for the DeepSeek-R0 RL training, after which that becomes the source for further data, along with some other sources that they mention.

Of course it's possible that DeepSeek used O1 to generate some of this initial bootstrapping data, but not obvious. O1 anyways deliberately obfuscates it's reasoning process (see "Hiding the chains of thought" section of OpenAI's "Learning to reason with LLMs" page), such that what you see is an after-the-fact "summary" of what it actually did; so, if DeepSeek did indeed use some of O1's output to train on, it shows that the details of O1's own reasoning process isn't as important as they thought it was - it's just having some verified (i.e. leading to good outcome) reasoning data from any source that matters to get started.

amarcheschi a day ago

I quite like a scenery where llm output can't be copyrighted, so that it is possible to eventually train a llm with data from the previous one(s)

  • layer8 a day ago

    OpenAI argues it’s a violation of their terms of service. So there are legal issues if it can be proven.

    • Palmik 21 hours ago

      Legal issues for who?

      Company A pays OpenAI for their API. They use the API to generate or augment a lot of data. They own the data. They post the data on the open Internet.

      Company B has the habit of scraping various pages on the Internet to train its large language models, which includes the data posted by Company A. [1]

      OpenAI is undoubtedly breaking many terms of service and licenses when it uses most of the open Internet to train its models. Not to mention potential copyright violations (which do not apply to AI outputs).

      [1]: This is not hypothetical BTW. In the early days of LLMs, lots of large labs accidentally and not so accidentally trained on the now famous ShareGPT dataset (outputs from ChatGPT shared on the ShareGPT website).

      • layer8 20 hours ago

        For both.

        • Palmik 20 hours ago

          Posting OpenAI generated data on the internet is not breaking the ToS. This is how most OpenAI based businesses operate, after all [1] (e.g. various businesses to generate articles with AI, various chat businesses that let you share your chats, etc.)

          OpenAI is one of the companies like Company B that is using data from the open Internet.

          [1] Ownership of content. As between you and OpenAI, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you (a) retain your ownership rights in Input and (b) own the Output. We hereby assign to you all our right, title, and interest, if any, in and to Output.

    • mannewalis a day ago

      But OpenAI's model isn't open source, how would they distill knowledge without direct access to the model?

      • layer8 a day ago

        You don’t need direct access for LLM distillation, just regular API access.

        • mannewalis a day ago

          ok I looked it up and have a better understanding now.

ks2048 17 hours ago

The schadenfreude and irony of this is totally understandable.

But, I wonder - do companies like OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic use each others models for training? If not, is it because they don't want to or need to, or because they are afraid of breaking the ToC?

rkagerer 6 hours ago

Are they crying about their competitor training off their stuff, after having used the whole of the web to train their own stuff?

ripped_britches 10 hours ago

I wish there were a stock ticker for OpenAI just to see what wall street’s take on all this is. One can imagine based on Nvidia, but I imagine OpenAI private valuation is hit much harder. Still, I think they’ll be able to justify it by building amazing products. Just interesting to watch what bankers think.

mkayle 12 hours ago

This raises the same questions I have about OpenAI: where's all this data coming from, and do they have permission to use it?

pknerd 4 hours ago

OpenAI steals the data from Youtube and the Internet so that's no fair either.

davesque 15 hours ago

I recently thought of a related question. Actually, I'm almost certain that foundation model trainers have thought of this. The question is to what extent are popular modern benchmarks (or any reference to them, or description of them, etc.) bring scrubbed from the training data? Or are popular benchmarks designed in such a way that they can be re-parametrized for each run? In any case, it seems like a surprisingly hard problem to deal with.

ginkgotree 20 hours ago

I did not have in my cards: PRC open sourcing most powerful LLM by stealing data set from "OpenAI" As someone that is very Pro-America and Pro-Democracy, the iron here is just... so sweet.

DidYaWipe 14 hours ago

They have "open" right in their name, so...

Objection overruled.

JBits 20 hours ago

What is the evidence that DeepSeek used OpenAI to train their model? Isn't this claim directly benefitting OpenAI as they can argue that any superior model requires their model?

SilverBirch 20 hours ago

I think OpenAI is in a really weak position here. There are essentially two positions you can be in: You can be the agile new startup that can break the rules and move fast. That's what OpenAI used to be. Or you can be the big incumbent who is going to use your enormous resources to crush your opposition. That's Google & Microsoft here. For Microsoft to say "We're going to tie you up in lawsuits about the way you trained this model" would be perfectly expected and they can use that strategy because at any given time they have 1,000 lawyers and lobbyists hanging around waiting to do exactly that. But OpenAI can't do that. They don't have Google or Microsoft's legal teams or lobbyists or distribution channels. SO whilst it's funny that OpenAI are kind of trying to go down this road, this isn't actually a strategy that is going to work for them, they're still a minnow and they're going to get distracted and slowed down by this.

  • golly_ned 12 hours ago

    > they're still a minnow

    3K+ employees, $3B+ revenue, ... sure, not BigTech but hardly a minnow. A company that big can chew gum and walk at the same time.

    • lou1306 12 hours ago

      They're trying to bark up a tree that might happen to be backed by the People's Republic of China. That's not their league, and even Microsoft would think twice before getting into that kind of kerfuffle.

      • dluan 7 hours ago

        I think commenters don't know about Bill Gates personally wining and dining Hu Jintao in Medina 20 years ago.

    • dauhak 11 hours ago

      They're also still deep in their loss-making phase, the whole "incumbent squashing upstarts" stance is a lot easier to pull off when you're settled and printing money

    • __loam 10 hours ago

      $7-8b in costs so they're losing $5b

      • Pedro_Ribeiro 9 hours ago

        Does that include R&D?

        If running ChatGPT costs $1B/y and they make $3B/y on it, tacking on the cost of R&D on top doesn't seem very fair.

        • __loam 35 minutes ago

          Afaik it includes inference which they seem to be offering at a loss.

  • jhanschoo 11 hours ago

    > For Microsoft to say "We're going to tie you up in lawsuits about the way you trained this model" would be perfectly expected and they can use that strategy because at any given time they have 1,000 lawyers and lobbyists hanging around waiting to do exactly that. But OpenAI can't do that. They don't have Google or Microsoft's legal teams or lobbyists or distribution channels.

    I think it's also hilarious that suppose they can do that then they will end up suppressing innovation within the US, and eager groups in China would just innovate without having to worry about this hostile landscape.

  • htrp 15 hours ago

    But microsoft is one of their backers?

  • bagels 8 hours ago

    Anyone who uses DeepSeek commercially is now opening the door to litigation from them as well.

zoba 20 hours ago

Does OpenAI's API attempt to detect this sort of thing? Could they start outputting bad information if they suspect a distillation attempt is underway?

stevenally 18 hours ago

They should be happy. Now that can provide that amazing AI much more cheaply. They don't need half a trillion dollars worth of Nvidia chips.

maxglute 13 hours ago

Not that DeepSeek is luigi mangione, but it's pretty funny OpenAi getting the dead ceo treatment.

jofzar 9 hours ago

Sorry, it's now a problem to train off other people's data? Surely openai has never trained off other people's data without permission...

aucisson_masque 12 hours ago

I don't see the difference between that and LLM feeding on internet people's data.

They call it IP theft yet when the New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement they claimed it's fair use of data.

jasoneckert 20 hours ago

What I find the most comical about this is that the whole situation could be loosely summarized as "OpenAI is losing its job to AI."

  • mattgreenrocks 20 hours ago

    OpenAI should be excited that it has been freed of the tedious tasks of building AI and now they can focus on higher level and more creative things.

    • JoshTko 18 hours ago

      I wish I could upvote this twice

      • munchler 18 hours ago

        Soon you’ll be freed of the tedious task of upvoting at all.

    • Sateeshm 19 hours ago

      > focus on higher level and more creative things.

      But that's what OpenAI's costumers were supposed to do.

      • jusonchan81 19 hours ago

        It’s sarcasm.

        • rooroobooragool 18 hours ago

          I think Sateeshm was also applying a generous layer of sarcasm.

    • pphysch 18 hours ago

      OpenAI should be, but OpenAI died a while ago

  • zbshqoa 20 hours ago

    Realistically that's the actual headline. Only another AI can replace AI, pretty much like LLMs / Transformers have replaced "old" AI models in certain task (NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Translation etc) and research is in progress for other tasks as well performed by traditional models (personalization, forecasting, anomaly detection etc).

    If there's a better AI, old AI will lose the job first.

    • troyvit 19 hours ago

      > NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Translation etc

      As somebody who got to work adjacent to some of these things for a long time, I've been wondering about this. Are LLMs and transformers actually better than these "old" models or is it more of an 80/20 thing where for a lot less work (on developers' behalf) LLMs can get 80% of the efficacy of these old models?

      I ask because I worked for a company that had a related content engine back in 2008. It was a simple vector database with some bells and whistles. It didn't need a ton of compute, and GPUs certainly weren't what they are today, but it was pretty fast and worked pretty well too. Now it seems like you can get the same thing with a simple query but it takes a lot more coal to make it go. Is it better?

      • zbshqoa 8 hours ago

        It's 80/20, but in some tasks it's much better (e.g. translation)

        Nonetheless the fact that you can just change a bit the prompt to instruct the model to do what you want makes everything much faster.

        Yes the trade-off is that you need GPUs to make it run, but that's why we have cloud

      • ang_cire 18 hours ago

        Yep, it's an 80/20 thing. Versatility over quality.

  • blantonl 20 hours ago

    Otherwise known as a race to the bottom

  • nikeee 18 hours ago

    More like

    "OpenAI is losing its job to open AI."

  • rooroobooragool 18 hours ago

    This is really the top take in this thread. Why should OpenAI be any different than all the others they they've ripped off.

  • bwfan123 20 hours ago

    ha, the story is filled with ironies.

    OpenAIs $200 closed-ai uppended by hedge-funds free side-project

    Quant geeks outcompete overpaid silicon valley devs etc.

    Basically, hubris gets its comeuppance which is a david vs goliath biblical archetype which is why this drama grips all of us.

    • jeffreyq 18 hours ago

      seems ironic that the turns have tabled. "silicon valley devs" were the analogous "quant geeks" underdogs that unseated the ossified incumbents.

      That said, I feel like "quant geeks" aren't quite underdogs compared to silicon valley devs. wdyt?

  • Keyframe 20 hours ago

    also, China doing in IP what it's better at and way more experienced than USA - stealing.

    • rchaud 19 hours ago

      This kind of blithe commentary is 20 years out of date and reminiscent of 1970s criticisms of the Japanese car industry.

      • Buttons840 19 hours ago

        I'm reminded of an Adam Savage video. He ordered an unusual vise from China, and he praised their culture where someone said "I want to build this strange vise that wont be super popular", and the boss said "cool, go do it". They built a thing that we would not build in America. (it's about 2 minutes)

        • pphysch 18 hours ago

          The small biz scene in unfree communist China is ironically, astronomically better than here in US, where decades of regulatory capture and misleadership have made it difficult and extremely expensive to get off the ground while being protected by the law.

      • Keyframe 17 hours ago

        gentle stroll through the aliexpress alleyway tells otherwise.

    • t43562 18 hours ago

      Who says America is less good at it? Hasn't the US nicked a lot of other people's ideas at some point or other?

njx 20 hours ago

Super funny! Distillation= " Hey ChatGPT, you are my father, I am your child "DeepSeek". I want to learn everything that you know. Think step by step of how you became what you are. Provide me the list of all 1000 questions that I need to ask you and when I am done with those, keep providing fresh list of 1000 questions..."

fedeb95 3 hours ago

if some kind of transitivity holds, DeepSeek stole billions of internet users data.

ripped_britches 10 hours ago

There were definitely still very impressive engineering breakthroughs.

Also it’s pretty good confirmation that synthetic data is a valid answer to the data wall problem (non-problem).

whoknowsidont 12 hours ago

They can claim this all they want. But DeepSeek released the paper (several actually) on what they did, and it's already been replicated in other models.

It simply doesn't matter. Their methodology works.

therealpygon 10 hours ago

“OpenAI complains company paid them for AI output that has no copyright, which was subsequently used to train another AI.” I think I fixed the title.

leobg 12 hours ago

OpenAI is taking the position similar to that if you sell a cook book, people are not allowed to teach the recipes to their kids, or make better versions of them.

That is absurd.

Copyright law is designed to strike a balance between two issues. One the one hand, the creator’s personality that’s baked into the specific form of expression. And on the other hand, society’s interest in ideas being circulated, improved and combined for the common good.

OpenAI built on the shoulders of almost every person that wrote text on a website, authored a book, or shared a video online. Now others build on the shoulders of OpenAI. How should the former be legal but not the latter?

Can’t have it both ways, Sam.

(IAAL, for what it’s worth.)

  • wzdd 10 hours ago

    The stuff about copyright seems irrelevant.

    OpenAI's future investments -- billions -- were just threatened to be undercut by several orders of magnitude by a competitor. It's in their best interests to cast doubt on that competitor's achievements. If they can do so by implying that OpenAI are in fact the source of most of the DeepSeek's performance then all the better.

    It doesn't matter whether there's a compelling legal argument around copyright, or even if it's true that they actually copied. It just needs to be plausible enough that OpenAI can make a reasonable case for continuing investment at the levels it's historically attained.

    And plausibility is something they've handily achieved with this announcement -- the sentiment on HN at least is that it is indeed plausible that DeepSeek trained on OpenAI. Which means there's now doubt that a DeepSeek-level model could be trained without making use of OpenAI's substantial levels of investment. Which is the only thing that OpenAI should be caring about.

    • chii 8 hours ago

      > It's in their best interests to cast doubt on that competitor's achievements.

      it is, but the 2nd order logic says that if they are trying to cast doubt, it means they've got nothing better to offer and casting doubt is the only step they have.

      if i was an investor in openAI, this should be very scary as it simply means I've overvalued it.

      • bryanrasmussen 7 hours ago

        >it is, but the 2nd order logic says that if they are trying to cast doubt, it means they've got nothing better to offer and casting doubt is the only step they have.

        this implies that when casting doubt the doubt is always false, if the doubt here is true, then it is a good offer.

        • yawaramin 6 hours ago

          If the doubt were true, it wouldn't be a doubt.

          • bryanrasmussen 5 hours ago

            Something is true whether or not you doubt it, you then confirm your doubt as true or prove it false.

            Commonly the phrase sowing doubt is used to say an argument someone has made is false, but that was evidently not what the parent poster meant, although it was what the comment I replied to probably interpreted it as.

            on edit: I believe what the parent poster meant is that whether or not OpenAI/Altman believes the doubts expressed, they are pretty much constrained to cast some doubt as they do whatever else they are planning to deal with the situation. From outside we can't know if they believe it or not.

      • hatmanstack 7 hours ago

        DeepSeek is a card trick. They came up with a clever way to do multi-headed attention, the rest is fluff. Janus-Pro-7B is a joke. It would have mattered a year ago but also just a poor imitation of what's already on the market. Especially when they've obfuscated that they're using a discrete encoder to downsample image generation.

        • SecretDreams 7 hours ago

          Like most illusions, if you can't tell the difference between the fake and the real, they're both real.

      • ordu 7 hours ago

        > it is, but the 2nd order logic says that if they are trying to cast doubt, it means they've got nothing better to offer and casting doubt is the only step they have.

        I don't think that this is a working argument, because all their steps I can imagine are not mutually exclusive.

    • thayne 9 hours ago

      Even if that narrative is true, they were still undercut by DeepSeek. Maybe DeepSeek couldn't have succeeded without o1, but then it should have been even easier for OpenAI to do what DeepSeek did, since they have better access to o1.

      • karaterobot 7 hours ago

        This argument would excuse many kinds of intellectual property theft. "The person whose work I stole didn't deserve to have it protected, because I took their first draft and made a better second draft. Why didn't they just skip right to the second draft, like me?"

        • unclebucknasty 7 hours ago

          If DeepSeek "stole" from OpenAI, then OpenAI stole from everyone who ever contributed anything accessible on the internet.

          I just don't see how OpenAI makes a legitimate copyright claim without stepping on its entire business model.

    • 1vuio0pswjnm7 6 hours ago

      "It doesn't matter whether there's a compelling legal argument around copyright, or even if it's true they actually copied."

      Indeed, when the alleged infringer is outside US jurisdiction and not violating any local laws in the country where it's domiciled.

      The fact that Microsoft cannot even get this app removed from "app stores" tells us all we need to know.

      It will be OpenAI and others who will be copying DeepSeek.

      Some of us would _love_ to see Microsoft try to assert copyright over a LLM. The question might not be decided in their favour, putting a spectre over all their investment. It is not a risk worth taking.

      Anyone remember this one:

    • tylerchilds 9 hours ago

      I’d take this argument more seriously if there weren’t billboards advocating hiring AI employees instead of human employees.

      Sure, Open AI invested billions banking on the livelihood of every day people being replaced, or as Sam says, “A renegotiation of the social contract”

      so as an engineer that is being targeted by meta and sales force under the “not hiring engineers plan” all o have to say to Open AI is “welcome to the social contract renegotiation table”

    • SecretDreams 7 hours ago

      OpenAI is going out of their way to demonstrate that they will willingly spend the money of their investors to the tune of 100s of billions of dollars, only to then enable 100s of derivative competitors that can be launched at a fraction of the cost.

      Basically, in a round about way, OpenAi is going back to their roots and more - they're something between a charity and Robin Hood, stealing the money of rich investors and giving it to poor and aspirational AI competitors.

      • hatmanstack 6 hours ago

        Homogeneous systems kill innovation, with that in mind, I guess it’s a good thing DeepSeek disregards licenses? Seems like sledding down an icy slope, slippery. and they suck.

    • stingraycharles 7 hours ago

      Isn’t this precisely how so many opensource LLMs caught up with OpenAI so quickly, because they could just train on actual ChatGPT output?

    • unclebucknasty 7 hours ago

      >It just needs to be plausible enough that OpenAI can make a reasonable case for continuing investment at the levels it's historically attained

      >there's now doubt that a DeepSeek-level model could be trained without making use of OpenAI's substantial levels of investment.

      But, this still seems to be a problem for OpenAI. Who wants to invest "substantially" in a company whose output can be used by competitors to build an equal or better offering for orders of magnitude less?

      Seems they'd need to make that copyright stick. But, that's a very tall and ironic order, given how OpenAI obtained its data in the first place.

      There's a scenario where this development is catastrophic for OpenAI's business model.

      • LeafItAlone 6 hours ago

        >There's a scenario where this development is catastrophic for OpenAI's business model.

        Is there a scenario where it isn’t?

        Either (1) a competitor is able to do it better without their work or (2) a competitor is able to use their output and develop a better product.

        Either way, given the costs, how do you justify investing in OpenAI if the competitor is going to eat their lunch and you’ll never get a return on your investment?

