Depending in Common Lisp – Using the CLOS dependent maintenance protocol (2022) 66 points by florgy 4 days ago
xiaoyu2006 3 hours ago Nice to see more LISP posts. anonzzzies 2 hours ago We need to at least try to get rid of the bad (old) perception; Common Lisp (with SBCL and some others) is a very viable environment for most things people want to do besides hiring bags of people (for now anyway).
anonzzzies 2 hours ago We need to at least try to get rid of the bad (old) perception; Common Lisp (with SBCL and some others) is a very viable environment for most things people want to do besides hiring bags of people (for now anyway).
dack an hour ago this is cool, but holy crap that's a lot of work for a seemingly-simple type of feature! kagevf 11 minutes ago All in the service of interactivity, a key feature of CL. BoingBoomTschak 17 minutes ago Even if some stuff could be simpler, I'd guess it's the cost of flexibility and "correctness".
BoingBoomTschak 17 minutes ago Even if some stuff could be simpler, I'd guess it's the cost of flexibility and "correctness".
Nice to see more LISP posts.
We need to at least try to get rid of the bad (old) perception; Common Lisp (with SBCL and some others) is a very viable environment for most things people want to do besides hiring bags of people (for now anyway).
this is cool, but holy crap that's a lot of work for a seemingly-simple type of feature!
All in the service of interactivity, a key feature of CL.
Even if some stuff could be simpler, I'd guess it's the cost of flexibility and "correctness".