Ask HN: How do you manage your email box?

3 points by tomrod 8 hours ago

It seems like I can't find a good set of email rules to help manage the firehose of emails I receive.

I try to be mindful regarding emails to be sent to me because of the crushing weight and count of emails sent all the time. However, some things I care about -- certain open source projects development, some substacks, etc. -- have such variability in how many emails sent that its starting to drive me crazy. I unsubscribe as much as I can, but it feels like stopping a raindrop in the storm!

Do you have a good approach you could share? I hate missing things I care about, or that are urgent, in the wash of the hundreds of emails I get daily.

marssaxman 4 hours ago

I make a unique email address (on my domain) for every mailing list and account I sign up for, where each address forwards to its own IMAP folder. This way, I effectively have an individual inbox for every correspondent, so I can easily spot new messages from senders I particularly care about - but it's all conveniently available through a single login.

max_ 8 hours ago

I just use a filter for different things.

I have a "newsletter" filter for substacks & news letters.

A filter for for people I am currently talking to about something i.e someone I reached out to and expecting a response.

Filtres are really powerful, though difficult to set to Gmail as you need to do it on a computer.

You can do auto-delete for key words, senders etc.