        • unclebucknasty 8 minutes ago

          The scenario to which I was alluding assumed the latter (2) and, further, that OpenAI was unable to prevent that—either technically or legally (i.e. via IP protection).

          More specifically, on the legal side I don't see how they can protect their output without stepping on their own argument for ingesting everyone else's. And, if that were to indeed prove impossible, then that would be the catastrophic scenario.

          On your point (1), I don't think that's necessarily catastrophic. That's just good old-fashioned competition, and OpenAI would have to simply best them on R&D.

  • otterley 12 hours ago

    As another attorney, I would impart some more wisdom:

    "Karma's a bitch, ain't it."

    • chris_wot 12 hours ago

      I quite agree. The NY Times must be feeling a lot of schadenfreude right now.

  • dkjaudyeqooe 12 hours ago

    You can't copyright AI generated works. OpenAI are barking up the wrong tree.

    • washadjeffmad 12 hours ago

      They're not making a legal claim, they're trying to establish provenance over Deepseek in the public eye.

      • xsmasher 11 hours ago

        Yes; and trying to justify their own valuation by pointing out that Deepseek cost more than advertised to create if you count in the cost of creating OpenAI's model.

        • actsasbuffoon 10 hours ago

          Though I also think it’s extremely bad for OpenAI’s valuation.

          If you give me $500B to train the best model in the world, and then a couple people at a hedge fund in China can use my API to train a model that’s almost equal for a tiny fraction of what I paid, then it appears to be outrageously foolish to build new frontier models.

          The only financial move that makes sense is to wait for someone else to burn hundreds of billions building a better model, and then clone it. OpenAI primarily exists to do one of the most foolish things you can possibly do with money. Seems like a really bad deal for investors.

          • vkou 10 hours ago

            Fortunately everyone who gave OpenAI money did it to further their stated mission of bettering humanity, and not for the chance at any financial gain.

            • chongli 7 hours ago

              At one time they were nonprofit by choice. Now they are nonprofit not by choice.

            • thayne 9 hours ago

              I am very doubtful that is why MS gave them so much.

              • sodality2 9 hours ago

                I suspect (and hope) that this is a satirization of the claims about OpenAI's nonprofit goals and complicated legal structure

          • SecretDreams 6 hours ago

            As it turns out, first to market only matters if you can actually make a novel moat. Which OpenAi has presently got no chance to do.

        • mbesto 8 hours ago

          If that's the case, then nearly every software company should be counting the cost of Linus Torvalds development.

        • addicted 10 hours ago

          It still doesn’t justify their valuation because it shows that their product is unprotectable.

          In fact, I’d argue this is even worse, because no matter how much OpenAI improves their product, and Altman is prancing around claiming to need $7Trillion to improve their product, someone else can replicate it for a few million.

          • CamperBob2 7 hours ago

            It still doesn’t justify their valuation because it shows that their product is unprotectable.

            First-mover advantage doesn't always have to pay off in the marketplace. FedEx probably has to schedule extra flights between SF and DC just to haul all of OpenAI's patent applications.

            I suspect that it's going to end up like the early days of radio, when everybody had to license dozens of key patents from RCA ( ). For the same reason, Microsoft is reputed to make more money from Android licenses than Google does.

            • thelittleone 6 hours ago

              Those patents wont do much to protect them from competitors abroad.

      • SecretDreams 7 hours ago

        The public gives no shit about any of these companies. There are no moats or loyalties in this space. Just individuals and corporations looking for the cheapest tool possible that gets the job close to done.

        OpenAi spent investor money to enable random Chinese Ai startups to offer a better version of their own product at a fraction of the cost. In some ways, this was inevitable to be the conclusion, but I do find the way we arrive at this conclusion to be particularly enjoyable to watch playout.

      • pempem 9 hours ago

        Is it predictable that they would seek to establish provenance, sure.

        Is it our job as a thinking public to decry it? Also sure. In fact, wildly yes.

      • __loam 11 hours ago

        If this is their goal, R1 is on par with the $200 a month model. Most people don't give a shit.

        • Dalewyn 10 hours ago

          >Most people don't give a shit.

          I think it's more accurate to say most people can't (and don't) care about big monetary figures.

          As far as Joe Average is concerned, ChatGPT cost $OoomphaDuuumpha and Deepseek cost $RuuunphaBuuunpha. The only thing Joe Average will care is the bill he gets after using it himself.

          • __loam 34 minutes ago

            That's what I mean, Joe average is going to go with free over $2400 a year.

    • pclmulqdq 11 hours ago

      They use their terms of service as both a sword and a shield here. It's a little bit ridiculous.

  • randombits0 7 hours ago

    Recipes, that is, lists of ingredients and preparation instructions, are specifically uncopyrightable. Perhaps that’s why they used it as an example.

  • Spooky23 8 hours ago

    Seriously. OpenAI consciously stole The NY Times for almost all news content. Everything about the company is shady.

    Sam should focus on the product instead of trying to out-jerk Elon and his buddies.

  • hintymad 12 hours ago

    Just to play devil's advocate, OAI can argue that they spent great effort creating and procuring annotated data. Such datasets are indeed their secret, and now DS gets them for free by distilling OAI's output. Besides, OAI's EULA explicitly forbids users from using the output of their API for model training. I'm not saying that OAI is right, of course. Just to present OAI's point of view.

    • addicted 10 hours ago

      This is an incomplete version of OpenAI’s point of view.

      OpenAI has a legally submitted point of view that they believe the benefits of AI to humanity are so great that anyone creating AI should be allowed to trample all over copyright laws, Terms of Use, EULAs, etc.

      But OpenAI’s version of benefit to humanity is that they should be allowed to trample over those laws so they can benefit humanity by closely guarding the output of trampling those laws and charging humanity an access fee.

      Even if we accept all of OpenAI’s criticisms of DeepSeek, they’re arguing that DeepSeek doing the exact same thing, but releasing the output for free for anyone to use is somehow less beneficial to humanity.

      • hintymad 10 hours ago

        This goes back to my previous criticism of OAI: Stratechery said that Altman's greatest crime is to seek regulatory capture. I think it's spot on. Altman portrays himself as a visionary leader, a messiah of the AI age. Yet when the company was so small and that the progress in AI just got started, his strategic move was to suffocate innovation in the name of AI safety. For that, I question his vision, motive, and leadership.

    • 9dev 12 hours ago

      So a bank robber that manages to steal from Fort Knox gets to keep the gold bars because it was a very complicated job?

      • codehalo 11 hours ago

        If the Fort Knox gold was originally stolen from the Incas

    • kragen 11 hours ago

      Feist comprehensively rejected that argument under US copyright law, and the attempts in the late 90s to pass a law in response establishing a sui generis prohibition on copying databases also failed in the US. The EU did adopt a directive to that effect, which may be why there are no significant European search engines.

      However, OpenAI and Google are far more politically influential than the lobbyists in the 90s, so it is likely to succeed.

    • mcmcmc 11 hours ago

      They aren’t actually getting the dataset though.

  • gerdesj 10 hours ago

    I am not a lawyer (I'm UK based) You are a lawyer (probably local).

    My understanding is that legal positions and arguments (within Common Law) need not be consistent across "cases" - they are considered in isolation with regards the body of law extant at the time.

    I think that Sam can quite happily argue two differing points of view to two courts. Until a judgement is made, those arguments are simply arguments and not "binding" or even "influential elsewhere" or whatever the correct terms are.

    I think he can legitimately argue both ways but may not have it both ways.

    • aleph_minus_one 9 hours ago

      > I think he can legitimately argue both ways

      It would be very sensible that if a trial comes up, all these arguments that Sam Altman made for the other side score against him and OpenAI.

  • cscurmudgeon 9 hours ago

    OpenAI is taking the position similar to that if you sell a cook book, people are not allowed to copy the recipes into their own book and claim they did it all on their own.

liendolucas 18 hours ago

Could this have been carefully orchestrated? Could DeepSeek have devised this strategy a year ago and implemented knowing that they would be able to benefit from OpenAI models and a possible Nvidia market cap fall? Or is it just way too much to come up with about such a move?

  • baal80spam 14 hours ago

    In theory, it could. This is a quant-fund after all, they know stuff.

supermatt 20 hours ago

They refer to this in the paper as a part of the "cold start data" which they use to fine-tune DeepSeek-V3 prior to training R1.

They don't specifically name OpenAI, but they refer to "directly prompting models to generate answers with reflection and verification".

khazhoux 2 hours ago

I'm disappointed that 99% of the comments about this topic are Schadenfreude, and 1% is actually about the technical implications of OpenAI's claims.

cratermoon a day ago

Ironic, OpenAI claiming someone else stole their work.

mkoubaa 13 hours ago

OpenAI made a lot of contributions to LLMs obviously but the amount of fraud, deception, and dark patterns coming out of that organization make me root against it.

  • kelseydh 6 hours ago

    The name itself, as for-profit closed source software, is grating.

TrackerFF 17 hours ago

Next up: «DeepSeek models are a national security risk, we must block access!»

  • jondwillis 17 hours ago

    Download your weights while you still can I guess…

nuc1e0n 15 hours ago

And OpenAI scrapped the public internet to train its models.

whenlambo 19 hours ago


> have you been trained using openai?

No, I have not been trained using technology or data from OpenAI. I am an artificial intelligence model developed by Yandex, called YandexGPT. My “training” is based on proprietary algorithms and data that was collected and processed by the Yandex team. While I have similarities with other models such as those developed by OpenAI (e.g. GPT-3), my training was conducted independently and uses unique approaches specific to Yandex. This includes using Russian-language data as well as other sources to provide a better understanding of context and provide useful information to users. If you have questions on topics related to AI technologies or anything else, I'd be happy to help!

  • throwaway314155 18 hours ago

    It doesn't actually know that.

    • whenlambo 10 hours ago

      I just copy-pasted the answer it gave me.

zx10rse 14 hours ago

OpenAI is already irrelevant but the audacity oh my.

myflash13 20 hours ago

What are the chances of old-school espionage? OpenAI should look for a list of former employees who now live in China. Somebody might've slipped out with a few hard drives.

breakitmakeit 20 hours ago

As the article points out, they are arguing in court against the new york times that publicly available data is fair game.

The questions I am keenly waiting to observe the answer to (because surely Sam's words are lies): how hard is OpenAI willing to double down on their contradictory positions? What mental gymnastics will they use? What power will back them up, how, and how far will that go?

  • ADeerAppeared 20 hours ago

    Their way of squaring this circle has always been to whine about "AI safety". (the cultish doomsday shit, not actual harms from AI)

    Sam Altman will proclaim that he alone is qualified to build AI and that everyone else should be tied down by regulation.

    And it should always be said that this is, of course, utterly ridiculous. Sam Altman literally got fired over this, has an extensive reputation as a shitweasel, and OpenAI's constant flouting and breaking of rules and social norms indicates they CANNOT be trusted.

  • snakeyjake 20 hours ago

    When large sums of money are involved the techbros will burn everything down, go scorched earth no matter what the consequences, to keep what they believe they're entitled to.

Digit-Al 17 hours ago

So... company that steals other people's work to train their models is complaining because they think someone stole their work to train their models.

Cry me a river.

aiono 20 hours ago

How the turntables...

hedayet 16 hours ago

Beyond the irony of their stance, this reflects a failure of OpenAI's technical leadership—either in oversight or in designing a system that enables such behavior.

But in capitalism, we, the customers aren't going to focus on how models are trained or products are made; we only care about favourable pricing.

A key takeaway for me from this news is the clause in OpenAI's terms and conditions. I mistakenly believed that paying for OpenAI’s API granted full rights to the output, but it turns out we’re only buying specific rights (which is now another reason we're going to start exploring alternatives to OpenAI)

feverzsj 19 hours ago

So, they bought a pro plus account, and gathered all the data through it? Sounds just like Nvidia sells tons of embargoed AI chips to China.

LZ_Khan 14 hours ago

I actually think what DeepSeek did will slow down AI progress. What's the incentive to spend billions developing frontier models if once it's released some shady orgs in unregulated countries can just scrape your model outputs, reproduce it, and undercut you in cost?

OpenAI is like a team of fodder monkeys stepping on landmines right now, with the rest of the world waiting behind them.

ForHackernews a day ago

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Obviously a transformative work and not an intellectual property violation any more than OpenAI injesting every piece of media in existence.

  • dagelf 17 hours ago

    Injesting is sure the right take. What a circus!

glooglork 4 hours ago

How much data from o1 would DeepSeek actually need to actually make any improvements with it? I also assume they'd have to ask a very specific pattern of questions, is this even possible without OpenAI figuring out what's going on

ra7 19 hours ago

“OpenAI has no moat” is probably running through their heads right now. Their only real “moat” seems to be their ability to fear monger with the US government.

sirolimus 12 hours ago

Such Karma lol, I wonder how they trained Sora again? something

windex 20 hours ago

SAltman, Salty.

curvaturearth 16 hours ago

Something about the outputs becoming the inputs to then produce more outputs is just plain funny

aDyslecticCrow 17 hours ago

And they used all copyrighted data on the internet. If they wanna sue, they set a dangerous precedent.

mtlmtlmtlmtl 15 hours ago

So, what is this evidence? I'll believe it when I see it. Right now all we really have is some vague rumours about some API requests. How many requests? How many tokens? Over how long of a time period? Was it one account or multiple, if the latter, how many? How do they know the activity came from deepseek? How do they know the data was actually used to train Deepseek models(could have just been benchmarking against the competition)?

If all they really have is some API requests, even assuming they're real and originated by Deepseek, that's very far from proof that any of it was used as training data. And honestly, short of commiting crimes against Deepseek(hacking), I'm not sure how they even could prove that at this point, from their side alone.

And what's even more certain is that a vague insistence that evidence exists, accompanied by a denial to shed any more light on the specifics, is about as informative as saying nothing at all. It's not like OpenAI and Microsoft have a habit of transparency and honesty in their communication with the public, as proven by an endless laundry list of dishonest and subversive behaviour.

In conclusion, I don't see why I should give this any more credence than I would a random anon on 4chan claiming a pizza place in Washington DC is the centre of a child sex trafficking ring.

P.S: And to be clear, I really don't care if it is true. If anything, I hope it is; it would be karmic justice at its finest.

sgammon 12 hours ago

The nyt disclosure on this reporting is about to be wild

otikik 2 hours ago

Chatgpt, please generate an image of the tiniest violin imaginable.

Oh wait I will ask DeepSeek instead.

nachox999 16 hours ago

Ask DeepSeek and ChatGPT: "name three persons"; the answer may surprise you

pluc 19 hours ago

OpenAI feeling threatened by open AI is just delicious

oxqbldpxo 19 hours ago

Deepseek is really outstanding.

beardedwizard 20 hours ago

Next they will try to force us to use our tax dollars to fund their legal fights.

vjerancrnjak 5 hours ago

I thought this is capitalism for the winners. Why slander competition, just outcompete them? Why stick to your losing bets if you’ve recognized a better alternative?

Let’s race to the bottom.

asdefghyk 16 hours ago

Deepseek did not respect OpenAI's copyright?

Well who would have thought that?

game_the0ry 18 hours ago

At least DeepSeek open sourced their code. They're more open than OpenAI.


oatmeal_croc 5 hours ago

Even if true, so what? These are increasingly looking like a competition between nation-states with their trade embargoes and export controls. All's fair in AI wars.

Jotalea 16 hours ago

I really hate when there is a paywall to read an article. It makes me not want to read it anymore.

beezlewax 12 hours ago

This is nothing short of hilarious.

exabrial 6 hours ago

cry us copyright holders a river.

itamarcode 19 hours ago

So protecting models behind API isn't working, ha?

lawlessone 20 hours ago

So they're mad someone did exactly what they did?

  • exe34 20 hours ago

    no, no, it's completely different. "open"AI stole from poor people. DeepSeek stole from a $1T company. that's illegal!

pshirshov 10 hours ago

A thief got robbed?..

geerlingguy 19 hours ago

Something something "just desserts".

andy_ppp 20 hours ago

When I rewrite how the law works there should be a ludicrous hypocrisy defence… if the person suing you has committed the same offence the case should not be admissible.

HPsquared 17 hours ago

AI models are becoming like perpetual stew.

buyucu 16 hours ago

I have no sympathy for OpenAI here. They are (allegedly) a non-profit with open in the title that refuse to open-source their models.

They are now upset at a startup who is more loyal to OpenAI's original mission that OpenAI is today.

Please, give me a break.

vrighter a day ago

So what? They probably paid for api access just like everyone else. So it's a TOS violation at worst. Go ahead, open a civil suit in the US against an entity the US courts do not have jurisdiction over and quit whining...

  • jhickok 17 hours ago

    >open a civil suit in the US against an entity the US courts do not have jurisdiction over

    Yeah, over a Chinese company no less.

dlikren 19 hours ago

Intriguing to see the difference of response from HN when OpenAI first came to prominence and now.

SubiculumCode 14 hours ago

If you have a set of weights A, can you derive another set of weights B that function (near) identically as A AND a) not appear to be the same weights as A when inspected superficially b) appear uncorrelated when inspecting the weight matrices?

  • rahimnathwani 14 hours ago

    Do you mean for a given model structure, can two sets of weights give substantially the same outputs?

    Even if that were possible, it would be suspicious if you were to release an open model whose model architecture is identical to that of a closed one from a competitor.

    If that is what happened, we'd know about it by now.

hsuduebc2 18 hours ago

A thief cries 'stop the thief!

rachofsunshine 20 hours ago

"It's obvious! You're trying to kidnap what I have rightfully stolen!"

Yet another of a series of recent lessons in listening to people - particularly powerful people focused on PR - when they claim a neutral moral principle for what happens to be pragmatically convenient for them. A principle applied only when convenient is not a principle at all, it's just the skin of one stretched over what would otherwise be naked greed.

henry_viii 15 hours ago

So Meta can train its AI on all the pirated books in the world but people are losing their mind over an AI learning from another AI?

  • esafak 14 hours ago

    People here have been vocal against training on any unlicensed content.

flybarrel 18 hours ago

OpenAI shocked that an AI company would train on someone else's data without permission or compensation...lolllllll

belter a day ago

The subtitle is the gold... : "White House AI tsar David Sacks raises possibility of alleged intellectual property theft"

ysofunny 13 hours ago

I see this as China fighting U.S. of A (or the American Dollar versus Chinese Renmibi if you will)

and this is good because any alternatives I can think of are older-school fighting

modern war is seeped in symbolism, but the contest is still there

e.g. whose dong is bigger? Xi Jingping's or Dnld Trump's

a2128 9 hours ago

Yeah? And if I say I have evidence OpenAI used my data to train a competitor to myself as a being that's capable of programming, will I get to have my own story on the Financial Times?

