Don't obsess with any programming langauge, dynamic typing, or static typing.
I just use what makes sense for the task at hand.
Shopify is a billionaire company built on top of ruby on rails. It hasn't replaced ruby on rails with something else. Facebook still uses PHP.
What's bad is classical OOP. Once you write most code in purely functional style with immutable data, most issues go away.
Haskell makes sense sometimes. Sometimes, PHP makes more sense. I don't care about typing anymore. I just avoid JVM because I don't need it outside android, and I don't develop android apps.
I learned java, haskell, clojure, javascript, python, and php. Eventually, I stopped caring about what langauge I use as long as I can get my job done. After being burnt by haskell, I look forward to working with php and python. At least, python and php are more pleasant to work with than java.
Just write clean code in any programming language.
Just pick the right programming langauge for the task at hand. You wouldn't write in haskell for a wordpress plugin, would you? You also wouldn't write haskell or clojure for an emacs configuration.
The grass is not greener on the other side. All programming languages are going to disappoint you at some point. Just focus on making progress in the real world.
If you try to use a specific programming language outside its niche, you will get burnt. Just don't get excited about any programming language and any typing system. There is nothing particularly good on the other side.
The decision to just choose the right tool for the task at hand simplifies things a lot. Life is too short to care too much about the ideal programming languages. No programming language is going to be ideal for many things you want to do.
The reason that you obsess with specific programming langauges is why mark zuckerberg and Tobias Lütke are rich, and you are broke. Just choose what makes sense.
I needed this. Thanks. Obsessing if I should continue going with .NET/Angular which I started using and learning at my day job.
Or invest all my time learning React/Node stuff.