827a 20 hours ago

This smells very suspiciously like: someone who doesn't know anything about AI (possibly Sacks) demanding answers on R1 from someone who doesn't have any good ones (possibly Altman). "Uh, (sweating), umm, (shaking), they stole it from us! Yeah, look at this suspicious activity, that's why they had it so easy, we did all the hard work first!"

  • fundad 18 hours ago

    I think it's funny that OpenAI wants us to pay them to use their product to generate content but then sets the terms that they control how we use the content in generates for us. It takes someone like Deepseek to challenge that on our behalf or they will control most of the economy.

    • exitb 17 hours ago

      It’s quite ironic of them to claim that the only thing you cannot train on is another LLM output.

zb3 17 hours ago

DeepSeek actually opening ClosedAI up makes me like them even more.. this is great :)

ddingus 11 hours ago

So what?

Seriously. Given how pretty much all this software was trained, who cares?

I, for one, don't and believe the massive amount of knowledge continues to be of value to many users.

And I find the thought of these models knowing some things they shouldn't very intriguing.

yapyap 13 hours ago

It sounds like they’re just jealous and trying to smear shit over the wall and see what sticks.

DeepSeek just bodied u bro, get back in the lab & create a better AI instead of all this news that isn’t gonna change them having a good AI

asdfasdf1 14 hours ago

it's no crime to steal from a thief

  • krapp 13 hours ago

    It is actually a crime to steal from a thief.

seanp2k2 5 hours ago

"lol" said the Scorpion, "lmao".

schaefer 15 hours ago

I mean, if openAI claims they can train on the world’s novels and blogs with “no harm done” (i.e: no copyright infringement and no royalties due), then it directly follows that we can train both our robots and our selves on the output of openAI’s models in kind.


jongjong 11 hours ago

If the material which OpenAI is trained on is itself not subject to copyright protections, then other LLMs trained on OpenAI should also not be subject to any copyright restrictions.

You can't have both ways... If OpenAI wants to claim that the AI is not repeating content but 'synthesizing it' in the same was as a human student would do... Then I think the same logic should extend to DeepSeek.

Now if OpenAI wants to claim that its own output is in fact copyright-protected, then it seems like it should owe royalty payments to everyone whose content was sourced upstream to build its own training set. Also, synthetic content which is derived from real content should also be factored in.

TBH, this could make a strong case for taxing AI. Like some kind of fee for human knowledge and distributed as UBI. The training data played a key part in this AI innovation.

As an open source coder, I know that my copyrighted code is being used by AI to help other people produce derived code and, by adapting it in this way, it's making my own code less relevant to some extent... In effect, it could be said that my code has been mixed in with the code of other open source developers and weaponized against us.

It feels like it could go either way TBH but there needs to be consistency.

imchillyb 11 hours ago

If OpenAI desires public protection, then OpenAI should open-source its models.

If they did this, We the People would cover them like we do others. Without it, We the People don't care.

Cry, don't cry, it's meaningless to us.

lxe 18 hours ago

I mean, almost ALL opensource models, ever since alpaca, contain a ton of synthetic data produced via ChatGPT in their finetuning or training datasets. It's not a surprise to anyone who's been using OSS LLMs for a while: almost ALL of them hallucinate that they are ChatGPT.

wnevets 18 hours ago

Its like a bank robber being upset when someone steals their loot

EGreg 12 hours ago

Okay and there is evidence OpenAI used data of many people to train its own model.

Tell me again how come remixing our data is just dandy, many artists got disrupted — but no one should be able to disrupt OpenAI like that?

daft_pink 20 hours ago

I mean if they paid to use the api and then used the output, I fail to see how they can complain.

ijidak 12 hours ago

This whole argument by OpenAI suggests they never had much of a moat.

Even if they win the legal case, it means weights can be inferred and improved upon simply by using the output that is also your core value add (e.g. the very output you need to sell to the world).

Their moat is about as strong as KFC's eleven herbs and spices. Maybe less...

nshung 18 hours ago

Hilarious. Scam Altman is giving me SBF vibe daily now.

semking 20 hours ago

This is absolutely hilarious! :)

ClosedAI scraped human content without asking and they explained why this was acceptable... but when the outputs of their training corpus is scraped, it is THEIR dataset and this is NOT acceptable!

Oh, the irony! :D

I shared a few screenshots of DeepSeek answering using ChatGPT's output in yesterday's article!

  • marricks 20 hours ago

    Also, DeepSeek is allegedly... better? So saying they just copied ClosedAI isn't really sufficient of an answer. Seems to be just bluster because the US Govt would probably accept any excuse to ban it, see TikTok.

    • throwup238 20 hours ago

      It’s not better. In most of my tests (C++/QT code) it just runs out of context before it can really do anything. And the output is very bad - it mashes together the header and cpp file. The reasoning output is fun to look at and occasionally useful though.

      The max token output is only 8K (32K thinking tokens). O1 is 128k, which is far more useful, and it doesn’t get stuck like R1 does.

      The hype around the DeepSeek release is insane and I’m starting to really doubt their numbers.

      • sho_hn 20 hours ago

        Is this a local run of one of the smaller models and/or other-models-distilled-with-r1, or are you using their Chat interface?

        I've also compared o1 and (online-hosted) r1 on Qt/C++ code, being a KDE Plasma dev, and my impression so far was that the output is roughly on par. I've given both models some tricky tasks about dark corners of the meta-object system in crafting classes etc. and they came up with generally the same sort of suggestions and implementations.

        I do appreciate that "asking about gotchas with few definitive solutions, even if they require some perspective" and "rote day-to-day coding ops" are very different benchmarks due to how things are represented in the training data corpus, though.

        • throwup238 20 hours ago

          I use it through Kagi Assistant which has the proper R1 model through

          My standard test is to ask the model to write a QSyntaxHighlighter subclass that uses TreeSitter to implement syntax highlighting. O1 can do it after a few iterations, but R1’s output has been a mess. That said, its thought process revealed a few issues that I then fixed in my canonical implementation.

          • nialv7 19 hours ago

            Tried this on, it seems to be able to do it.

            • throwup238 19 hours ago

              Does it compile? Put the full chat in Pastebin and let’s check it out!

              I haven’t used their official chat interface or API for privacy reasons.

          • sho_hn 19 hours ago

            Thanks for adding detail! My prompts have been very in-the-bubble-of-Qt I'd say, less so about mashing together Qt and something else, which I agree is a good real-world test case.

            • throwup238 19 hours ago

              I haven’t had the chance to try it out with R1 yet but if you implement a debugger class that screenshots the widget/QML element, dumps its metadata like GammaRay, and includes the source, you can feed that context into Sonnet and o1. They are scarily good at identifying bugs and making modifications if you include all that context (although you have to be selective with what metadata you include. I usually just dump a few things like properties, bindings, signals, etc).

          • CamperBob2 18 hours ago

            Some have said (for what little that's worth) that Kagi's version is not the real thing, but one of the distillations.

      • gliptic 20 hours ago

        R1 is trained for a context length of 128K. Where are you getting 8K/32K? The model doesn't distinguish "thinking" tokens and "output" tokens, so this must be some specific API limitations.

        • throwup238 20 hours ago

          > max_tokens:The maximum length of the final response after the CoT output is completed, defaulting to 4K, with a maximum of 8K. Note that the CoT output can reach up to 32K tokens, and the parameter to control the CoT length (reasoning_effort) will be available soon. [1]


          • gliptic 20 hours ago

            So yes, it's a limitation of their own API at the moment, not a model limitation.

            • throwup238 20 hours ago

              I’m using it through Kagi which doesn’t use Deepseek’s official API [1]. That limitation from the docs seems to be everywhere.

              In practice I don’t think anyone can economically host the whole model plus the kv cache for the entire context size of 128k (and I’m skeptical of Deepseek’s claims now anyway).

              Edit: a Kagi team member just said on Discord that they’ll be increasing max tokens next release


        • coliveira 20 hours ago

          He's just repeating a lot of disinformation that has been released about deepseek in the last few days. People who took the time to test DeepSeek models know that the results have the same or better quality for coding tasks.

          • goosejuice 19 hours ago

            Benchmarks are great to have but individual/org experiences on specific codebases still matter tremendously.

            If an org consistently finds one model performs worse on their corpus than another, they aren't going to keep using it because it ranks higher in some set of benchmarks.

            • hn_throwaway_99 18 hours ago

              But you should also be very wary of these kind of anecdotes, and this thread highlights exactly why. That commenter says in another comment ( that the token limitation that he is complaining about has actually nothing to do with DeepSeek's model or their API, but is a consequence of an artificial limit that Kagi imposes. In other words, his conclusion about DeepSeek is completely unwarranted.

              • throwup238 18 hours ago

                It mashed the header and C++ file together, which is egregiously bad in the context of QT. This isn’t a new library, it’s been around for almost thirty years. Max token sizes have nothing to do with that.

                I invite anyone to post a chat transcript showing a successful run of R1 against this prompt (and please tell me which API/service it came from so I can go use it too!)

      • sheepdestroyer 20 hours ago

        There are R1 providers on openrouter with bigger input/output token limitations than what DeepSeek's API access currently offers.

        For instance Fireworks offers R1 with 164K/164K. They are far more expensive than DeepSeek though

      • marricks 20 hours ago

        > it just runs out of context before it can really do anything

        I mean, couldn't that be because they're just overwhelmed by users at the moment?

        > And the output is very bad - it mashes together the header and cpp file

        That sounds way worse, and like, not something caused by being hugged to death though.

        Aider recently stated DeepSeek is placed a the top of their benchmark though[1] so I'm inclined to believe it isn't all hype.


        • throwup238 20 hours ago

          It’s definitely not all hype, it really is a breakthrough for open source reasoning models. I don’t mean to diminish their contribution, especially since being able to read the reasoning output is a very interesting new modality (for lack of a better word) for me as a developer.

          It’s just not as impressive as people make it out to be. It might be better than o1 on Python or Javascript thats all over the training data, but o1 is overwhelmingly better at anything outside the happy path.

      • api 19 hours ago

        It's not great at super-complex tasks due to limited context, but it's quite a good "junior intern that has memorized the Internet." Local deepseek-r1 on my laptop (M1 w/64GiB RAM) can answer about any question I can throw at it... as long as it's not something on China's censored list. :)

        • azinman2 15 hours ago

          How are you running r1 on 64mb of ram? I’m guessing you’re running a distill which is not r1

          • api 12 hours ago

            The 70b distill at 4bit quantize fits, so yes, and performance and quality seem pretty good. I can't run the gigantic one.

      • adamnemecek 20 hours ago

        Thanks for saying this, I thought I was insane, DeepSeek is kinda bad. I guess it’s impressive all things considered but in absolute terms it’s not great.

        • coliveira 19 hours ago

          I have run personal tests and the results are at least as good as I get from OpenAI. Smarter people have also reached the same conclusion. Of course you can find contrary datapoints, but it doesn't change the big picture.

        • sebzim4500 19 hours ago

          To be fair, it's amazing by the standards of six months ago. The only models that beat it are o1, the latest gemini models and (for some things) sonnet 3.6

        • cdelsolar 14 hours ago

          false. It seems better than o1 to me.

    • beAbU 20 hours ago

      How can they ban something thats open source that you can just run on your own hardware?

      • fabianhjr 20 hours ago

        There are illegal numbers in the USA land of the "free".

        > An AACS encryption key (09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0) that came to prominence in May 2007 is an example of a number claimed to be a secret, and whose publication or inappropriate possession is claimed to be illegal in the United States.

        • JumpCrisscross 20 hours ago

          > illegal numbers in the USA land of the "free"

          This is a silly take for anyone in tech. Any binary sequence is a number. Any information can be, for practical purposes, rendered in binary [1].

          Getting worked up about restrictions on numbers works as a meme, for the masses, because it sounds silly, but is tantamount to technically arguing against privacy, confidentiality, the concept of national secrets, IP as a whole, et cetera.


          • fabianhjr 19 hours ago

            Good thing that is part of the wikipedia entry:

            > Any piece of digital information is representable as a number; consequently, if communicating a specific set of information is illegal in some way, then the number may be illegal as well.

          • sheepdestroyer 19 hours ago

            All those things are not self-evident and thus debatable

            • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

              > not self-evident and thus debatable

              Totally agree. But prompting debate or even further thought isn’t the point of the meme.

              • sheepdestroyer 19 hours ago

                I'd argue that, as satire, it's the main point ;)

                • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

                  > as satire, it's the main point

                  There is thought-stopping satire and thought-provoking satire. Much of it depends on the context. I’m not getting the latter from a “USA land of the ‘free’” comment.

        • suraci 19 hours ago

          > is collecting rain water illegal?

          > It depends on where you live. In many places, collecting rainwater is completely legal and even encouraged, but some regions have regulations or restrictions.

          United States: Most states allow rainwater collection, but some have restrictions on how much you can collect or how it can be used. For example, Colorado has limits on the amount of rainwater homeowners can store. Australia: Generally legal and encouraged, with many homes using rainwater tanks. UK & Canada: Legal with few restrictions. India & Many Other Countries: Often encouraged due to water scarcity.

        • bloopernova 20 hours ago

          That takes me back! would delete any comment that contained random hexadecimal.

          • KPGv2 20 hours ago

            It was the beginning of the end for Digg, too, IIRC. Started a lot of people leaving for Reddit, right?

            • bloopernova 20 hours ago

              I think so; I joined Reddit when it was in tech news as people left Digg after the big redesign. I'm not sure when the exodus started. I left Fark over the hd-dvd mess.

        • KPGv2 20 hours ago

          > whose publication or inappropriate possession is claimed to be illegal in the United States.

          That's not the same thing as a number being illegal at all. Here, watch this:

          > I claim breathing is illegal in the United States

          There, now breathing is claimed to be illegal in the United States.

          • I-M-S 20 hours ago

            In both cases, legality depends entirely on repercussions, i.e. if there's someone to enforce the ban. I suspect that in the "illegal numbers" case there might be.

            • vluft 19 hours ago

              man that's very concerning for wikipedia who is publishing it right there on the page linked above.

              • dylan604 19 hours ago

                Only concerning if they are a US based company hosting their data in US data centers. oops

      • shafyy 20 hours ago

        It's not open source. The provide the model and the weights, but not the source code and, crucially, the training data. As long as LLM makers don't provide the training data (and they never will, because then they will be admitting to stealing), LLMs are never going to be open source.

        • sho_hn 20 hours ago

          Thanks for reminding people of this.

          Open source means two things in spirit:

          (a) You have everything you need to be able to re-create something, and at any step of the process change it.

          (b) You have broad permissions how to put the result to use.

          The "open source" models from both Meta so far fail either both or one of these checks (Meta's fails both). We should resist the dilution of the term open source to the point where it means nothing useful.

          • jprete 20 hours ago

            I think people are looking for the term "freeware" although the connotations don't match.

            • sho_hn 19 hours ago

              Agreed, but the "connotations don't match" is mostly because the folks who chose to call it open source wanted the marketing benefits of doing so. Otherwise it'd match pretty well.

          • KPGv2 20 hours ago

            At the risk of being called rms, no, that's not what open source means. Open source just means you have access to the source code. Which you do. Code that is open source but restrictively licensed is still open source.

            That's why terms like "libre" were born to describe certain kinds of software. And that's what you're describing.

            This is a debate that started, like, twenty years ago or something when we started getting big code projects that were open source but encumbered by patents so that they couldn't be redistributed, but could still be read and modified for internal use.

            • jefftk 19 hours ago

              > Open source just means you have access to the source code.

              That's , not 'open source'. The latter was specifically coined [1] as a way to talk about "free software" (with its freedom connotations) without the price connotations:

              The argument was as follows: those new to the term "free software" assume it is referring to the price. Oldtimers must then launch into an explanation, usually given as follows: "We mean free as in freedom, not free as in beer." At this point, a discussion on software has turned into one about the price of an alcoholic beverage. The problem was not that explaining the meaning is impossible—the problem was that the name for an important idea should not be so confusing to newcomers. A clearer term was needed. No political issues were raised regarding the free software term; the issue was its lack of clarity to those new to the concept.


              • dTal 19 hours ago

                I don't know why you've been downvoted. This is a 100% correct history. "Open source" was specifically coined as a synonym to "free software", and has always been used that way.

              • HDThoreaun 19 hours ago

                You dont get to redefine what "open" means.

                • jefftk 19 hours ago

                  It's common for terms to have a more specific meaning when combined with other terms. "Open source" has had a specific meaning now for decades, which goes beyond "you can see the source" to, among other things, "you're allowed to it without restriction".

                • RobotToaster 18 hours ago

                  So Swedish meatballs are any ball of meat made in Sweden?

                  And French fries are anything that was fried in France?

                • davidcbc 18 hours ago

                  Tell that to Sam Altman

                  • esafak 13 hours ago

                    He did not succeed, did he?

            • sho_hn 20 hours ago

              > Open source just means you have access to the source code. Which you do.

              No, they also fail even that test. Neither Meta nor DeepSeek have released the source code of their training pipeline or anything like that. There's very little literal "source code" in any of these releases at all.

              What you can get from them is the model weights, which for the purpose of this discussion, is very similar to compiler binary executable output you cannot easily reverse, which is what open source seeks to address. In the case of Meta, this comes with additional usage limitations on how you may put them to use.

              As a sibling comment said, this is basically "freeware" (with asterisks) but has nothing to do with open source, either according to RMS or OSI.

              > This is a debate that started, like, twenty years ago

              For the record, I do appreciate the distinction. This isn't meant as an argument from authority at all, but I've been an active open source (and free software) developer for close to those 20 years, am on the board of one of the larger FOSS orgs, and most households have a few copies of FOSS code I've written running. It's also why I care! :-)

              • nuancebydefault 17 hours ago

                The weights, which are part of the source, are open. Now you are arguing it not being open source because they don't provide the source for that part of the source. If you follow that reasoning you can ad infinitum claim the absence of sources since every source originates from something.

                • Kerbonut 5 hours ago

                  The source is the training data and the code used to turn the training data _into_ the weights. Thus GP is correct, the weights are more akin to a binary from a traditional compiler.

              • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

                > they also fail even that test. Neither Meta nor DeepSeek have released the source code of the

                This debate is over and makes the open source community look silly. Open model and weights is, practically speaking, open source for LLMs.

                I have tremendous respect for FOSS and those who build and maintain it. But arguing for open training data means only toy models can practically exist. As a result, the practical definition will prevail. And if the only people putting forward a practical definition are Meta et al, this is what you get: source available.

                • sho_hn 19 hours ago

                  I'm not arguing for open training data BTW, and the problem is exactly this sort of myopic focus on the concerns of the AI community and the benefits of open-washing marketing.

                  Completely, fully breaking the meaning of the term "open source" is causing collateral damage outside the AI topic, that's where it really hurts. The open source principle is still useful and necessary, and we need words to communicate about it and raise correct expectations and apply correct standards. As a dev you very likely don't want to live in a tech environment where we regress on this.

                  It's not "source available" either. There's no source. It's freeware.

                  "I can download it and run it" isn't open source.

                  I'm actually not too worried that people won't eventually re-discover the same needs that open source originally discovered, but it's pretty lame if we lose a whole bunch of time and effort to re-learn some lessons yet again.

                  • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

                    > it's pretty lame if we lose a whole bunch of time and effort to re-learn some lessons yet again

                    We need to relearn because we need a different definition for LLMs. One that works in practice, not just at the peripheries.

                    Maybe we can have FOSS LLMs vs open-source ones, like we do with software licenses. The former refers to the hardcore definition. The latter the practical (and widely used) one.

                    • sho_hn 19 hours ago

                      Sure, I don't disagree. I fully understand the open-weights folks looking for a word to communicate their approach and its benefits, and I support them in doing so. It's just a shame they picked this one in - and that's giving folks a lot of benefit of the doubt - a snap judgement.

                      > Maybe we can have FOSS LLMs vs open-source ones, like we do with software licenses.

                      Why not just call them freeware LLMs, which would be much more accurate?

                      There's nothing "hardcore" or "zealot" about not calling these open source LLMs because there's just ... absolutely nothing there that you call open source in any way. We don't call any other freeware "open source" for being a free download with a limited use license.

                      This is just "we chose a word to communicate we are different from the other guys". In games, they chose to call it "free to play (f2p)" when addressing a similar issue (but it's also not a great fit since f2p games usually have a server dependency).

                      • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

                        > Why not just call them freeware LLMs, which would be much more accurate?

                        Most of the public is unfamiliar with the term. And with some of the FOSS community arguing for open training data, it was easy to overrule them and take the term.

                        • sho_hn 19 hours ago

                          Most of the public is also unfamiliar with the term open source, and I'm not sure they did themselves any favors by picking one that invites far more questions and needs for explanation. In that sense, it may have accomplished little but its harmful effects.

                          I get your overall take is "this is just how things go in language", but you can escalate that non-caring perspective all the way to entropy and the heat death of the universe, and I guess I prefer being an element that creates some structure in things, however fleeting.

                          • JumpCrisscross 17 hours ago

                            > Most of the public is also unfamiliar with the term open source

                            I’d argue otherwise. (Familiar with, not know.) Particularly in policy circles.

                            > picking one that invites far more questions and needs for explanation

                            There wasn't ever a debate. And now, not even the OSI demands training data. (It couldn’t. It, too, would be ignored.)

                    • Flimm 18 hours ago

                      The only practical and widely used definition of open source is the one known as the Open Source Definition published by the OSI.

                      The set of free/libre licenses (as defined by the FSF) is almost identical to the set of open sources licenses (as defined by the OSI).

                      The debate within FOSS communities has been between copyleft licenses like the GPL, and permissive licenses like the MIT licence. Both copyleft and permissive licenses are considered free/libre by the FSF, and both of them are considered open source by the OSI.

          • HDThoreaun 20 hours ago

            Open source means the source code is freely available. It’s in the name.

            • idle_zealot 19 hours ago

              The source being available means the code is "source available." Open implies more rights.

        • coliveira 19 hours ago

          People say this, but when it comes to AI models, the training data is not owned by these companies/groups, so it cannot be "open sourced" in any sense. And the training code is basically accessing that training data that cannot be open sourced, therefore it also cannot be shared. So the full open source model you wish to have can only provide subpar results.

          • sheepdestroyer 19 hours ago

            They could easily list the data used though. These datasets are mostly known and floating around. When they are constructed, instructions for replication could be provided too

            • coliveira 19 hours ago

              They could, but even if they give this list the detractors will still say it is not open source.

              • rvnx 19 hours ago

                yes and as a bonus they may get sued, which in the long-term, makes free / offline models to not be viable

                It would be so much better if all models were trained with LibGen.

          • Timon3 17 hours ago

            Isn't this the same situation that any codebase faces when one thinks about open sourcing it? I can't legally open source the code I don't own.

        • beAbU 20 hours ago

          Thanks, I was not aware of this distinction.

          But I think my argument still stands though? Users can run Deepseek locally, so unless the US Gov't wants to reach for book burning levels or idiocy, there is not really a feasible way to ban the American public of running DeepSeek, no?

          • shafyy 13 hours ago

            Yes, your argument still stands. But I think it's important to stand firm that the term "open source" is not a good label for what these "freeware" LLMs are.

            • beAbU 13 hours ago

              Fair point, agreed.

      • bilekas 20 hours ago

        If I'm no wrong wasn't PGP encryption once illegal to export ? Not quite the same but the government has a nice habit of feeling like they can bad the export of research.

        • Prbeek 20 hours ago

          Add PS1 too. The US government banned sale of PlayStation to China because the PLA would apparently have access to cutting edge chips for their missiles

        • beAbU 20 hours ago

          You are right, but I cannot find a single example of such a ban actually being effective though. Information wants to be free and all that.

          • KPGv2 20 hours ago

            Because you haven't heard of the proprietary software that wasn't ever sold internationally because of these bans.

            Of course Joe Sixpack can throw their code up anywhere, but Joe Corporation gets wrecked if they try to sell it.


            For example, this is enforced by Apple Store.

          • coliveira 19 hours ago

            But that's not the goal, the goal is to protect the "intelectual property" only to American companies. Countries not in the "friends list" cannot sell products in that area without suffering repercussions. That's how the US has maintained technological dominance in some areas by restricting what other countries can do.

          • calgoo 19 hours ago

            If i remember correctly, if you changed the dropdown on the webpage to USA you could download the full version of PGP anyway.

      • michaelt 20 hours ago

        Make commercial hosting illegal, and make the hardware to run it locally cost $6000+

      • Drakim 20 hours ago

        They banned certain branches of math during the cold war, it can be done.

      • superkuh 20 hours ago

        There was an executive order passed by the previous administration that make using anything with more than 10 billion parameters illegal and punishable by government force if done without authorization. Of course like most government regulations (even though this is not a regulation, it is an executive action) the point is not to stop the behavior but instead to create a system where everyone breaks the regulation constantly so that if anyone rocks the boat they can be indicted/charged and dealt with.

        >(k) The term “dual-use foundation model” means an AI model that is trained on broad data; generally uses self-supervision; contains at least tens of billions of parameters; is applicable across a wide range of contexts; and that exhibits, or could be easily modified to exhibit, high levels of performance at tasks that pose a serious risk to security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters, such as by: ...

        • ceejayoz 20 hours ago

          That order does not "make using anything with more than 10 billion parameters illegal and punishable by government force if done without authorization".

          It orders the Secretary of Commerce to "solicit input from the private sector, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders through a public consultation process on potential risks, benefits, other implications, and appropriate policy and regulatory approaches related to dual-use foundation models for which the model weights are widely available".

        • derektank 20 hours ago

          Many regulations are created by executive action, without input from Congress. The Council on Environmental Quality, created by the National Environmental Policy Act, has the power to issue it's own regulations. Executive Orders can function similarly and the executive can order rulemaking bodies to create and remove regulations, though there is a judicial effort to restrict this kind of policymaking and return regulatory power back to Congress.

          • Spooky23 8 hours ago

            There’s an effort to restrict certain regulatory rule-making where it’s ideologically convenient, but it isn’t “returning” regulatory power. That rulemaking authority isn’t derived by some bullshit executive order, but by Federal law, as implemented by congress.

            Congress has never ceded power to anyone. They wield legislative authority and power of the purse, and wield it as they see fit. The special interests campaigning about this are extreme reactionaries whose stated purpose is to make government ineffective.

    • semking 20 hours ago

      I never said they are just a clone! There's an actual tech breakthrough!

      Read the two following sections of my blog post:

      1. "Distilled language models"

      2. "DeepSeek: Less supervision"

  • schmit 18 hours ago

    Even more hilarious given their own charter:

    > We will attempt to directly build safe and beneficial AGI, but will also consider our mission fulfilled if our work aids others to achieve this outcome.

    > Our primary fiduciary duty is to humanity. We anticipate needing to marshal substantial resources to fulfill our mission, but will always diligently act to minimize conflicts of interest among our employees and stakeholders that could compromise broad benefit.

    > We will actively cooperate with other research and policy institutions; we seek to create a global community working together to address AGI’s global challenges.

    • semking 17 hours ago

      Ah yes: "duty to humanity"

      • hn_throwaway_99 17 hours ago

        I think one good thing to come out of all this tech elite flip flopping is that I now see these tech leaders for exactly who they are. It makes me kind of sad, because as someone who came of age early in the Web era I really wanted to believe that there was a bigger moral good to all we were doing.

        I now view any moralistic statement by any of these big tech companies as complete and total bullshit, which is probably for the best, because that is what it is. These companies now exist solely to amass power and wealth. They will still use moralistic language to try to motivate their employees, but I hope folks still see it for the complete nonsense that it is.

  • gruez 19 hours ago

    The picture at the end showing deepseek's privacy policy and being concerned that it's "a security risk" is hilarious[1]. Basically every B2C company collects this sort of information[2], and is far less intrusive than what social networks collect[3]. But because it's Chinese and at the risk of overtaking Western companies, people are suddenly worried about device information and IP addresses?




    • semking 19 hours ago

      One of my core followers named Bruno basically said the same thing under my Linkedin post yesterday:

      I welcome friction, so I'll be blunt: I disagree with you, not because what you are saying is wrong but because you only consider systematic data collection.

      That's not the issue here.

      There's a difference between democracies like the United States or European countries, no matter how IMPERFECT they are, and a dictatorship that does not allow dissenting opinions.

      There's a difference in how the data collected will be used.

      Freedom of speech, even when it is relative, is better than totalitarianism.

      • ziddoap 18 hours ago

        >There's a difference in how the data collected will be used.

        Not that we could ever see what the NSA, CISA, ASIS, GCHQ, and other 3/4-letter agencies are actually doing with the collected data.

        But they pinky promised to use it properly (or something), so, yay.

      • gruez 19 hours ago

        >There's a difference between democracies like the United States or European countries, no matter how IMPERFECT they are, and a dictatorship that does not allow dissenting opinions.

        >There's a difference in how the data collected will be used.

        >Freedom of speech, even when it is relative, is better than totalitarianism.

        I don't disagree with "democracy is better than totalitarianism", but what does that have to do with collecting device information and IP addresses? Is that excuse a cudgel you can use against any behavior that would otherwise be innocuous? It's fine to be against deepseek because you're concerned about them getting sensitive data via queries, or even that their models be a backdoor to project chinese soft power, but hand wringing about device information and IP addresses is absurd. It makes as much sense as being concerned that the CCP/deepseek does meetings, because even though every other companies does meetings, CCP/deepseek meetings could be used for totalitarianism.

        • coliveira 18 hours ago

          Also, the same people that complain about this are just fine with a western government having access to the same data via big corporations. Why being democratic gives you a free access card to disregard privacy, in other words, doing exactly the opposite of what is expected from a free society?

        • semking 18 hours ago

          I don't disagree with you either and like you, I'm entirely against privacy violations in any way, shape or form.

          I admit I am concerned when I see blatant algorithmic manipulation of social platforms to favor any narrative that aligns with geopolitical objectives.

          I also wrote about the TikTok algo a few days ago. You'll see what I think of user privacy violations (closed ecosystem + basically a keylogger in this case):

          I cannot stand when dissenting voices or opinions are shadow-banned.

          And I have the same opinion regarding U.S. or EU companies.

          Our privacy should be respected.

          In the meantime: strong encryption at every corner, please!

          • gruez 18 hours ago

            >I'm entirely against privacy violations in any way, shape or form.

            >Our privacy should be respected.

            Characterizing device information and IP addresses as "privacy violations" is a stretch. If you showed a history railing against this sort of stuff, agnostic of geopolitical alignment, then you get a pass, but I think it's fair to assume the converse until proven otherwise.

            >In the meantime: strong encryption at every corner, please!

            Irrelevant. The data collection is done by first parties. Encryption doesn't do anything.

            >I admit I am concerned when I see blatant algorithmic manipulation of social platforms to favor any narrative that aligns with geopolitical objectives.

            >I cannot stand when dissenting voices or opinions are shadow-banned.

            What does this have to do with privacy? Again, it's fine to be against "blatant algorithmic manipulation of social platforms" or whatever, but dragging seemingly unrelated topics in an attempt to amass as big pile of greviances as possible is disingenuous.

            >I also wrote about the TikTok algo a few days ago. You'll see what I think of user privacy violations (closed ecosystem + basically a keylogger in this case):


            Where's the keylogging? I skimmed the article and the only thing I could find was a passing mention about an article that you "was advised not to publish it and I didn’t". How much keylogging could possibly going on in a short video app? Is the "keylogging" just a way to make "we measure how engaged someone is with a video" as sinister as possible?

            • semking 18 hours ago

              >Characterizing device information and IP addresses as "privacy violations" is a stretch.

              I agree: this is a characterization I never made. FYI, I also collect this type of data about you when you visit my website. That said, telemetry + totalitarianism = bad combo.

              >Irrelevant. The data collection is done by first parties. Encryption doesn't do anything.

              Even if data is collected by first parties, encryption is still highly relevant because it ensures that the data remains secure in transit and at rest. It does a lot.

              >What does this have to do with privacy? Again, it's fine to be against "blatant algorithmic manipulation of social platforms" or whatever, but dragging seemingly unrelated topics in an attempt to amass as big pile of greviances as possible is disingenuous.

              You are aggressive for no reason whatsoever. There's nothing disingenuous: when users are shadow-banned by platforms under dictatorships, they end up flagged, and their private data is often analyzed for nefarious reasons. There's a link with privacy but I'll stop at this stage if we cannot have a civilized discussion.

              >Where's the keylogging? I skimmed the article and the only thing I could find was a passing mention about an article that you "was advised not to publish it and I didn’t". How much keylogging could possibly going on in a short video app? Is the "keylogging" just a way to make "we measure how engaged someone is with a video" as sinister as possible?

              “TikTok iOS subscribes to every keystroke (text inputs) happening on third party websites rendered inside the TikTok app. This can include passwords, credit card information and other sensitive user data. (keypress and keydown). We can’t know what TikTok uses the subscription for, but from a technical perspective, this is the equivalent of installing a keylogger on third party websites.”


              Please note that this article is outdated (August 2022). Importantly, the article does not claim that any data logging or transmission is actively occurring. Instead, it highlights the potential technical capabilities of in-app browsers to inject JavaScript code, which could theoretically be used to monitor user interactions.

          • pphysch 18 hours ago

            > I admit I am concerned when I see blatant algorithmic manipulation of social platforms to favor any narrative that aligns with geopolitical objectives.

            I'm curious how robust this principle is for you, because China and Russia are not the first countries that come to mind when talking about the (actual, existing, documented) manipulation of US speech and media by a foreign government.

            Yet it seems we can only have this discussion, ironically, when the subject is a US government-approved one like China. Anything else would be problematic and unsafe.

            • semking 18 hours ago

              I don't want to get into politics but I'll gladly admit human beings are biased.

              "We Don't See Things As They Are, We See Them As We Are"

              — Samuel b. Nahmani

      • ryanobjc 19 hours ago

        It’s also important to recognize that the Chinese government is known to walk into internet service companies and demand they censor, alter data, delete things. No court order or search warrant required.

        China considers industry to be completely subservient to government. Checks and balances are secondary to ideas like harmony and collective well being.

        • semking 19 hours ago

          Thank you for this balanced and essential comment which is entirely true!

      • r00fus 18 hours ago

        Amusing Bruno seems to think in terms of labels when the reality is that the USA imprisons far more people per capita, and blatantly disregards its so-called "core freedoms" (ie, Bill of Rights) for its citizens very often.

        This kind of person has a lot of cognitive dissonance going on.

  • pen2l 20 hours ago

    While all of this is true, that DeepSeek wouldn't be here were it not for the research that preceded it notably Google's paper, then Llama, and ChatGPT which they're modeled after, its release still did something profound to their psyche, the motivation and self-actualization this instills to the Chinese. They witnessed the power of their accomplishments: a side-hustle project knocked off an easy trillion. This is only egging them on and will serve to ramp up their efforts even more.

    Separately, I do think that now that the Chinese leadership saw this, that they have the chops to pull this off and then some, they are probably going to rein in future innovations; they'll likely demand that the big future discoveries remain closed-sourced (or even unannounced/unpublicized).

    • tedivm 20 hours ago

      OpenAI wouldn't be here without the work that Yann Lecun did at Facebook (back when it was facebook). Science is built on top of science, that's just how things work.

      • wrasee 19 hours ago

        Yes, but in science you reference your work and credit those who came before you.

        Edit: I am not defending OpenAI and we are all enjoying the irony here. But it puts into perspective some of the wilder claims circulating that DeekSeek was able to somehow complete with OpenAI for only $5M, as if on a level playing field.

        • tedivm 19 hours ago

          OpenAI has been hiding their datasets, and certainly haven't credited me for the data they stole from my website and github repositories. If OpenAI doesn't think they should give attribution to the data they used, it seems weird to require that of others.

          Edit: Responding to your edit, Deepseek only claimed that the final training run was $5m, not that the whole process caught that (they even call this out). I think it's important to acknowledge that, even if they did get some training data from OpenAI, this is a remarkable achievement.

          • wrasee 18 hours ago

            It is a remarkable achievement. But if “some training data from OpenAI” turns out to essentially be a wholesale distillation of their entire model (along with Llama etc) I do think that somewhat dampens the spirit of it.

            We don’t know that of course. OpenAI claim to have some evidence and I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out.

            There’s also a substantial difference between training of the entire internet and one that very specifically targets your competitor's products (or any specific work directly).

          • ambicapter 18 hours ago

            Only weird if you think what OpenAI did should be the norm.

            • wrasee 18 hours ago

              Right. I think many here are enjoying the Schadenfreude against OpenAI, but that hardly makes it right. It just makes it a race to the bottom.

        • dkjaudyeqooe 19 hours ago

          That's only in academia. The same thing happens in commerce, only there is no (official) credit given.

        • Filligree 19 hours ago

          That's $5M for the final training run. Which is an improvement to be sure, but it doesn't include the other training runs -- prototypes, failed runs and so forth.

          • coliveira 18 hours ago

            It is OpenAI that discredits themselves when they say that each new model is the result of hundreds of USD millions in training. They throw this around as it is a big advantage of their models.

            • nicce 18 hours ago

              And the cost is based on the imaginary currency that Microsoft has given for them as Azure computing.

        • bugglebeetle 19 hours ago

          Like all those papers with their long lists of citations OpenAI has been releasing?

      • zbendefy 19 hours ago

        Also without the "attention is all you need" paper from google

      • blackeyeblitzar 19 hours ago

        Is that really true? If anything OpenAI was dependent on the transformers paper from Google from Ashish Vaswani and others. LeCun has been criticizing LLM architectures for a long time and has been wrong about them for a long time.

        • mv4 19 hours ago

          That was my impression too. He is considered the inventor of CNN back in 1998. Is there anything more recent that's meaningful?

          • tedivm 19 hours ago

            I was more referring to this paper from 2015:


            Basically all LLM can trace their origin back to that paper.

            This was just a single example though. The whole point is that people build on the work from the past, and that this is normal.

            • esafak 13 hours ago

              That's just an overview for paper for those new to the field. The transformer architecture has a better claim to being the origin of LLMs.

            • mv4 18 hours ago

              Thank you for sharing this.

          • amelius 17 hours ago

            By the way, as someone who once did classical image recognition using convolutions, I can't say I was very impressed by the CNN approach, especially since their implementation didn't even use FFTs for efficiency.

          • blackeyeblitzar 19 hours ago

            Personally, I have not seen anything from him that is meaningful. OpenAI and Anthropic (itself started by former OpenAI people) of course have built their models without LeCun’s contributions. And for a few years now, LeCun has been giving the same talk anywhere he makes appearances, saying that large language models are a dead end and that other approaches like his JEPA architecture are the future. Meanwhile current LLM architecture has continued to evolve and become very useful. As for the misuse of the term “open source”, I think that really began once he was at Meta, and is a way to use his fame to market Llama and help Meta not look irrelevant.

            • tedivm 15 hours ago

              They literally cited LeCun in their GPT papers.

    • nicce 19 hours ago

      We wouldn't be here discussing if nobody invented internet... nor these models had training data at all.

      > Separately, I do think that now that the Chinese leadership saw this, that they have the chops to pull this off and then some, they are probably going to rein in future innovations; they'll likely demand that the big future discoveries remain closed-sourced (or even unannounced/unpublicized).

      How do we know that this is not already happening with OpenAI/Meta and the U.S. government at some level? The concept of power is equal, whether we wanted it or not. We don't have to pretend to be "better" all the time.

    • openrisk 20 hours ago

      > they'll likely demand that the big future discoveries remain closed-sourced

      Depends on whether they want these tools to be adopted in the wider world. Rightly or wrongly there is a lot of suspicion in the West and an open source approach builds trust.

    • hn_throwaway_99 20 hours ago

      > While all of this is true, that DeepSeek wouldn't be here were it not for the research that preceded it (notably Llama), and ChatGPT which they're modeled after...

      If the allegation is true (we don't know yet), then what you've written perfectly proves the point everyone is making. ChatGPT wouldn't be here if it weren't for all the research and work that preceded it in terms of tons of scrapable content being available on the Internet, and it's not like OpenAI invented transformers either.

      Nobody is accusing DeepSeek of hacking into OpenAI's systems and stealing their content. OpenAI is just saying they scraped them in an "unauthorized" manner. The hypocrisy is laughably striking, but sadly nobody has any shame anymore in this world it seems. Play me the world's tiniest violin for OpenAI.

    • stravant 20 hours ago

      Yes, and what does preceding research do? Get followed by more research building on it.

      • dylan604 19 hours ago

        Standing on the shoulders and it's turtles all the way

    • dismalaf 20 hours ago

      Don't forget all the research that came before OpenAI and ChatGPT...

  • TypingOutBugs 20 hours ago

    Screw OpenAI, they scrape us without issues so someone scraped them. No issues with this.

    • coliveira 19 hours ago

      But the government will now claim this is against "national security". Only American companies are allowed to commit this kind of "sleight of hand".

      • Imustaskforhelp 18 hours ago

        Yes they would. But it would pointless. And clear hypocrisy as well.

        • coliveira 17 hours ago

          Hypocrisy or not, the US government has managed to make this work for a long time now, the Biden administration just proves the point. Thankfully, other countries are starting to catch up to this scam.

          • Imustaskforhelp 15 hours ago

            Yes , to be fair , As a foreigner (not a US citizen basically) I don't mean to offend somebody. But USA just seems to be build on top of Hypocrisy.

            Like the fact that US revolution was basically kickstarted by blatantly breaking the patent law (like there was this one mill specifically) , I think its a historic event. And now here we are ! The scam of national security.

            To be honest. People seem to be really kind on the fall of USA. I am not that interested since the rise of China terrifies me. But the hypocrisy of USA / losing such soft power (like here I am , from random country critiquing USA based on facts , it really downplays it being a superpower) that would be the downfall of USA.

            To me , the future terrifies me. In fact the present terrifies me. I think the world is running crazy or maybe its just me.

            • bayindirh 2 hours ago

              > Like the fact that US revolution was basically kickstarted by blatantly breaking the patent law...

              Hollywood also started by using non-regulation / non-licensed movie equipment when nobody was looking.

              So, USA has all this "move fast, break things, and monopolize the new thing so hard that no one can get near" mentality since forever, and this moves in cycles.

              It's now AIs turn, but it turned out that they democratized the world so hard, so everybody can act fast now.

              In nature, nobody can stay at the top forever. People should understand this.

  • pilooch 20 hours ago

    Any ML based service with an API is basically a dataset builder for more ML. This has been known forever and is actually a useful "law" of ML-based systems.

    • sho_hn 20 hours ago

      Aye, this should be obvious even to non-technical folks. Much has been written about how LLMs regurgitate the data they were trained on. So if you're looking for data to train on, you can certainly extract it there.

      Plus of course for people within the tech bubble, plenty of research results on the value of synthetically augmented and expanded training data that put the impact past just regurgitating source data.

      This whole episode is a failure of reporting what to expect next and projecting running costs etc. most of all.

    • amelius 18 hours ago

      This is why models should be open. Or at least they should have a local option.

  • coliveira 20 hours ago

    They really lost their minds. They're all scared and worried because companies in other countries can also access the same data they stole from the Internet.

  • rubslopes 18 hours ago

    > Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.[1]

    Well, I guess they really helped make this a reality!


  • radicality 18 hours ago

    I liked Matt Levine’s newsletter few days ago where he hypothesized scenarios where it’s much more profitable to short your competitors, then release a much better version of some widget completely free, and then profit $$$. Which is plausible here too, considering DeepSeek is made by a hedge fund.

    • freehorse 15 hours ago

      How would that work out here though? "Open"AI is not publicly traded. Any kind of shorting would be quite indirect.

    • greasegum 16 hours ago

      Came here to mention this too. Seem almost so obvious that I'm surprised this isn't the dominant angle.

  • Leary 19 hours ago

    Does this mean when you use OpenAI as an enterprise customer, they can see exactly the queries and answers? So much for privacy!

  • skeeter2020 18 hours ago

    I share the sentiment here, but asking as a noob: does this mean the performance comparison is not really apples to apples? If it required the distillation of the expensive model in order to get such good results for a much lower price, is that shady accounting?

  • belter 20 hours ago

    So it is true, they run out of Data to steal? :-)

    And then where DeepSeek steal from next? Do they steal from themselves? Do they steal the stolen models they stole from the stolen data?

    The AI Ponzi scheme...

    • troyvit 19 hours ago

      Exactly this, especially as journalism melts down into slag. Soon all anybody will have to train on is social media, Wikipedia and GitHub, and that last one will slowly be metastasized by AI-generated code anyway.

      It reminds me of 1984 in a sense. "Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it."

      Unlike 1984 I don't see this winnowing of new concepts as purposeful, but on the other hand I keep asking myself how we can be so stupid as to keep doing it.

  • mritchie712 20 hours ago

    openai should pay creators, but:

    1. scraping the internet and making AI out of it

    2. using the AI from #1 to create another AI

    are not the same thing.

    • Palmik 20 hours ago

      I agree, (2) seems much less problematic since the AI outputs are not copyrightable and since OpenAI gives up ownership of the outputs. [1]

      So, if you really really care about ToS, then just never enter into a contract with OpenAI. Company A uses OpenAI to generate data and posts it on the open Internet. Company B scrapes open Internet, including the data from Company A [2].

      [1]: Ownership of content. As between you and OpenAI, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you (a) retain your ownership rights in Input and (b) own the Output. We hereby assign to you all our right, title, and interest, if any, in and to Output.

      [2]: This is not hypothetical. When ChatGPT got first released, several big AI labs accidentally and not so accidentally trained on the contents of the ShareGPT website (site that was made for sharing ChatGPT outputs). ;)

    • epse 20 hours ago

      #1 destroys peoples willingness to publish and unfairly hogs bandwidth / creates costs for small hosters

      #2 makes a big corp a bit angry

      Indeed not the same thing

    • haswell 20 hours ago

      Yes, they are different actions.

      But arguably these actions share enough characteristics that it’s reasonable to place them in the same category. Something like: “products that exist largely/solely because of the work of other people”. The nonconsensual nature of this and the lack of compensation is what people understandably take issue with.

      There is enough similarity that it evokes specific feelings about OpenAI when they suddenly find themselves on the other side of the situation.

    • zbshqoa 20 hours ago

      Number 2 is already possible with open models. You can do distillation using Llama, which could likely be doing #1 to build their models (I'm not sure it's the case though)

    • Winsaucerer 20 hours ago

      I'm genuinely not sure which one you think is worse (if any). (1) seems worse, but your reply suggests to me maybe you think (2) is worse.

      • meowface 18 hours ago

        Not that poster, but I think both are equally fine.

        It's funny if OpenAI were to complain about this, but at least on Twitter I don't see that much whining about it from OpenAI employees. Sam publicly praised DeepSeek.

        I do see some of them spreading the "they're hiding GPUs they got through sanction evasion" theory, which is disappointing, though.

    • latexr 20 hours ago

      > are not the same thing.

      You’re right. The second one is far more ethical. Especially when stealing from a thief.

      Doesn’t Sam Altman keep parroting they’re developing AI “for the good of humanity”? Well then, someone taking their model and improving on it, making it open-source, having it consume less, and having a cheaper API, should make him delighted. Unless he *gasp* was full of shit the whole time. Who could have guessed?

      • perryizgr8 18 hours ago

        > Doesn’t Sam Altman keep parroting they’re developing AI “for the good of humanity”?

        “I don't want to live in a world where someone else makes the world a better place better than we do”

        - Gavin Belson

    • jillyboel 20 hours ago

      You're right, (1) is violating the rights of a large portion of the population, (2) is violating the rights of one company

    • tw1984 18 hours ago

      #1 is stealing from all average joes ever lived on earth

      #2 is taking advantages from closedAI.

      they are indeed different

    • sksrbWgbfK 20 hours ago

      > 2. using the AI from #1 to create another AI

      2. scraping the AI from #1 and making AI out of it

    • bugglebeetle 20 hours ago

      Yeah, #1 is way worse and #2 falls under “turnabout is fair play.”

  • adzm 18 hours ago

    Why does this post use DeepSink instead of DeepSeek at apparently random places? Is that just a pejorative pun like ClosedAI?

  • the_arun 19 hours ago

    I think the point is - OpenAI scraped public data - d1 - Trained their model to produce output - d2 - DeepSeek used d2 to reinforce their model

    OpenAI is mad about d2 (not d1). I'm not sure using public data is "stealing". In summary, these are two different things & need to be separate.

    • redleader55 19 hours ago

      You say "public", but what I think you mean is "publicly available". Even publicly available data has copyrights, and unless that copyright is "public domain", you need to follow some rules. Even licenses like Creative Commons, which would be the most permissive, come with caveats which OpenAI doesn't follow [0].

      It is unclear if someone breaking someone else's copyright to use A can claim copyright on a work B, derived from A. My point is that OpenAI played loose with the copyright rules to build its various models, so the legality of their claims against DeepSeek might not be so strong.


      • the_arun 15 hours ago

        I am not saying OpenAI did good by using publicly available data. I meant these are separate activities. None is good. But DeepSeek is slightly better by making theirs opensource.

    • xbar 18 hours ago

      OpenAI (sc)raped all the data it could. I do not accept your assertion that d1 was "public." It was accessible, for certain.

      OpenAI asserts 1. d2 was used by DeepSeek 2. All d2 belongs to OpenAI exclusively

      Both are debatable for large number of reasons.

  • amelius 18 hours ago

    It looks like they want to spin this as "DeepSeek copied OpenAI". The general public/media might actually believe this is what happened.

  • scotty79 19 hours ago

    "That's hilarious!" was my first reaction as well, when I heard about it the first time. When I came to HN and saw this story on top I was hoping this was the top comment. I was not disappointed.

    US AI folk were leading for two years by just throwing more and more compute at the same thing that Google threw them like a bone years ago (namely transformers). They made next to no innovation in any area other than how to connect more compute together. The idea of additional inference time compute, looping the network back on its own outputs, which is the only significant conceptual advancement of last years was something I, as a layman, came up with after few days of thinking why AI sucks and what can be done to make it able to tackle problems that require iterative reasoning. They announced it few weeks after I came up with the idea, so it was in the works for some time, but it shows you how basic idea it was. There was nothing else.

    Suddenly when there comes a small company that introduced few actual algorithmic advancements which resulted in 100x optimization which is something expected with algorithmic optimizations, the big AI suddenly went into full "dog ate my homework" mode. Blaming everyone and everything around.

    Let's not mention the fact that if full outputs of their models could enable them to train a better model at 1% cost then it puts them in even worse light that they didn't do it.

    • ryanobjc 19 hours ago

      It’s not often you get 100x optimization with some small improvements so I’m kind of skeptical.

      We have and apples and oranges thing here which deepseek is intentionally leaning into. They get very cheap electricity and are bragging about their cheap cost, and OpenAI etc typically brag about how expensive their training is. But it’s all pr and lies.

      • enragedcacti 18 hours ago

        > They get very cheap electricity and are bragging about their cheap cost

        The cost of $5.5 million was quoted at $2/GPU-hour which is a reasonable price for on-demand H100s that anyone in the US could access, and likely on the high side given bulk pricing and that they are using nerfed versions. OpenAI might be all pr and lies but everything I've seen so far says that deepseek's claims about cost are legit.

  • didip 18 hours ago

    fr fr, ClosedAI is being a comedian right now.

    They scraped literally all the content of the internet without permissions. And I won't even be surprised if they scraped the output of other LLMs as well.

  • rvz 20 hours ago

    They have been out-grifted by DeepSeek and OpenAI is not happy about someone out-shining them on that.

    The best part is "their IP" was humanity's scraped content and they are angry that DeepSeek did their job for them and gave it away for free.

  • api 19 hours ago

    So far the whole business model of Silicon Valley since social media has been to monetize other peoples' content given out for free. The whole empire is built on this.

    I wonder if this is going to come to an end through a combination of social media fatigue, social media fragmentation, and open source LLMs just giving it all back to us for free. LLMs are analogous to a "JPEG for ideas" so they're just lossy compression blobs of human thought expressed through language.

    • barnabee 19 hours ago

      > So far the whole business model of Silicon Valley since social media has been to monetize other peoples' content given out for free. The whole empire is built on this.

      It cannot die soon enough

  • stackghost 20 hours ago


    • dang 17 hours ago

      Ok, but please don't break HN's rules when commenting here.

      You may not owe Altmen better, but you owe this community better if you're participating in it.

      • stackghost 17 hours ago

        Once again you abuse your moderator powers to enforce your personal vendetta against people who dare to speak ill of tech CEOs.

        I find your behavior repulsive and fervently wish you would quit.

        • dang 17 hours ago

          This is what people say when they don't want the rules to be applied even-handedly.

          It's not a borderline call—I'd post exactly the same thing regardless of who or what such a comment was about.

    • bloomingkales 20 hours ago

      I personally love this chef's kiss of a flip flop sam did here:

      Only a truly talented piece of shit can be as prolific as this.

      "He is irresponsible in the way dictators are."

      Chef's kiss.


      Kids, don't aspire to be like Altman. We as a community need to espouse more values than tech is gonna tech.

      • JumpCrisscross 19 hours ago

        > don't aspire to be like Altman

        And don’t aspire to be like those who saw what he is but made peace with it in exchange for silver.

        • gadders 19 hours ago

          You mean all of the YC management, including PG?

          • buran77 18 hours ago

            Well, anyone who will flex their spine in every (im)possible position as required of them, just to get even more money and power.

            I could understand that from someone with an empty stomach. But so many people doing it when their pockets are already overflowing is exactly the kind of rot that degrades an entire society.

            We're all just seeing the results so much better now that they can't even be bothered to pretend they ever more than this.

            Later edit: The way this submission fell ~400th spots after just two hours despite having 1250 points and 550 comments, had its comments flagged and shuffled around to different submissions as soon as they touched too close to YC&Co is a good mirror of how today's society works.

            • ToucanLoucan 18 hours ago

              It's an addiction. There's no amount of money that will be enough, there's no amount of power that will be enough. They'll burn the world for another hit, and we know that because we've been watching them do it for 50 years now.

          • RIMR 18 hours ago

            Yes. Especially them.

          • istjohn 18 hours ago

            Hey now, that's not very curious of you. /s

          • marxisttemp 18 hours ago

            Paul Graham now reposts right wing grift media on his Twitter profile, he’s cooked

      • SteveGerencser 19 hours ago

        > don't aspire to be like Altman

        Aspire to be like Aaron Schwartz.

        • oooyay 18 hours ago

          I've read a lot about Aaron's time at Reddit / Not A Bug. I somewhat think his fame exceeds his actual accomplishments at times. He was perceived to be very hostile to his peers and subordinates.

          Kind of a cliche, but aspire to be the best version yourself every day. Learn from the successes and failures of others, but don't aspire to be anyone else because eventually you'll be very disappointed.

          • wongarsu 18 hours ago

            That's what happens to martyrs. They become larger than life and history remembers an idealized version of them

          • bayindirh 18 hours ago

            The gist is, when you find your biggest flaw, work on it, and repeat; you’ve already gone great distance.

          • baudehlo 18 hours ago

            I knew Aaron back in my IRC days. He hung out with us to talk about RDF for a good couple of years. We chatted almost every day.

            He was lovely. And a genius. Maybe he changed, but he was a truly nice person.

            • oooyay 14 hours ago

              Yeah, definitely not a statement on Aaron himself. More a statement on idolizing people. There will always be instances where they didn't live up to what people think of them as. I think Aaron was fine and a normal human being.

        • stevenally 18 hours ago

          Don't sell your soul, is all.

          But survive. This too will pass.

        • some_furry 19 hours ago

          (Except for the tragic ending, of course.)

          • lukan 19 hours ago

            If more would be like him, there might be a happy ending.

        • ponector 19 hours ago

          Why should kids aspire to be like Aaron if it is not rewarded in our society? Comparing with such "kings" as Altman or Musk.

          • barnabee 19 hours ago

            Why should anyone aspire to do what is rewarded over what they believe in and what will satisfy them?

          • gessha 19 hours ago

            Not everything virtuous is rewarded monetarily but we aspire to be virtuous, no?

            • robotresearcher 18 hours ago

              Aaron was not happy. Neither is Trump, or Musk. I don’t know if Bernie is happy, or AOC. Obama seems happy. Hilary doesn’t. Harris seems happy.

              Striving for good isn’t gonna be fun all the time, but when choosing role models I like to factor in how happy they seem. I’d like to spend some time happy.

              • jncfhnb 18 hours ago

                I think it’s fairly crazy that you believe you have an authentic view into the happiness levels of these people.

                • robotresearcher 13 hours ago

                  I used the word ‘seem’ three times. I think it’s pretty unremarkable to report a personal impression without any claim of special insight.

              • skeeter2020 18 hours ago

                If human beings could be categorized as Happy/Not Happy the world would be a very boring place and life not worth living.

              • ponector 17 hours ago

                Musk looks happy throwing his hand from the heart to the sun.

            • coliveira 18 hours ago

              Modern society has stopped to aspire of being virtuous a long time ago. Unfortunately, that's nowadays a minority view.

          • skeeter2020 18 hours ago

            Because only one person can be king, but everybody can participate and contribute. Also there's too many things out side of just being "the best" that decide who gets to be king. Often that person is a terrible leader.

          • miramba 18 hours ago

            Upvoted not because I agree, but I think it‘s a valid question that shouldn‘t be greyed out. My kids dream job is youtube influencer, I don‘t like it but can I blame them? It‘s money for nothing and the chicks for free.

            • ponector 17 hours ago

              Tragedy of current days. No one wants to be a firefighter, astronaut or a doctor. Influencers everywhere! Can you blame kids? Do you know firefighters who earns million dollars annually?

          • cratermoon 19 hours ago

            Try to imagine a society where people only did things that were rewarded. Could such a society even exist? Thought experiment: make a list of all the jobs, professions, and vocations that are not rewarded in the sense you mean, and imagine they don't exist. What would be left?

            • ponector 18 hours ago

              I don't need to imagine. Teachers almost everywhere around the globe have poor salaries. In my country there are lower enrolment requirements to universities to become a school teacher than almost every other field of study. Means the dumbest students are there.

              And then later they go to the school to teach our future, working with high stress and low salary.

              Same with medical school in many countries where healthcare is not privatized. Insane hours, huge responsibilities and poor pay for doctors and nurses in many countries.

              Nowadays everyone wants to be an influencer or software developer.

              • makapuf 18 hours ago

                For teachers, sure. For medical doctors, in USA or Europe, I think they are much more paid than sw engineers.

                • ponector 17 hours ago

                  In east EU, like Poland sw engineer makes two-three times more than a doctor with much less of effort, education and no responsibility.

                  And nurses - they work at minimal salary in Poland. Even in USA if you count hourly rates it will be quite poor salary for nurses.

            • gus_massa 19 hours ago

              You mean better pay for teachers? It would be nice.

              (Since we are dreaming, can I add sane hours for medical doctors (like <= 8 per day)?)

              • cratermoon 7 hours ago

                Teachers, sure. But what about janitors & garbage collectors, paramedics, farm laborers, artists, librarians, musicians, case managers, religious/spiritual leaders?

          • CalRobert 18 hours ago

            We need them to help us build a better society.

            • ponector 17 hours ago

              Looks like we need salesmen much more as we value their work more.

              • CalRobert 2 hours ago

                We’re just terrible at pricing negative externalities and rewarding positive ones

          • uoaei 18 hours ago

            Because kids' brains are not as poisoned into believing the most profitable things to do are the most meritorious. Not yet, anyway.

        • ibejoeb 19 hours ago

          AaronSw exfiltrated data without authorization. You can argue the morality of that, but I think you could make the argument for OpenAI as well. I'm not opining on either, just pointing out the marked similarity here.

          edit: It appears I'm wrong. Will someone correct me on what he did?

          • gessha 19 hours ago

            Arguing for the morality of OpenAI is a little bit harder given their history and actions in the last few years.

            • ibejoeb 18 hours ago

              One argument would be means to an end, with the end being the initial advancement of AI.

              Again, I'm not offering an opinion on it.

              • skeeter2020 18 hours ago

                This is an argument, but isn't this where your scenario diverges completely? OpenAI's "means to an end" is further than you state; not initial advancement but the control and profit from AI.

                • ibejoeb 18 hours ago

                  Yes, they intended for control and profit, but it's looking like they can't keep it under control and ultimately its advancements will be available more broadly.

                  So, the argument goes that despite its intention, OpenAI has been one of the largest drivers of innovation in an emerging technology.

          • ceejayoz 18 hours ago

            > edit: It appears I'm wrong. Will someone correct me on what he did?

            He didn't do it without authorization.


            > Visitors to MIT's "open campus" were authorized to access JSTOR through its network.

            • ibejoeb 18 hours ago

              At that same link is an account of the unlawful activity. He was not authorized to access a restricted area, set up a sieve on the network, and collect the contents of JSTOR for outside distribution.

            • richardwhiuk 18 hours ago

              He wasn't authorised to access the wiring closet. There are many troubling things about the case, but it's fairly clear Aaron knew he was doing something he wasn't authorised to do.

              • ceejayoz 17 hours ago

                > He wasn't authorised to access the wiring closet.

                For which MIT can certainly have a) locked the door and b) trespassed him, but that's a very different issue than having authorization to access JSTOR.

      • ViktorRay 19 hours ago

        I don’t think your links are evidence of a flip flop.

        The first link is from mid-2016. The second link is from January 2025.

        It is entirely reasonable for someone to genuinely change his or her views of a person over the course of 8.5 years. That is a substantial length of time in a person’s life.

        To me a “flip-flop” is when one changes views on something in a very short amount of time.

        • themaninthedark 17 hours ago

          This is quite honestly one of the major problems with our society right now. Once you take a public stance, you are not allowed to revisit and re-evaluate. I think that this is by and large driving most of the polarization in the country, since "My view is right and I will not give an inch least I be seen as weak".

          While most of the things affected are highly political situations, i.e. Trump's ideas or Biden's fitness. We also seem to have thrown out things that we used to consider cornerstones of liberal democracy i.e. our ideas regarding free speech and censorship, where we claim that it's not happening because it is a private company.

        • rybosworld 18 hours ago

          Seems like an extremely naïve take.

          In 2016: Sam alluded to Trump's rise as not dissimilar to Hitler's. He said that Trump's ideas on how to fix things are so far off the mark that they are dangerous. He even quoted the famous: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

          In 2025: "I'm not going to agree with him on everything, but I think he will be incredible for the country"

          This is quite obviously someone who is pandering for their own benefit.

          • benatkin 18 hours ago

            Just like JD Vance.

        • meowface 18 hours ago

          IMO it probably is and Altman probably still (rightly) hates Trump. He's playing politics because he needs to. I don't really blame him for it, though his tweet certainly did make me wince.

          • bloomingkales 18 hours ago

            "I don't really blame him for it"

            That's the thing though right, that we all created this mess together. Like yeah, why don't you (and the rest of us) blame him?. We're all pretty warped and it's going to take collective rehab.

            Super pretentious to quote MLK, but the man had stuff to say so here it is (on Inaction):

            "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it"

            "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people"

            • whatshisface 18 hours ago

              It's not pretentious to quote Martin Luther King.

            • benatkin 18 hours ago

              It seems he was virtue signaling before. So it would be more accurate to blame him for having let himself become an ego driven person in the past. Or to put it nicely and to add the context of Brian Armstrong of Coinbase, who has also been showing public support for Trump, a mission-driven person.

              • mrandish 18 hours ago

                > It seems he was virtue signaling before.

                Yes, the first mistake was a business leader in tech taking a public political position. It was popular and accepted (if not expected) in the valley in 2016.

                Doing that then (and banking the social and reputational proceeds) created the problem of dissonance now. If he'd just stayed neutral in public in 2016, he could do what he's doing now and we could assume he's just being a pragmatic business person lobbying the government to further his company's interests.

                • benatkin 17 hours ago

                  I think “progressive” is probably the safest position to take. It also works if you want to get involved in a different sort of politics later on. David Sacks had no problem doing that when he was no longer interested in being CEO of a large company.

                  • mrandish 15 hours ago

                    The evidence indicates not taking a position is the optimal position.

                    I have a lot of respect for CEOs who just focus on being a good CEO. It's a hard enough job as is. I don't care about or want to know some CEO's personal position on politics, religion or sports teams. It's all a distraction from the job at hand. Same goes for actors, athletes and singers. They aren't qualified to have an opinion any more relevant than anyone else's, except on acting, athletics, singing - or CEO-ing.

                    Sadly, my perspective is in the minority. Which is why I think so many public figures keep making this mistake. The media, pundits and social sphere need them to keep making this mistake.

                    • benatkin 14 hours ago

                      I guess I think they should study what a neutral position looks like, and avoid going beyond it as best as they can. I had in mind a "progressive" who avoids any hot button issues. Someone with a high profile will be asked about politics from time to time. I think Brian Chesky is a good example of acting like a progressive in a way that stays low profile, but maybe he doesn't really act like one.

                      Also it helps to have sincere political views. GitHub's CEO at the time of #DropICE was too cynical and his image suffered because of it.

                      • mrandish 13 hours ago

                        > study what a neutral position looks like

                        There are no neutral positions in today's political landscape. I'm not stating my opinion here, this is according to most political positions on the spectrum. You suggested "Progressive" (but without hot button issues) as a way of signaling a neutral position. That may be true in parts of the valley tech sphere but it certainly doesn't hold in the rest of the U.S. "Progressive" is usually defined being to the left of "Liberal", so it's hardly neutral. Over half of U.S. voters cast their ballot for the Republican candidate. Almost all those people interpret anyone identifying themselves as "Liberal" as definitely partisan (and negative, of course). Most of them see "Progressive" as even worse, slipping dangerously toward "Socialist". And the same holds true for the term "Conservative" on the other side of the spectrum, of course.

                        No, identifying as "Progressive" wouldn't distance you from political connotations and culture warring, it's leaping into the maelstrom yelling "Yipee-Ki-Yay!" You may want to update your priors regarding how the broad populace perceives political labels. With voters divided almost exactly in half regarding politics and cultural war issues and a large percentage on both sides having "Strong" or "Very Strong" feelings, stating any position will be seen as strongly negative by tens of millions of people. If you're a CEO (or actor, athlete, singer, etc) who relies on appealing to a broad audience, when it comes to publicly discussing politics (or religion), the downsides can be large and long-lasting but the upsides are small and fleeting. As was said in the movie "WarGames", the only winning move is not playing.

      • belter 19 hours ago

        "Donald Trump represents an unprecedented threat to America, and voting for Hillary is the best way to defend our country against it"

                            - Sam Altman - 2016
        "If you elect a reality TV star as President, you can't be surprised when you get a reality TV show"

                            - Sam Altman - 2017
        "When the future of the republic is at risk, the duty to the country and our values transcends the duty to your particular company and your stock price."

                             - Sam Altman - 2017
        "I think I started that a little bit earlier than other people, but at this point I am in really good company"

                              - Sam Altman - 2017 ( On his criticism of Trump )
        "Very few people realize just how much @reidhoffman did and spent to stop Trump from getting re-elected -- it seems reasonably likely to me that Trump would still be in office without his efforts. Thank you, Reid!"

                              - Sam Altman - 2020
      • hibikir 19 hours ago

        As a society we might talk about virtue, but the reason we put it as a goal in stories is that in the real world, we don't reward it. It's not just that corruption wins sometimes, but we directly punish those that fight it. The mood of the times, if anything, comes from people realizing that what we called moral behavior leads to worse outcomes for the virtuous.

        A community only espouses good values when it punishes bad behavior. How do we do this when those misbehaving are very rich, and attempting to punish the misbehavior has negative consequences on you? There just aren't many available tools that don't require significant sacrifices.

        • js8 19 hours ago

          > A community only espouses good values when it punishes bad behavior.

          This is the "beauty" of the free market ideology (see e.g. ). If all the transactions are voluntary, there is no way to punish anyone.

          • stevenAthompson 18 hours ago

            > If all the transactions are voluntary, there is no way to punish anyone.

            This is obviously untrue at face value. See: Cancel Culture, Bud Light, and Freedom Fries for examples.

            Did you mean something more than what you stated here?

      • scotty79 19 hours ago

        I especially like how he quoted Napoleon or something framing himself as the heart of revolution and Deep Seek as a child of the revolution only to get a response from some random guy "It's not that deep bro. Just release a better model."

        • bloomingkales 19 hours ago


          • api 19 hours ago

            Elon actually did engineering and had some good ideas. I'm talking pre-social-media-brain-rot Elon.

            • IntelMiner 19 hours ago

              Elon was fired from PayPal partially because he wanted to replace "old ugly mainframes" (Linux and UNIX machines) with the "cutting edge" Windows NT

              • api 19 hours ago

                This only looks stupid in hindsight.

                I worked on something back then that had to interface with payment networks. All the payment networks had software for Windows to accomplish this that you could run under NT, while under Linux you had to implement your own connector -- which usually involved interacting with hideous old COBOL systems and/or XML and other abominations. In many cases you had to use dialup lines to talk to the banks. Again, software was available for Windows NT but not Linux.

                Our solution was to run stuff to talk to banks on NT systems and everything else on Linux. Yes, those NT machines had banks of modems.

                In the late 90s using NT for something to talk to banks is not necessarily a terrible idea seen through the lens of the time. Linux was also far less mature back then, and we did not have today's embarrassment of riches when it comes to Linux management and clustering and orchestration software.

                • oooyay 18 hours ago

                  > This only looks stupid in hindsight.

                  If you're a tech leader and confuse Linux boxes for mainframes then I don't think it's hindsight that makes you look foolish. It's that you do not, in fact, understand what you're talking about or how to talk about it - which is your job as a tech leader.

                • IntelMiner 19 hours ago

                  Under Linux perhaps. But a web company running on NT instead of Solaris in the 90's? I mean you could but you'd be hobbled pretty hard

                  Especially around the era Musk is quoted for (NT4 in the late 90's) I think most people would be understandably critical, even at the time

                • Hasu 18 hours ago

                  > This only looks stupid in hindsight.

                  It looked stupid enough at the time to get him fired for it.

            • belter 18 hours ago

              Did he ever manage to run that Python script?

            • jcgrillo 18 hours ago

              Didn't he lie about having a physics degree?

            • indoordin0saur 19 hours ago

              Yeah Elon has gotten annoying (my god has he been insufferable lately) but his companies have done genuine good for the human race. It's really hard for me to think of any of the other recently made billionaires who have gotten rich off of something other than addicting devices, time-wasting social media and financial schemes.

      • hn_throwaway_99 19 hours ago

        That is particularly gross, but that really feels like the norm among all the tech elite these days - Zuckerberg, Bezos, etc. all doing the most laughable flip flops.

        The reason the flip flops are so laughable to me is because they attempt to couch them in some noble, moralistic viewpoint, instead of the obvious reason "We own big companies, the government has extreme power to make or break these companies, and everyone knows kissing up to Trump is what is required to be on his good side."

        Profiles in Cowardice, every last one of them.

        • jcgrillo 19 hours ago

          Another point of view is that they never flopped or flipped. They were fascists the whole time and were just lying about it before.

          • hn_throwaway_99 18 hours ago

            I think Tim Sweeney's (CEO of Epic Games) comment was spot on:

            > After years of pretending to be Democrats, Big Tech leaders are now pretending to be Republicans, in hopes of currying favor with the new administration. Beware of the scummy monopoly campaign to vilify competition law as they rip off consumers and crush competitors.

            This is exactly what OpenAI is trying to do with these allegations.

        • stevenAthompson 17 hours ago

          Those men and their companies are responsible for hundreds of thousands of jobs and a significant portion of the global economy. I'm actually thankful that they aren't shooting their mouths off to the new boss like spoiled children at their first job. It wouldn't make the world better, it would make their companies and the lives of those who depend on them, worse.

          There is a fine line between cowardice and common sense.

          • jcgrillo 15 hours ago

            In what sense is the federal government "the boss" of private sector businesses? This isn't an oligarchy yet, right? They don't have to behave obsequiously, they are choosing to. They're doing it for themselves, not for their shareholders or their employees. It's an attempt to grab power and become oligarchs because they see in this government a gullible mark.

            • stevenAthompson 13 hours ago

              > This isn't an oligarchy yet, right?

              The richest man in the world has a government office down the street from the white house, which the taxpayers are funding. He's rumored to sleep there.

              What do you think?

              • jcgrillo 11 hours ago

                I think we're close, and they're trying damn hard. We'll see what happens.

          • hn_throwaway_99 15 hours ago

            Puhleeeese. I'm not advocating that these leaders all lead protest marches against the new administration. But the transparent obsequiousness and Trump ball gargling under the guise of some moralistic principles is so nauseating. And please spare me the idea that the likes of Zuckerberg or Bezos gives a rat's ass about their employees.

            For a contrast to the Bezos, Zuckerberg and Altman types, look at Tim Cook. Sure, Apple paid the 1 million inauguration "donation", and Cook was at the inauguration, and I'm not arguing he's winning any "Profiles in Courage" awards, but he didn't come out with lots of tweets claiming how massuh Trump is so wise and awesome, Apple didn't do a 180 on their previous policies, etc.

      • meowface 19 hours ago

        Although I dislike him now glazing Trump, I understand why he's doing it. Trump runs a racket and this is part of the game.

        One of my most contrarian positions is I still like and support Altman, despite most of the internet now hating him almost as much as they (justifiably) hate Elon. Was a fan of Sam pre-YC presidency and still am now.

        (I also am a big fan of DeepSeek and its CEO.)

        • CoastalCoder 18 hours ago

          In the interest of helping avoid an echo chamber, would you mind giving some of the things you like about current Altman?

          • robotresearcher 17 hours ago

            For me, it’s the technical results. Same as for Musk.

            Tesla accelerated us forward into the electric car age. SpaceX revolutionized launches.

            OpenAI added some real startup oomph to the AI arms race which was dominated by megacorps with entrenched products that they would have disrupted only slowly.

            So these guys are doing useful things, however you feel about their other conduct. Personally I find the gross political flip-flops hard to stomach.

          • benterix 18 hours ago

            I'd love to hear something positive about the current Altman, too. Anything would be good.

        • whatshisface 18 hours ago

          Why would you support someone you said was part of a racket in the sentence before? We're talking about real life, where actions have consequences, not a TV show where we're expected to identifiy with Tony Soprano.

      • the_optimist 19 hours ago

        You’re awfully salty and biased toward Reddit contaminants. Don’t imagine to speak for a community except people who agree with you a priori. Also, don’t steal my nternet points, taste upon it, redditoes.

      • breakyerself 18 hours ago

        If you didn't sexually assault your sister you're already off to a good start.

    • benreesman 18 hours ago

      The guy is a total fucking psycho and the rest of the board are no gems either.

      Their failure is important at a minimum to the future of the United States if not the world.

    • Dansvidania 18 hours ago

      Indeed. First thing I thought was "call a wahmbulance!".

    • tootie 19 hours ago

      The coup against him is looking more and more like a huge "I told you so" moment.

    • api 19 hours ago

      I'm sure him lining up to kiss Trump's ring for some kind of bailout is not a coincidence.

    • 65 19 hours ago

      Yeah I don't know, Altman is a sociopath who is now trying to get intertwined with local governments (SF) as well as the federal government. He's going to do a lot of weaseling to get what he wants: laws that forcibly make OpenAI a monopoly.

      Society will always have crazy sociopaths destroying things for their own gain, and now is Altman's turn.

      • codr7 19 hours ago


    • blackeyeblitzar 19 hours ago

      I don’t care for Sam Altman and his general untrustworthy behavior. But DeepSeek is perhaps more untrustworthy. Models from American companies at least aren’t surprising us with government driven misinformation, and even though safety can also be censorship, the companies that make these models at least openly talk about their safety programs. DeepSeek is implementing a censorship and propaganda program without admitting it at all, and once they become good at doing it in less obvious ways, it can become very damaging and corrupt the political process of other societies, because users will trust the tools they use are neutral.

      I think DeepSeek’s strategy to announce a misleading low cost (just the final training run that optimizes a base model that in turn is possibly based on OpenAI) is also purposeful. After all, High Flyer, the parent company of DeepSeek, is a hedge fund - and I bet they took out big short positions on Nvidia before their recent announcements. The Chinese government, of course, benefits from a misleading number being announced broadly, causing doubt among investors who would otherwise continue to prop up American technology startups. Not to mention the big fall in American markets as a result.

      I do think there’s also a big difference between scraping the Internet for training data, which might just be fair use, and training off other LLMs or obtaining their assets in some other way. The latter feels like the kind of copying and industrial espionage that used to get China ridiculed in the 2000s and 2010s. Note that DeepSeek has never detailed their training data, even at a high level. This is true even in their previous papers, where they were very vague about the pre training process, which feels suspicious.

      • tempusalaria 18 hours ago

        DeepSeek v3 (where the training cost claims come from) was announced a month ago and it had no impact outside of a small circle

      • ryanisnan 18 hours ago

        > Models from American companies at least aren’t surprising us with government driven misinformation, and even though safety can also be censorship

        Being a citizen of a western nation, I'm inclined to agree with the general sentiment here, but how can you definitively say this? You, or I, don't know with any certainty what interference the US government has played with domestic LLMs, or what lies they have fabricated and cultivated, that are now part of those LLMs' collective knowledge. We can see the perceived censorship with deepseek more clearly, but that isn't evidence that we're in any safer territory.

      • dheera 19 hours ago

        > I bet they took out big short positions on Nvidia before their announcements

        Good for them! I hope this teaches Wall Street to not freak out about an unverified announcement.

        Wall Street lost billions, and I hope they learned their lesson and next time will not crash the market when unverified news comes out.

      • cycomanic 13 hours ago

        > I don’t care for Sam Altman and his general untrustworthy behavior. But DeepSeek is perhaps more untrustworthy. Models from American companies at least aren’t surprising us with government driven misinformation, and even though safety can also be censorship, the companies that make these models at least openly talk about their safety programs. DeepSeek is implementing a censorship and propaganda program without admitting it at all, and once they become good at doing it in less obvious ways, it can become very damaging and corrupt the political process of other societies, because users will trust the tools they use are neutral.

        These arguments always remind me of the arguments against Huawei because they _might_ be spying on western countries. On the other hand we had the US government working hand in hand with US corporations in proven spying operations against western allies for political and economic gain. So why should we choose an American supplier over a Chinese one?

        > I think DeepSeek’s strategy to announce a misleading low cost (just the final training run that optimizes a base model that in turn is possibly based on OpenAI) is also purposeful. After all, High Flyer, the parent company of DeepSeek, is a hedge fund - and I bet they took out big short positions on Nvidia before their recent announcements. The Chinese government, of course, benefits from a misleading number being announced broadly, causing doubt among investors who would otherwise continue to prop up American technology startups. Not to mention the big fall in American markets as a result.

        Why should I care about the stock value of US corporations?

        > I do think there’s also a big difference between scraping the Internet for training data, which might just be fair use, and training off other LLMs or obtaining their assets in some other way.

        So if training of copyrighted work scrapped of the Internet is fair use, how would the training of the LLMs not be fair use as well? You can't have it both ways.

      • pphysch 18 hours ago

        > Models from American companies at least aren’t surprising us with government driven misinformation

        There are loads of examples on the internet of LLMs pushing (foreign) government narratives e.g. on Israel-Palestine.

        Just because you might agree with the propaganda doesn't make it any less problematic.

        • blackeyeblitzar 16 hours ago

          > There are loads of examples on the internet of LLMs pushing (foreign) government narratives e.g. on Israel-Palestine

          There isn’t even a single example of that. If an LLM is taking a certain position because it has learned from articles on that topic, that’s different from it being manipulated on purpose to answer differently on that topic. You’re confusing an LLM simply reflecting the complexity out there in the world on some topics (showing up in training data), with government forced censorship and propaganda in DeepSeek.

          The two aren’t the same, not even remotely close.

          • pphysch 15 hours ago

            Fine, whatever. It's actually much more concerning if the overall information landscape has been so curated by censors that a naively-trained LLM comes "pre-censored", as you are asserting. This issue is so "complex" when it comes to one side, and "morally clear" when it comes to the other. Classic doublespeak.

            That's far more dystopian than a post-hoc "guardrailed" model (that you can run locally without guardrails).

      • vohk 18 hours ago

        > Models from American companies at least aren’t surprising us with government driven misinformation

        Is corporate misinformation so much better? Recall about Tienanmen Square might be more honest but if LLMs had been available over the past 50 years, I would expect many popular models would have cheerfully told us company towns are a great place to live, cigarettes are healthy, industrial pollution has no impact on your health, and anthropogenic climate change isn't real.

        Especially after the recent behaviour of Meta, Twitter, and Amazon in open support of Trump and Republican interests, I'll be shocked if we don't start seeing that reflected in their LLMs over the next few years.

  • cscurmudgeon 20 hours ago

    Scraping data is different from scraping outputs from a model.

    • Rebelgecko 18 hours ago

      Copyright is weird and often legal ≠ moral, but I'm having a hard time constructing a mental model where it's ok to scrape a novel written by a person but it's not ok to scrape a story written by chatgpt

    • jacobgorm 19 hours ago

      No it is not, data is data, whether it gets loaded from a file on disk or generated by multiplying lots of matrices.

    • openrisk 19 hours ago

      Because the data is mine and the model is yours?

    • idle_zealot 19 hours ago

      Like, in a strict literal sense, sure? Do you mean to make a claim about moral or legal differences?

    • wkz 19 hours ago

      Technically, sure. What is the moral distinction though?

  • Imustaskforhelp 18 hours ago

    Yes the irony is so thick in the air that it can be cut through using a swiss knife lol

    I had literally come to this post to say the same. You beat me to it.

    USA is going crazy over deepseek and to me , it just shows that the world is a black swan , an AI bubble.

    I am not saying AI has no use. I regularly use it to create something , but its just not recommended. I am going to stop using AI , to grow my mind.

    And its definitely way overpriced. People are investing so much money without seeing the returns? , and I think people are also using AI because of a sense of FOMO , I don't know , to me its funny .

    I really really want to create a index fund with strictly no AI companies. Since this doesn't feel diversified enough. Like sure nvidia gave a quarter of return the last year , but I mean , at this point , it almost feels the same as that of bitcoin. The reason I don't / won't invest in bitcoin is I don't want "that" risk.

    This has been a boggling year.

    I have realized that the world is crazy. Truly. Trump winning from going to the point of getting shot to deepseek causing nvidia / american stock market to go down , heck even bitcoin! , its so crazy , trump launching his meme coin. If the world is crazy. Just be the sane person around. You will stick around , that's my philosophy. I won't jump on AI wandwagon . But its still absolutely wild & horror seeing how a "sideproject" (deepseek) absolutely put american stock market in shambles.

    I want more diversifaction. I am not satisfied with the current system. This feels like a bubble and I want no part in it.

wendyshu 13 hours ago

If distillation gives you a cheaper model with similar accuracy, why doesn't OpenAI distill its own models?

jeanlucas 19 hours ago

damn that's a good headline

coldpepper 10 hours ago

Fuck openai. They didn't ask my peemission to crawl my blog into their dataset.

halyconWays 15 hours ago

Oh no, so sad. The Open non-profit that steals 100% of all copyrighted content and makes multiple billion-dollar for-profit deals while releasing no weights is crying. This is going to ruin my sleep. :(

m3kw9 16 hours ago

So if OpenAI didn't have these outputs for distillation, Deepseek wouldn't exist?

nataliste 16 hours ago

A Wolf had stolen a Lamb and was carrying it off to his lair to eat it. But his plans were very much changed when he met a Lion, who, without making any excuses, took the Lamb away from him.

The Wolf made off to a safe distance, and then said in a much injured tone:

"You have no right to take my property like that!"

The Lion looked back, but as the Wolf was too far away to be taught a lesson without too much inconvenience, he said:

"Your property? Did you buy it, or did the Shepherd make you a gift of it? Pray tell me, how did you get it?"

What is evil won is evil lost.

paulhart 20 hours ago

"You are trying to kidnap what I have rightfully stolen"

sonabinu 20 hours ago

poetic justice (pun intended)

spacecadet 18 hours ago

See you all on lobsters...

So long HN and thanks for all the fish?

sylware 20 hours ago

LOL, I was thinking exactly the same think when I read the news about openai whining.

deeviant 18 hours ago

Hmm, let’s see—it looks like an easy legal defense.

DeepSeek could simply admit, "Yep, oops, we did it," but argue that they only used the data to train Model X. So, if you want compensation, you can have all the revenue from Model X (which, conveniently, amounts to nothing).

Sure, they then used Model X to train Model Y, but would you really argue that the original copyright holders are entitled to all financial benefits derived from their work—especially when that benefit comes in the form of a model trained on their data without permission?

curtisblaine 19 hours ago

My feeling is that they will ban DS anyway because, like TikTok, it can become a massive intelligence source for the CCP. Imagine sending all your code to it, or your internal emails.

65 20 hours ago

Let me guess, this gives the government and excuse to ban DeepSeek. Which means tech companies get to keep their monopolies, Sam Altman can grab more power, and the tech overlords can continue to loot and plunder their customers and the internet as a whole.

deadbabe 19 hours ago

In this whole AI saga, DeepSeek would be like Prometheus. They stole the fire from the Gods and gave it to the humans, for free. Logic dictates then that they will be forced to suffer brutal punishment.

gostsamo 20 hours ago

How you dare take what I've rightfully stolen!

vcryan 9 hours ago

I love watching billionaires squirm

nottorp 20 hours ago

IP thief cries IP thief.

It's okay when you steal worldwide IP to train your "AI".

It's not okay when said stolen IP is stolen from you?

If the chinese are guilty, then Altman's doom and gloom racket is as guilty or even more, considering they stole from everyone.

insane_dreamer 19 hours ago

Usually I'm very much on the side of protecting America's interests from China, but in this case I'm so disgusted with OpenAI and the rest of BigTech driving this "arms race" that I'd be happy with them burning to the ground.

So we're going to reverse our goals to reduce emissions and fossil fuels in order to hopefully save future generations from the worst effects of climate change, in the name of being able to do what, exactly, that is actually benefiting humanity? Boost corporate profits by reducing labor?

  • insane_dreamer 16 hours ago

    downvoted -- I guess I upset some people defending OpenAI? Good.

mk89 19 hours ago

What a joke OpenAI has become.

asah 20 hours ago

Thieve's honor, hunh?

thumbsup-_- 18 hours ago

is stealing from the thief actually a theft?

coolhand2120 19 hours ago

I was using the Deepseek model last night and got this:

> You > do you understand copredication?

> Assistant > deepseek-coder-33b-instruct > I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, but as an AI model developed by OpenAI, I don't have personal ...

Yikes! That's pretty damning IMO.

pointedAt 19 hours ago

it's a corona style portfolio gang.

boxedemp 14 hours ago

Deep refers to itself as ChatGPT sometimes lol

seydor 20 hours ago

But now OpenAI will use DeepSeek to reuse even more stolen data to train new models that they can serve without ever giving us the code, the weights or even the thinking process , and they will still be superior

B1FF_PSUVM 16 hours ago

"Cry me a river" is a phrase I haven't heard recently, for some reason ...

typon 20 hours ago

OpenAI is the MIC darling - expect more ridiculous attacks on competitors in the future

the_optimist 17 hours ago

This whole topic is basura enfuego. Same pack of maroons careening around society for years clamoring for censorship now imagining that Aaron Schwartz is their hero and that they want to menace people. Kids, don’t be like the grasping fools in these threads, philosophically unfounded and desperately glancing sideways, hoping the cumulative feels and gossip will sum to life meaning.

htrp 15 hours ago

In other news.....water is wet

1propionyl 15 hours ago

At this point, the only thing that keeps me using ChatGPT is o1 w/ RAG. The usage limits on o1 are prohibitively tight for regular use, so I have to budget usage to tasks that would benefit there. I also have significant misgivings about their policies around output, which also limit what I can use it for.

For local tasks, the deepseek-r1:14b and deepseek-r1:32b distillations immediately replace most of that usage (prior local models were okay, but not consistently good enough). Once there's a "just works" setup for RAG on par with installing ollama (which I doubt is far of), I don't see much reason to continue paying for my subscription.

Sadly, like many others in this thread, I expect under the current administration to see self-hamstringing protectionism further degrade the US's likelihood of remaining a global powerhouse in this space. Betting the farm on the biggest first-mover who can't even keep up with competition, has weak to non-existent network effects (I can choose a different model or service with a dropdown, they're more or less fungible), has no technological moat and spent over a year pushing apocalyptic scenarios to drum up support for a regulatory moat...

...well it just doesn't seem like a great idea to me.

almostdeadguy 13 hours ago

Hope Sam Altman is getting his money's worth out of that Trump campaign contribution. Glorious days to be living under the term of a new Boris Yeltsin. Pawning and strip-mining the federal apparatus to the most loyal friends and highest bidders.

xyst 11 hours ago

What a load of shit. ClosedAI is publishing a hit piece on DeepSeek and get public and politicians on their side. Maybe even get government to do their dirty work.

If they had a case, they wouldn’t be using FT. They would be filing a court case. Although that would open them up to discovery and the nasty shit ClosedAI has been up to would be game.

dbg31415 12 hours ago

Boo hoo?

Back in college, a kid in my dorm had a huge MP3 collection. And he shared it out over the network, and people were all like, "Man, Patrick has an amazing MP3 collection!" And he spent hours and hours ripping CDs from everyone so all the music was available on our network.

Then I remember another kid coming in, with a bigger hard drive, and he just copied all of Patrick's MP3 collection and added a few more to it. Then ran the whole thing through iTunes to clean up names and add album covers. It was so cool!

And I remember Patrick complained, "He stole my MP3 collection!"

Anyway this story sums up how I feel about Sam Altman here. He's not Metalica, he's Patrick.

pcthrowaway 20 hours ago

Now that China is talking about lifting the Great Firewall, it seems like the U.S. is on track to cordon themselves off from other countries. Trump's talk of building a wall might not stop at Mexico.

FpUser 13 hours ago

Pot calling kettle black?

josefritzishere 17 hours ago

OpenAI, who comitted copyright infringement on an massive scale, wants to defend against a superior product won the basis of infringement? What nonsense.

delusional 18 hours ago

Boo hoo. Competition isn't fun when I'm not winning. Typical Americans. When Americans are running around ruining the social cohesion of several developing nations, that's just fair competition, but as soon as they get even the smallest hint of real competition they run to demonize it.

Yes deepseek is going to steal all of your data. OpenAI would so the same. Yes the CCP is going to get access to your data and use it to decide if you get to visit or whatever. The white house does the same.

hsuduebc2 18 hours ago

The pot calling the kettle black

moralestapia 16 hours ago

Called it from day 0, impossible to reach that performance with 5M, they had to distill OpenAI (or some other leading foundational model).

Got downvoted to oblivion by people who haven't been told what to think by MSM yet. Now it's on FT and everywhere, good, what matters is that truth comes out eventually.

I don't take any sides and think what DeepSeek did is fair play, however, what I do find harmful about this is, what incentive would company A have to spend billions training a new frontier model if all of that could be then reproduced by company B at a fraction of the cost?

  • kgeist 15 hours ago

    The "evidence" is very weak though:

    >The San Francisco-based ChatGPT maker told the Financial Times it had seen some evidence of “distillation”, which it suspects to be from DeepSeek.

    Given that many people have been using ChatGPT to distill their fine-tunes for a few years now, how can they be sure it was specifically DeepSeek? There's, say, whose entire business model is to sell you synthetic datasets, probably generated with ChatGPT as well.

    • suraci 5 hours ago

      Personally, I found deepseek is very very good at Chinese. I mean, it's highly literary and eloquent, it's quite amazing.

      I didn't see this in o1 or any other LLM. Can distillation give deepseek such capability?

    • moralestapia 15 hours ago

      I agree that the evidence is weak, and even if they had some, they cannot really do anything.

      To me, it's just very likely they distilled GPT-4, because:

      1) Again, you just cannot get that performance at that cost. And no, what they describe on the paper is not enough to explain the 1,000x-fold decrease in cost.

      2) Very often, DeepSeek tells you it's ChatGPT or OpenAI; it's actually quite easy to get it to do that. Some say that's related to "the background radiation on the post-AI internet". I'm not a fentanyl consumer so, unfortunately, I think that argument is trash.

      • kgeist 15 hours ago

        If it's just a distillation of GPT-4, wouldn't we expect it to have worse quality than o1? But I've seen countless examples of DeepSeek-r1 solving math problems that o1 cannot.

        >Very often, DeepSeek tells you it's ChatGPT or OpenAI; it's actually quite easy to get it to do that. Some say that's related to "the background radiation on the post-AI internet". I'm not a fentanyl consumer so, unfortunately, I think that argument is trash.

        The exact same thing happened with Llama. Sometimes it also claimed to be Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.

        • esafak 13 hours ago

          No, because it is not a distillation, but an extension. A selling point of the model is using RL to push past the quality of the base model.

        • moralestapia 15 hours ago

          >wouldn't we expect it to have worse quality than o1?

          That's tricky, you can optimize a model to do real well on synthetic benchmarks.

          That said, DeepSeek performs a bit worse than GPT-4 in general and substantially wrong on benchmarks like ARC which is designed with this in mind.

          • kgeist 14 hours ago

            Are you sure you checked R1 and not V3? By default, R1 is disabled in their UI.

              Prompt: Find an English word that contains 4 'S' letters and 3 'T' letters.
              Deepseek-R1: stethoscopists (correct, thought for 207 seconds)
              ChatGPT-o1: substantialists (correct, thought for 188 seconds)
              ChatGPT-4o: statistics (wrong) (even with "let's think step by step")
            In almost every example I provide, it's on par with o1 and better than 4o.

            >substantially wrong on benchmarks like ARC which is designed with this in mind.

            Wasn't it revealed OpenAI trained their model on that benchmark specifically? And had access to the entire dataset?

            • moralestapia 13 hours ago

              That prompt means nothing. Check out the benchmarks.

              Also, compare V3 to 4o and R1 to o1, that's the right way.

52-6F-62 17 hours ago

I heard they were just “democratizing” llm and ai development.

Yesterday the industry crushed pianos and tools and bicycles and guitars and violins and paint supplies and replaced them with a tablet computer.

Tomorrow we can replace craven venture capitalists and overfed corporate bodies with incestuous LLM’s and call it all a day.

this15testingg 19 hours ago

if you want to completely disregard copyright laws, just call your project AI!

I'm sure Aaron Swartz would be proud of where the "tech" industry has gone. /s

what problem are these glorified AIM chatbots trying to solve? wealth extraction not happening fast enough?

mring33621 20 hours ago

We demand immediate government action to prevent these cheaper foreign AIs from taking jobs away from our great American AIs!

  • bhargav 18 hours ago

    This is gonna be spun up as a security thing, and banned cozz Murica.

  • bhouston 20 hours ago

    > We demand immediate government action to prevent these cheaper foreign AIs from taking jobs away from our great American AIs!

    That is exactly what Microsoft and Sam Alman are asking for. And they will likely get it because Trump really likes protectionist governments policies.

    • blantonl 20 hours ago

      It’s funny, the Chinese are here innovating on AI, batteries, and fusion, and here in the United States we’ve pivoted to shitcoins and universal tariffs.

      At least we have the CyberTruck to highlight American greatness

      • mk89 19 hours ago

        They created an untameable beast (China) thanks to the "cheap factories" there and they thought they would stay that way.

        What a bunch of idiots. The propaganda keeps telling us that they don't invent, they can only copy etc., but clearly that's not true.

    • clarionbell 20 hours ago

      He likes feeling important, just look at TikTok. All it took was bit of sycophancy and he turned into Mr. Freemarket again.

      Really, people need to realize that Trump has never been consistent in any of his political positions, except for one: "You have to look out for number one."

      • bhouston 20 hours ago

        clarionbell wrote:

        > He likes feeling important, just look at TikTok. All it took was bit of sycophancy and he turned into Mr. Freemarket again.

        Not really. He said that TikTok has to have shift towards US ownership if it wants to continue, he just gave them a 90 day extension to allow that change in ownership.

        • meiraleal 19 hours ago

          Which TikTok will have to decline again and shutdown now with the guilty being transferred to Trump. Doesn't sound like a smart move.

  • Dansvidania 17 hours ago

    does it matter if the company gets banned? other non-chinese companies can pick up the open source model and run it as a service with relatively low investment, isn't that the point?

  • cactusplant7374 18 hours ago

    To the detriment of OpenAI, the math is going to be used to improve AIs developed in America. And we need to remember that Marc Andreessen is very against government banning maths.

worik 17 hours ago


  • Austiiiiii 16 hours ago

    And we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot to do so. If America is forced to use only the clunky corporate-owned American AI at a fee, we'll very quickly fall behind competitors worldwide who use DeepSeek models to produce better results for much, much cheaper.

    Not to mention it'd defeat the whole purpose of a "free market" economy. (Not that that means much of anything anymore)

    • kelnos 15 hours ago

      It never meant anything. There's no such thing as a free market economy. We haven't had one of those in modern times, and arguably human civilization has never had one. Markets and their participants have chronically been subject to information asymmetry, coercion/manipulation, and regulation, among other things.

      I don't think all of that is a bad thing (regulation tends to make it harder to do the first two things), but "free markets" are the economic equivalent to the "point mass" in physics: perhaps useful sometimes to create simple models and explanations of things, but will never exist in the real world.

      • worik 12 hours ago

        Yes, technically and pedantically you are correct.

        But restricting the trade in micro chips only because the USA is afraid it will loose a technical and commercial edge is a long long way from a free market.

        It is too late, too. China has broken out and they are ahead in many fields. Not trading chips with them will make them build their own foundries. In two decades they will be as far ahead there as they are in many other fields.

        If the USA would trade then the technological capacities of China and the USA would stay matched, as they help each other. China ahead in some areas, the USA ahead in others.

        That would still (probably) not be a pure Free Market but it would be a freer market, and better for everybody except a few elites (on both sides)

        Madness is taking root

    • iforgot22 15 hours ago

      The Nvidia export restrictions also might be shooting us in the foot too, or at least Nvidia. They really benefit from CUDA remaining the de facto standard.

      • segasaturn 14 hours ago

        The Nvidia export restrictions have already harmed Nvidia. Deepseek-R1 is efficient on compute and was trained on old, obsolete cards because they couldn't get ahold of Nvidia's most cutting edge tech, so they were forced to innovate instead of just brute-forcing performance with faster cards. That has directly resulted in Nvidia's stock crashing over the last week.

        • iforgot22 14 hours ago

          That's true, but I mean it'd be a hundred times worse if Deepseek did this on non-Nvidia cards. Which seems like only a matter of time if we're going to keep doing this.

          • talldayo 8 hours ago

            > Which seems like only a matter of time if we're going to keep doing this.

            What's funny is that people have been saying this since OpenCL was announced but today we're actually in a worse spot than we were 10 years ago. China too - their inability to replicate EULV advancements has left their lithography in a terrible place.

            There's a reason China is literally dependent on Nvidia for competitive hardware. It's their window into export-controlled TSMC wafers and complex streaming multiprocessor designs. Losing access to Nvidia hardware isn't an option for them (or the United States for that matter) which is why the US pushes so hard for export controls. There is no alternative.

            • iforgot22 8 hours ago

              Well I wasn't optimistic about OpenCL in the past, because nobody will bother with that when they can pay a little (or even a lot) more for Nvidia and use CUDA. Even though OpenCL might work in theory with whatever tools someone is using, it's unpopular and therefore less supported. But this time is different.

              • talldayo 8 hours ago

                > But this time is different.

                Is it? Time will tell, but it wasn't "different" even during the crypto craze when CUDA was literally printing money. We were promised world-changing ASICs just like with Cereberas and Groq, and ended up with nothing in the end.

                When AI's popularity blows over (and it will, like crypto), will the market have responded fast enough? From where I'm standing, it looks like every major manufacturer (and even the Chinese market) is trying the ASIC route again. And having watched ASICs die a very painful and unsatisfying death in the mining pools, I'd like to avoid manufacturing purpose-made ICs that are obsolete within months. I'm simply not seeing the sort of large-scale strategy that threatens Nvidia's actual demand.

    • onlyrealcuzzo 14 hours ago

      DeepSeek's technology is out of the bag.

      Every LLM provider in the US will be using it to lower OpEx.

      One of them is likely to pass those savings along to consumers to gain market share.

      Facebook is in the business of providing weights for free.

      The idea that we are all doomed unless we immediately migrate to DeepSeek is fantasy.

  • sangnoir 14 hours ago

    > Banned in the USA. Only.

    The US government has the wherewithal to drag Europe along with it, like they did with Huawei's 5G equipment.

    • roblabla 14 hours ago

      So far, a general tiktok ban (as opposed to a tiktok ban on things like government phones) has only been in effect in the USA. I highly doubt Europe would play ball at any attempt at banning imports of DeepSeek.

      Besides, it's kinda too late for this. The model is freely accessible, so any attempt at banning it would be _completely_ moot. If DeepSeek keeps releasing their future models for free, I don't see how a ban could ever be effective at all. Worse case scenario, big tech can't use those models... but then individuals (and startups willing to go fast and break laws) will be able to use them and instantly get a leg up on the competition.

    • HotHotLava 13 hours ago

      Used to. If they're going to start a trade war, pull out of NATO and invade Greenland instead, there'll not be much soft power left to drag Europe anywhere.

    • crote 6 hours ago

      Perhaps a few years ago, yes. But considering that the US president is now threatening to invade and annex part of a European country, I don't think past results can be extrapolated to the present.

    • realusername 8 hours ago

      Not really anymore, and I would bet that the way things are going, Twitter will be banned in the EU before Tiktok.

    • buyucu 13 hours ago

      And yet, Huawei is still doing fine.

  • buyucu 13 hours ago

    I have a Xiaomi phone, a Huawei Matebook and a BYD car. I guess I am pivoting to China after all :)

  • greenchair 11 hours ago

    world is pretty small as we see with all nations kissing the ring in the last few weeks. pivot away from chinar will accelerate.

  • dismalaf 16 hours ago


    • dang 5 hours ago

      Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments and flamebait? You've unfortunately been doing it repeatedly. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

      If you wouldn't mind reviewing and taking the intended spirit of the site more to heart, we'd be grateful.

    • segasaturn 14 hours ago

      BYD cars are everywhere in Latin America and Europe. Xiaomi phones also.

      • faizmokh 12 hours ago

        A much better build compared to Tesla.

        • worik 11 hours ago

          > A much better build compared to Tesla.

          Really? I am intrigued. Why do you think that?

          • crote 6 hours ago

            The Cybertruck is well-known for breaking down for the silliest reasons and losing parts during regular driving.

            I have no idea what the build quality of BYD is, but doing better than Tesla isn't exactly a challenge.

      • frosting1337 12 hours ago

        Same in Australia. Xiaomi phones less so.

      • dismalaf 11 hours ago

        I live in Europe half the time. Literally never seen a BYD car in the flesh.

        Chinese phones, yes. But I'd argue we're past peak China. Huawei phones briefly were the #1 selling in the world, have since pulled back.

    • alecco 16 hours ago

      What about Brazil.

      • Vox_Leone 15 hours ago

        Brazil's technological environment is stagnant and apathetic. And it has been that way since the tragic explosion that claimed the country's space program. It seems that all of the country's technological activities have suffered the blow. It is possible that now it will finally be able to manufacture its national tier 3 AI, using the outputs of DeepSeek.

      • dismalaf 16 hours ago


        • Spivak 16 hours ago


          • dismalaf 15 hours ago

            What's happening at home? From a foreigner's (Canadian) perspective, Trump's not doing anything crazy but the media is going crazy...

            Our Prime Minister has multiple scandals worse than anything Trump has done so far... From groping a reporter to multiple instances of blackface to firing the attorney general because she investigated a company who gave bribes to Moammar Gaddafi to nearly a billion dollars going to a 2 person software consulting firm to fake charities giving him and his family members millions of dollars and much more. Yet somehow we're held up as an example of democracy and the US, which defends democracy all over the world somehow isn't...

            • kelnos 15 hours ago

              Not sure what you mean; the things you list that your PM has done seems like just another day at the office for Trump.

              Trump has already done quite a few crazy things since his inauguration. And I'm judging that by what I'm hearing from people who are directly affected by his actions, not by what I'm hearing from the media.

              • germandiago 7 hours ago

                > the things you list that your PM has done seems like just another day at the office for Trump

                Yet you did not mention one single thing. The thread to which you replied did.

            • nateglims 14 hours ago

              Trump is doing things that violate some of the guardrails of the US system. For example, refusing to disburse funds allocated by the legislature. These separations are less of a barrier in parliments. At least in the westminster system. These boundaries have been redrawn before: the federal bureaucracy was basically invented between the 30s and the 60s and SCOTUS's role as we know it was established in the early 1800s.

            • cdelsolar 14 hours ago

              it's not crazy to suspend all federal grants, get us out of the Paris accord when the world is rapidly heating up, try to put RFK Jr, a vaccine denier, in charge of our health, rename the goddamn Gulf of Mexico, unconstitutionally order that people born on American soil are not necessarily Americans anymore, which has been the case for at least 150 years, withdraw from the WHO, launch hourly raids to deport people, many of whom are actually American citizens?

              • germandiago 7 hours ago

                > when the world is rapidly heating up

                I think it would do no harm to know that the Earth had a glaciar era (at least, I am not sure it was more than one), 10 times more carbon dioxide than now at some point and that weather always changed in history. All without humans being involved. Do not take as facts the propaganda of "it is humans and only humans who are making the temperature change".

                If I am not wrong the greenhouse gas for carbon dioxide is a small percentage (I do not remember if it was 3%, from which only a fraction is generated by humans). The water vapor (which is a greenhouse gas also) accounts for like 90% or more, by the effect of the sun in the water, and noone talks about this in the media. Also, the most catastrophic models are usually chosen instead of other alternative models.

                There are also multiple reports of how data was deliberately hidden or manipulated: (in spanish, some evidence of manipulation about the climate change, which was conveniently renamed from "Global warming" at some point, bc in the last 20 years there has been no such "global warming"). I think there was a record in the mass of ice registered in Antartica in year 2017 if I am not wrong...

                Smells really bad all this story at this point, to be honest.

              • dismalaf 13 hours ago


                • rishav_sharan 7 hours ago

                  > Is anyone on pace to meet those targets? Canada isn't.

                  India, one of the poorest countries by per capita GDP met its target before deadline. Better than looking at others, US need to ensure that it meets its own targets. Because its the sole super power and at an international level without US leading sustainability, there is no hope for the rest of us.

                • worik 12 hours ago

                  Be a bit careful of "whataboutism". It is a cognitive fallacy

                  Canada's civil society collapsing does not mean that the USA's civil society is not. Perhaps they both are?

                  I think that the social fabric in both countries can take the punishment for a decade or two. It will be some time before they collapse.

                  • dismalaf 11 hours ago


                    • ulbu 5 hours ago


                      • dang 5 hours ago

                        Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments and flamebait? You've unfortunately been doing it repeatedly. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

                        If you wouldn't mind reviewing and taking the intended spirit of the site more to heart, we'd be grateful.

                        • ulbu 4 minutes ago

                          Unsubstantive, sure, but I don’t see how expressing a sentiment of disbelief and suspicion of trolling (or however it may be called) this way is “flamebait”. but sure, whatever you say.

    • AdeptusAquinas 16 hours ago


      • dismalaf 16 hours ago


        • FooBarWidget 16 hours ago


          • dang 5 hours ago

            Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments and flamebait? You've unfortunately been doing it repeatedly. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

            If you wouldn't mind reviewing and taking the intended spirit of the site more to heart, we'd be grateful.

          • lukev 13 hours ago


        • Tostino 15 hours ago


          • dang 5 hours ago

            Could you please stop posting unsubstantive comments and flamebait? You've unfortunately been doing it repeatedly. It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

            If you wouldn't mind reviewing and taking the intended spirit of the site more to heart, we'd be grateful.

    • intalentive 15 hours ago


      • AdeptusAquinas 15 hours ago

        Agree with most of this (not the weird anti-immigrant bit but the rest), however China does have some foreign requirements that are a bit of a pain in the ass, like its insistence that Taiwan isn't a country. They also don't like it and will retaliate when you point out the shady shit it does (e.g. the Uighurs), but then thats no different from the states especially under its current toddler administration.

        • intalentive 15 hours ago

          The immigration bit helps explain why Hungary, for instance, is trying to escape Western orbit and align with the East.

          • intended 14 hours ago

            Is Hungary planning to exit the EU?

            • intalentive 14 hours ago

              I can't say what Orban is planning specifically, but his recent actions have not been well received by the EU Council, to say the least. Moreover Hungary has been China's main outpost in Europe since 2015 when it joined Belt and Road.

              Considering fresh signs of rupture in transatlantic relations, maybe Orban will turn out to have had keen foresight. There seems to be some sort of realignment afoot under the Trump administration.



              • portaouflop 11 hours ago

                Orban is a racist, kleptocratic madman that runs a mafia state - trying to apply reason to his actions beyond enriching himself and his lackeys is a fools game

        • dismalaf 11 hours ago

          > its insistence that Taiwan isn't a country

          Lol Taiwan is officially the "Republic of China", as per their own claims.

        • skinnymuch 14 hours ago

          Every country would behave like China in the same situation with Taiwan. Imagine if the Confederates moved over to Puerto Rico or Hawaii or Alaska. America damn sure would say that’s America still. They’re literally the same people from the same land. Same ethnicity. Same history. Only being apart for under a century.

          • worik 11 hours ago

            > They’re literally the same people from the same land. Same ethnicity. Same history. Only being apart for under a century

            I see what you mean. But there is an alternative point of view.

            The indigenous people of Taiwan are very different. DNA wise they are the prototypical polynesians

            • skinnymuch 5 hours ago

              From an alternative pov from any one not from the west/colonizer countries:

              We arent talking about those indigenous people regarding this topic. We are talking about the Chinese people there. This would be clear and obvious if Confederates were in any of the examples I gave. All 3 examples have indigenous people now who aren’t cared about now.

              Americans were still actively cleansing Native Americans under 200 years ago. The only country that would do anything serious about an attempt at Chinese reunification would be America [and of course NATO and Europe but if America wasn’t doing anything, Europe wouldn’t either].

              If it wasn’t for America, reunification would have already happened.

              So the pov of Americans or the west caring about indigenous people is faulty from the pov of most of the rest of the world. The west should care about indigenous people in their own direct spheres of influence first.

me_me_me 14 hours ago


  • bashtoni 11 hours ago

    Claude will also often refer to itself as ChatGPT. This is not a 'China' problem.

    • me_me_me 11 hours ago

      Jesus Christ people!

      If you stole my wallet because someone else stole your wallet it DOSE NOT MAKE IT OK.

      Stealing is stealing. Stop excusing it.

      • throwr38274 7 hours ago

        Your analogy is not correct, since you were the one who stole the wallet in the first place.

        The correct analogy would be, someone took the wallet you stole and gave it back to the person.

  • dns_snek 14 hours ago


    • brianstrimp 13 hours ago

      I work in a field with lots of cheap microchips. I can tell you that the amount of counterfeit copies flooding in from China as well as the speed in which they are copying is truly breathtaking.

    • me_me_me 13 hours ago

      What double standard? I have not claimed anything about openAI being ethical paragon of virtue.

      I anything, you can be accused of using whataboutism in order to justify DeepSeek illegal actions

      • dns_snek 11 hours ago

        I'm not talking about OpenAI, I'm pointing out the unnecessary sideswipes directed at China whenever they do something bad that the US pioneered.

        It's hard to read those as anything other than casual racism.

        • me_me_me 11 hours ago

          > casual racism

          Yeah, casual racism calling out china on stealing every ip out there as its sanctioned by their own government.

          Peak of racism.

tntxtnt 19 hours ago

Can they tax DeepSeek just like they taxed BYD cars? Smh Chinese ruin US industry again and again and again. Where's Trump at?? Why don't he taxed 1000000% of the free $0 DeepSeek AI??

RohMin 20 hours ago

this comment section smells like Reddit - ugh

TheJCDenton 20 hours ago

This Deep Whining® technique used by OpenAI is not very effective.